People don't understand the problems with 5v5

Good luck trying to convince DPS players who are suddenly “tank mains who agree with 5v5”

sigh… tanks really are the butt of this game.
The problem is that dps and healers are straight forward, but many people don’t understand what “tanking” means.
Then you get people that don’t want to discuss and just want to police what people talk about. Just look how many posts here can be summed up with “shut up” with no actual argument past “your opinion is invalid because it’s uninformed” even tho i believe i explained my concerns thoroughly and why you can’t just handwave them away

Stop right there. I’m a 500+ hour tank main and I think there’s a lot of positive that will come out of the new format, so please speak for yourself. We have no idea the totality of changes that will happen but they are intending to balance it in such a way where it should be better for the player base as a whole once we’re there.


and you trust blizz-“your fun is unintended”-ard?
While i don’t speak for all tanks i don’t see how you being a tank main ok with it suddenly invalidates all my concerns.
You could start by listing the positives you think we’ll get. That’d be the conversation i hoped we could get, but so far i had no luck.

How is this any different from current gameplay?

I play tank between the gold - diamond and nobody plays meta for the most part. I can’t count how many times I pick rein and get an insta hog that’s not in voice as my co-tank. I just accept that for the rest of the game I’m getting shafted by a rein/zarya duo on the enmy team while my hog flanks and feeds.

At least with 1-2-2 the tank matchup will be decided by me when I queue for tank. If I get TD’d at least I know that’s on me and not because some guy watched a cringe CYX video and now thinks he’s some kind of hog god and refuses to switch after repeatedly feeding.


yes, you’ll have more control over the tank lineup since you’d be the solo tank… but that’s a double edged sword as i assure you your team will pressure you into picking the meta tank and considering blizzard balance philosophy you can bet there’s only going to be one tank that’s clearly meta at any one time.
Especially in plat people love to pretend they know what the meta is and demand others to comply to it.

We are clearly playing on different servers XD

If it’s not an issue with tank then it’ll be an issue with support given they are taking the lazy way and barely if at all adjusting old maps. Junkertown is going to be the new Paris.

Most of your “non balanced” concerns is actually things that revolves around balance. First of you’re struck up on main and off tank, which won’t exist in OW2 for painfully obvious reasons. That’s a balancing act that will make tanks - all of them - into brawlers. So that’s all about balancing.

Then you’re concerned about pressure on the lone tank, which Blizzard addressed in their reveal in terms of both looking into it, and also balancing all heroes around solo performance, so that there are bigger potentials for carrying if you play well. Again, a balance concern.

You’re also concerned about tank players having to play every tank, and that’s again a balance issue where all tanks will be brawlers and work more towards clearing space instead of protecting the team. Meaning that you don’t have to play every tank, you can still pick your favourite and stick with it.

The tank’s main roll in OW2 will shift from team protection to space clearing. It will work to occupy an area and hold it. That’s where I say balance will be imperative, since the simple fact is that all tanks will be reworked into that concept. This isn’t OW1 any more and it will change drastically. You’re no longer the sole one responsible to protect your team, your team has to protect themselves using terrain and rely on support. Your job is to create space.

So that’s why I say it will all be revolving around balance, and that balance will be imperative to the changes.

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5v5 is the only thing that’s ever made me want to play Tank.

If the Tank population is so low, that the Devs had to make an entire system that rewards you for simply playing Tank… there’s an issue. Not even mentioning how the low Tank population causes severe bottlenecking for que times.

How anyone defends the current state of Tanks is beyond me. Nobody plays Tank. Nobody enjoys Tank. So yeah, it’s getting changed.


that’s exactly the concern, what about people that enjoy off tanks or main tanks and don’t want brawlers?
How have you not realized yet that’s the problem?

and tanks being normalized makes them less diverse, that’s not a plus.

speak for yourself

What about them? They can either try it or leave. It’s a bigger problem that people don’t want to play tank at all.

There we go again with the absolutes. How do you know they will be less diverse? Roadhog doesn’t even come close to play as Reinhardt, or Zarya. The tanks will still have their diversity and possibly even more so than before.

how, when they have to be all purpouse?
Hog and Zarya don’t work as solo tanks without deep reworks.

they are changing ow ffs

AND THAT’S ONE OF THE CONCERNS. Many tank mains don’t want their mains to be completely reworked for the sake of dps mains

I am happy just to see Blizzard try something. If it works, that’s great, if not, they tried. I’d rather them try 5 v 5 and see how things go rather than the low ranks just continue to be “rectangle man plz or I throw” for another 5 years. I HATEEEEE playing Rein and I hate having to build an entire team around him. This is FORCING people to learn to play with someone other than Rein and I 100% love it.

I am welcoming 5 v 5. This is going to feel like an entirely new game and a true sequel.

the problem is you like an unpopular system that is causing a lot of issues for the game. I strongly believe they need to do something big

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implying they won’t demand big rectangle man in ow2

sigh This is why they are changing tanks around to be … BRAWLERS. Not all purpose, not “tank”, brawlers.

They can demand it and cry or learn the new game. When they see everyone is not instalocking Rein, they will learn to play with the other tanks, trash their SR, or find a new game to play.

There’s 3 options and they are welcome to pick any of them.

People keep saying “we want more tank players” and “we need tank players.” No you don’t, you want more Rein one tricks, you don’t want tank players. You want people to play tank, lock Rein, so the dps “pop off” and have fun engaging while we hold up a red square for the game to happen around us.