People actually throw for the passes

afking is not time consuming.

They have to keep getting in combat, so yea, they cant be doing too much else at the same time.

watching movie rn, 40/40 almost

People who throw passes are just dumb. You get more out of the system if you play to win.

2 is more than enough to not win, 1 is enough.

Nah the math is sound, you get more out of your time if you win rather than if you lose.

quantity doesn’t matter, options matters

Then those people are fools

I will give you 2 grand if you will sit at home today, your answer?
If you will sit at home with 5 friends, I’ll give 2 grand for each of you.
2x6=12 even better if quantity matters

I mean the real questions we should be asking is if it’s worth trying in a tank game for a win and six tickets versus putting in minimal effort and get a loss for two tickets. It seems to me that people flexing don’t care about the outcome of the game as long as they get some passes. It doesn’t matter if they’re idiots or not because in their own mind they don’t see it as a waste of time or a waste at all (probably because they don’t value time as much as most people do). We’ve got to think about the people who aren’t normally in the position of tank/support/flex and are now finding themselves in it. Do they want to try or do they want the ticket? What will satisfy them? Throwing the game for less tickets doesn’t seem to be a punishment. How can we make them try? That’s why I don’t like this system because it requires a lot of work to sift out all the ne’er-do-wells.

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These kinds of players don’t need special reasons to be an awful human beings, it’s their nature.

Wanna know something weirder? I had a Comp match where a single player had 6 accounts in 1 match and threw on all 6 at the same time, in the same match. It was so dumb. But hey, I completed my placements for DPS finally because of it. (Was busy working on Widowmaker, hench why it never got completed) But still, I reported all 6 accounts for either inactivity or gameplay sabotage. I think I did Inactivity, but I don’t quite remember. But overall, any of this is totally uncool.

Passes are not the problem, giving the game away for free or basically pennies was.

And then it takes the incentives to even try the system out, well, out.
Some might think “30 minute game and we are losing? I could have just sat in queue and already had a game” vs “well, the games not going well, but at least I get 2 passes for flexing”

It’s not a bad thing to get some experience in it.
Although for me who spends 90+% of my time on support, it’s not incentive enough for me to torture myself on tank. My queue times are already short. But if I played dps, I might just play roadhog a few games.

Blizzard trying to create a system to mitigate bad player behaviour instead of examining the underlying reasons for said behaviour and having said system be easily abused? I am shocked, shocked I say!

Because you know…it’s not like that has EVER happened before.

You probably wouldn’t either if you only had 5000 active players and 4000 of them were the most active throwers on multiple smurf accounts. Literally nothing Blizzard can do for Ow1, a major portion of their remaining playerbase grief other players solely for the lulz

It has more to do with money.
Since I played the event, at least in 40% of my quick or arcade games are matched with fresh accounts.
If we consider I get matched from low silver up to master/gm in quick/arcade, we could assume that 4-6% of the arcade and quick pool on EU consistent of new accounts.
Easily 250-500k accounts sold on the event, amounting to 5-10mil bucks and this just a very conservative guess

Can I play hamster, It’s the only hero I can play. I only play for the pass… ok it’s a 100% loss.

Adding more tanks makes too much sense. Lest have a system that is easily abuseable instead.
Idk what they were thinking when they added this system.

At this point I don’t even think sr reset woudl have helped either because it is so bad that the people don’t even care about their other roles anyway besides the dps one.

Even if they wanted, that is pretty much majority of the community that is playing dps.

If they want to stream or play ‘for real’ later, they can use all the passes they accumulated while throwing and scrolling tik tok or twitter, it’s no skin off their back.

Every time I ask people to report, everyone in the game acts like I’m being immature and childish, because apparently you’re overreacting to someone sitting in spawn or not using their gun once the whole game and feeding, and reporting them for doing so is you showing ‘weakness’ in their eyes. Because they’re literal children who are stuck in that 13 y.o. mindset that altering the noon duty at recess is only what a snitch kid would do, and you don’t wanna be a snitch! Even if someone else is doing something significantly more harmful elsewhere, just leave 'em alone, because being a snitch is the worst thing you can be.

You know I find that only absolute morons think that, from childhood on, but unfortunately most of the world seems to be made up of absolute morons.

tldr: Reporting does absolutely nothing. It’s just a system they put in to pretend like they’re moderating accounts. They never ban anyone.