People don't understand the problems with 5v5

I understand the game.

I don’t understand what you mean because you use such vague language.

This is such a blatant contradiction.

Act a “certain way”? Wow, could say that about anything.

What role? Role of acting in a “certain way”?

None of what you’re saying means anything.

I haven’t given you my logic, I’ve asked for YOUR logic.

If that’s what you meant then you’re referencing something completely irrelevant.

Just because you didn’t queue together doesn’t mean the other tank on your team doesn’t exist!

That is what 1-2-2 is, that is where there is no other tank on your team nor 2 tanks on the enemy team.

So you claim without a single reason.

I’ve given a reason you ignored.

Reworked to their benefit.

I never said I don’t know what peel means.

And you know it.

That’s precisely why you used such a smear against me.

I’m asking you to explain yourself.

Something you are so far incapable of doing.

No you can admit you don’t understand what you’re talking about, you can only comprehend this in the broadest simplified terms.

You’re completely incapable of getting down to any specific facts.

Prove it.

Prove they said that.

You’re so desperate to attack me you don’t care what you say is a complete non-sequitur.

So you’re not even saying they aren’t idiots, they ARE idiots but we should just let our lives be run by the capricious demands of idiots?

No, screw em.


Unless “the meta” means something other than “heroes that are most popular”.

Totally spurious conjecture.

You can’t support a claim by endlessly piling on more unknowns.

That is NOT Morton’s Fork.

That’s just 2 outcomes (you have no control over) that you don’t want.

Morton’s Fork is the use of contradictory reasoning to justify a single course of action. It a “heads I win, tails you lose” reasoning.

My saying all outcomes justify your outrage that is you perpetrating the Morton’s Fork fallacy. You do not permit any possible outcome where you will be satisfied with 1-2-2.


yes, so appearently my entire role will be reworked into something else but i should shut up because i don’t know what it’ll look like.
Have you not picked up that me and other people don’t really want their entire role reworked into brawlers?

so, you don’t know what “making space” means, but you think you know what will benefit tanks. Huh.

I’m fully aware that you don’t want them into brawlers. Why I don’t know, you’ve failed to specify your disposition other than “I don’t want to”.

I’m also fully aware that a lot of players don’t want to play tank rolls as it is in OW1, mostly because they have no impact unless they have a strong team (and especially strong support) in their back. So changes has to be done to make the roll more enticing.

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I like tanks the way they are. Especially i enjoy zarya a lot. Changing her would make me drop the role.
it’s like going from sym 2.0 to sym 3.0, it’s not a matter of what’s better or healthier, people that liked 2.0 playstyle got the short end of the stick. Imagine that but role wise. Now imagine people telling you to shut up cause you don’t know what it’ll be like.

And i have many other problems. Solo tanking is going to put a lot of pressure on the lone tank, that’s not something any balance can change, not in a game with overwatch systems. You can rework those system, but at this point it begs the question “why is it an update and not another game?”

I just don’t see the worth in changing the game so radically instead of trying to fix it with 6v6. Hell, i actually was fine with the proposed rein changes they showed at blizzcon, but i’m not down with 5v5, it’s just not going to be worth the candle for most tank mains. Now, will it be worth it for blizzard? Most likely, tank mains are pretty much expendable to them, you can see it in how bad the balance has been.

Frankly, i just wish they removed sigma’s shield. We wouldn’t be having this discussion. Well, that and Brig. God what that monster did to the game was a sight to behold

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You don’t even know what it means!

Not what it means beyond a vague wishy-washy stock platitude which is useless.

But I am not the one using and depending on such terms.

You are.

This “making space” is just a handwave, it’s a gross oversimplification of far more complex interactions than you are willing/able to articulate, but you NEED to articulate it in detail for there to be any real discussion. It condenses radically different hero interactions into a vague generalisation that covers such a broad spectrum it could mean two totally contradictory things.

If something can mean two contradictory things, it effectively means nothing.

Instead you bluster that people are somehow magically forced away from Rein’s barrier when being farther away from the barrier doesn’t make it any less of a barrier. As if getting closer doesn’t have obvious benefits with dealing with Rein’s barrier. Because you’re working BACKWARDS from an oversimplification of a game with very complex interactions.

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Yeah am I the only one that’s like, not really jazzed about SO MANY aspects of the game changing at once?

When I have a problem with something and I don’t know how to solve it, I change one thing at a time. Not 20 things. If I change 20 things and then try it again, I have no idea what worked to solve it actually.

They’re changing not only how many players we have in each match, which is a HUGE change, but also changing their passive buffs, homogonizing the groups with these passive buffs, and also making major changes to how the characters play in game.

When they pitched us OW2 it was a graphical upgrade with some AI missions, maybe a talent tree within those AI missions, but everyone acted like if you didn’t like it you could just stick with OW1. Now it’s going to completely upend OW1 and change it in a super major way?

I have even more reasons to be annoyed at OW2 than ever before. It’s going to cannibalize what little left I enjoyed in the game and turn it into… IDK, Brawlerwatch.

I am also sick to DEATH of learning and relearning characters; one week this combo works and the next it doesn’t. One week you can do this and the next you can’t, because now you have less ammo, or your mines just don’t blow up that way anymore, or whatever.

How am I supposed to improve at a game that is constantly changing every 2 weeks?

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You’ll like them more.

They will be strong enough to work without needing a tank ally.

No it’s not, it’s almost a direct upgrade.

They’re not just replacing abilities with brand new abilities.

Imagine being accused of telling people to shut up when you did the exact opposite, you demanded they say more, give more of an explanation.

Yet it can.





It’s called “Overwatch 2”

The clue is in the title.

It’s unfixable.

It will be forever in a broken state where tanks cannot be made powerful enough to be effective by themselves as they’d then be too powerful when used together.

A fundamental aspect of such tanks is they can apply their defensive abilities to other heroes and when applied to another hero with high defences of a tank this has a positive feedback effect.

No, the meta was almost always decided by tanks and tanks stacking. You are just making things up.

Noone said tanks themselves are the only problem in OW, you said it first. It’s the demand for 2 tanks per 6 players.
Remove Sigma’s shield and you ruin 1 character and stop one meta, only to face something like that again when a new tank arrives. Rein+Zarya, Hog+Orisa, Winston+D.Va were (and some still are) such good they warped the whole meta around them and remove d opportunities for other tanks to be played.

“Carrying an entire role” would be half as easy not dealing with 100 charge Zarya and without flanking Hog “helping” me.

Not half the role, but the role. And even if some people actually enjoy tanking in 2-2-2 (which is unlikely judging by the sheer amount of complaining from tank players here), they are a small minority. Sure some of them will quit, but it will be better for the game and the playerbase overall.

Or maybe it’s you are one of the such people? What makes you think you understand it better? And that you understand Blizzard’s job better than they are.

The Dunning-Krueger effect in action.

how clueless are you that you don’t know overwatch 2 will replace overwatch 1?
I’m honestly done with you, you rage post more than me and that’s saying something. There’s no point in explaining it to you, if you can’t understand a simple concept such as “main tanks create space and off tanks assist them while also protecting the backline” there’s no hope you’d understand what makes Hammond a main tank and Sigma an off tank.

But i’ll actually humor you one last time, if you can’t figure this out after this it’s on you.
Being a main tank is kinda like being a director. You’re tasked with allowing your team the space to make plays. While rein advances and zones people out with his hammer, winston jumps on the enemy, places a bubble so his team can also jump and take advantage of said bubble to dive.
Hammond is unique in that he does so by displacing the enemy team and being a tough target to take down, requiring the enemy team to focus on him instead of his team.
An off tank instead assists the main tank with bursts of protection. Zarya places a bubble on a rein, allowing him to swing his hammer and firestrike. Dva places her matrix on winston to allow him to survive longer. While they do this they also have good peel to protect the backline from flanks.
Main Tanks don’t have very good peel usually, not as good as ots anyway.

So, main tanks create space, off tanks enforce it and assist. It’s neither complex, nor vague, but it definetely it’s a step above “shoot” and “heal” in terms of having to figure out what it means.

you’re free to break down how the meta worked, but only if you actually played through them. I remember beyblade, that wasn’t a tank meta.

ah, yes “shut up you are a minority, you are expendable”. Thanks, nice to know you respect tank players.

i’ve been playing tanks at diamond-master for 4 years. I’ve talked with pros, discussed tactics with my country’s pro team and overall . I definetely know more about tanking than dps mains who don’t even know what making space means

Getting Diamond Tanks in GM+ games speaks for itself.


Some people dont want to acknowledge that there is a big problem now. I guess they just like it, but its not working well for the game overall


Non stop recriminations.

The simplicity is precisely the problem.

It’s like trying to explain powered flight by something as inane as “fuel goes in plane goes up, how can you not understand”

Stop being too simplistic! You need to actually do into appropriate detail that can make real distinctions.

No it isn’t.

You take zero responsibility for your half baked diatribes being rambling nonsense.

Immediately off to a terrible start.

You refuse to say what making space means because you don’t actually understand, you’ve just heard the platitude thousands of times and are repeating it.

You’ve already forgotten this is supposed to be an analogy of being a director on a film.




Purely by accident you seem to have stumbled into saying something concrete and verifiable!

So the job of an off tank is to increase the defensive capabilities of a tank ally who puts itself into harms way?

Why did it take 90 comments in this thread to say that!

Okay, with that in mind:

good riddance

This is a terrible gameplay mechanic that I will be glad to see gone with 1-2-2, tanks being made suddenly much MUCH more resistant because another tank pours defensive abilities into them is unbalancing.

If another tank was a logical impossibility them you could simply buff that 1 tank to be consistently good enough in defensive abilities to not need an off tank.

Non-tanks can self-peel and peel for other non-tanks.

No, you don’t get to say 1 bean + 1 bean = 3 beans because you’re holding the beans in your hand.

Reality exists.

Reality does not only exist only for those who directly participated in it.

It wasn’t even a meta.

It was an ult combo.

It’s like saying nanoblade is a meta.

You don’t care about all the tankers who quit because they’re fed up of the status quo and would come back to the game because they no longer depend on having an off-tank buff them.

They want to keep the status quo which is where only one is really able to be a tank and another tank just pours all their defensive resources into that one tank.

Which is not viable, the game has to be balanced around a binary state where that may or may not be done. Either way the game is balance will make one overpowered or the other underpowered.

If you know what it means then say what it means.

I want to know what YOU think it means.

Because I need to ask EVERYONE this as so many people think it means different contradictory things.

You’re not participating in the discussion which is far more than dropping vague terms and bragging about how superior you are.


Yeah people don’t seem to understand this. It’s possible they may be improved but it’s hard to have faith in Blizz after ruining and gutting so many tanks.

Also, losing the teamwork you have with another tank player is going to be missed. Sure some tank partners suck or you two just don’t click synergy wise but a lot of times it’s great coordinating and having a pal who has you back.

Dps players can’t and don’t really do this except for the occasional saves. And having a support pump you full of HP 24/7 is nice but it’s not exactly teamwork. More like they are keeping you supported from a distance. (god Lucio’s being a exception)

This is my main concern. Is the added toxic behavior tank players will 100% get for not playing the tank that is meta or team wants.

I can play every tank but I avoid jumping around too much because spreading yourself thin isn’t great for my own fun and skill level. The times I have broken new SR personal best was when I was essentially 1 tricking a tank. Orisa, WB, ext.

Plus my hate for Rein went from Love, Fun, he’s ok, to dislike, and finally mega loath. I hate him so much and gotten so bad with him that my winrate with him is 25%. I can’t and wont do it. I will get a lot of hate for it if I remain a tank player.

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I hate to be the one to say it but I honestly don’t care that they eliminated a pro player job. It doesn’t effect me playing or enjoying the game in any way. As a matter of fact I would like the game or any game even less if it only catered to pro teams and made changes based on how it effected them. I feel that sucks the fun out of it.
That aside speculating on something that you have no experience with is useless. Wait for something playable, play it, then come here and give your opinion. There is no validity to speculation.

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so like 3% of the community?

this has already been shown to be untrue with just minor tweaks they showed us.

Thats crazy, because a bunch of gm streamers and pros got together on a workshop mode made to be 5v5 with the changes they made to tanks, and Zarya was the dominant tank absolutely slapping most other tanks.

i can see you havent done any research. Rien has 1600 shield health in 5v5

quite the opposite. they no longer have to balance for tank combos so they can go crazy with tank abilities and ideas.

Tanks already have pressure. Tanks play bad and you lose. removing a tank will allow other players to have more impact and remove pressure from tanks because they arent the only ones that can make plays.

concidering 2 things are already provably wrong im gonna say no.

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It’s a waste of energy to post this.

I’ve seen it happen since I started playing Blizzard games.

** Step 1 - Devs propose a stupid change that makes the game dumber / simpler for them to balance.

Step 2 - Players who see this speak out against it.

Step 3 - Players who don’t understand say to wait and see, it’s not that bad, you’re being dramatic, etc.

Step 4 - The change drops and it actually is that bad and as a result players leave the game.

Step 5 - repeat. **

It’s unfortunate but there’s nothing you can do. This change is going to go through like 2-2-2 did and much like 2-2-2, it’s going to cause people to leave and the game will be even more stagnant.


i have no clue how much details do you want me to add at this point.
but i still find it amusing that despite not onowing what tanks do and finding copipus explanations not to your liking, you are STILL telling me what i should like and not like.

I’m done with you, go pester someone else

I thought you were gonna do the same as you asked of me…

I am also pretty sure, not 100%, that the devs are working to make them all in the middle of the tank sub-sets aka brawlers, so i would expect slight-mederate changes to all tanks.

and that is fine, you don’t need shields to tank and you don’t need broken raid bosses to tank.

EDIT: i gotta go shopping may be a couple hours till i can reply

if you say that you havent followed my discussion tho

You’re missing something major here.
It’s not just the Tanks that are getting reworked for Overwatch 2 PvP.

We’ve confirmation that they’re trying to rework Sombra, have already reworked Bastion entirely, and are looking to rework Symmetra again.

We’ve also seen a minor rework of Mei, where she lost ALL freeze capability - even her ultimate. Instead, she does significantly more damage. So now Mei is useless, because if you want sustained damage why would you pick a hero who can’t headshot and only has a short range? Pick Soldier and move on. Need her sniping potential? Go Widow or Hanzo.

Speaking of Widowmaker and Hanzo, during the Livestream the Devs said they were trying to rebalance all the snipers (burst damage), and all the CC-focused DPS. Even considering moving Mei to Tank.

This is probably what gets to me the most. I’m a Main Tank specialist.
Throw me anywhere in ladder short of 4k and I’ll climb right back up using Reinhardt, Orisa, Winston or Zarya.
But put me on Roadhog? D.Va? I’ll struggle to do much at all. I know how the heroes work, I simply don’t have the mechanics for them - and I never will because it’s so extremely different to how the Tanks I play function.

I need a higher sensitivity for Reinhardt and Winston and Zarya to be able to flick around (blocking Shatter combos, leaping to high-ground I wasn’t looking at, doing a 180 to bubble someone. But Orisa, Ball, Sigma, Hog? Probably want a lower sensitivity so I can have consistency.

T H I S.