Pathetic Overwatch situation

I am and I take exception to it.

Fun fact, using alternate characters to being able to get around filters is considered the same exact word from Blizzard’s perspective.

If you think that not saying the F word is an actual reason to support “We truly live in the worst timeline”, you should go back and rethink about things happening in this world that are really bad other than some nonsense you just stated.

/clap in 15 chars or less

So we should report every single person who plays Cassidy?

What about Ana, Brig, Genji, and Widowmaker who all use harsh cursing in their native language?

Report every player who plays them too?

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Obviously not judging from this thread and text chat in general.


No it doesn’t.

Do you see football players going on tirades of profanity when their team doesn’t win a game? Do you see professional swimmers or track sprinters go off on their coaches or throw a fit towards the other people in the race when they come second, third or don’t finish? Is the Olympics filled with immature people acting like unruly children when they don’t take home a gold medal?


These are some of the most competitive sports in the world, no athlete goes on tirades of profanity or curses out anyone. Hell you don’t even see that happen in professional eSports. When the Overwatch League was a thing, you didn’t see professional teams throwing profanity at their own team or the enemy team because they were losing.

Don’t try to claim that ‘competitiveness breeds profanity and permits it’ because it doesn’t. It is unnecessary.

Are you seriously comparing slavery to me stating a fact that profanity is not allowed in Overwatch and never has been? Really?

People have been getting banned for years. In 2020 there was a post from Blizzard developers themselves outright saying that they were going to be conducting a ban wave to remove toxic players from the game.

UPDATE (Oct 12):

In addition to the improved profanity filter and updated penalties for inappropriate language, we’ve also performed a manual action wave against some of the worst offenders of toxic language in Overwatch. This action will take effect with updates to profanity filter and penalties in the next live game patch.

And you can find posts on this forum from 2018 and earlier from players complaining about getting banned for language despite the fact that the profanity filter exists.

No it isn’t. Maybe to some extremely conservative religious folks it is, but to the vast majority of people in the world it is not, and that’s why it isn’t blocked by the profanity filter.

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I’ve been swearing a lot in chat and I only got a warning tbh

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Blizzard apologists are the weirdest breed of humans.


People can swear casually without it being directed at another person, you know?

what the blizzard guys!!! No more saying cuss words! Its inappropriate and violent!

You haven’t pissed off enough people yet. Just argue with anyone eventually you will get banned.

It doesn’t matter if it’s directed at another person or not.

Look, end of the day, you’re in Blizzard’s house. Blizzard, as the owner of the house says “No profanity.” so don’t use it. It’s not hard.

I’m sure you have rules in your own house about what people can and can’t do yes? No shoes on inside, no feet on the table, etc etc, right? What would you do if someone walked into your house and didn’t follow your rules? Would you warn them and then ask them to leave if they didn’t do what you said? Or would you just let them do what they wanted?

the thing is though they didnt enforce it until recently. So was it even a rule if it wasnt enforced until now? They let it continue for 7 years and didnt do anything until now, cant blame the players if the rule wasnt enforced for the majority of Overwatch’s lifespan, or they didnt tell us that was the reason we got punished for

its like how tourists get arrested in other countries and get prosecuted without them even knowing what their crime was

That’s not a very good analogy as swearing is a commonly accepted form of self-expression which has been seen used across every form of media ever produced. And in a game rated 13+, I’d expect that restrictions on profanity would be a little looser. Plus, even when I’m just talking to teammates, I’ll use profanity because I’m so accustomed to it. It is never directed at another person, nor is it meant to be offensive.

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This is blatantly not true and I’ve quite literally shared a post from 2020 in this thread (a few posts up) where Blizzard staff outright stated they were going to be banning people for toxicity in chat (voice and text).

They’ve been actioning people for using profanity since 2016 when the game launched. You’re just noticing it now because a kid got banned, lost his scholarship and that’s created a massive drama storm.

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swearing is not toxicity is it?

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It literally is.

Again, here’s the thread:

Here’s a really important part:

Remember that the existence of profanity filters does not make it acceptable for players to use offensive, hateful, or language that violates our In-Game Code of Conduct —and as always, we encourage you to report instances of such behavior if you encounter them. Using language report by the community and deemed offensive by Blizzard will result in severe account restrictions.

And here’s where they specifically mention they’re going to be banning people in a wave:

UPDATE (Oct 12):

In addition to the improved profanity filter and updated penalties for inappropriate language, we’ve also performed a manual action wave against some of the worst offenders of toxic language in Overwatch. This action will take effect with updates to profanity filter and penalties in the next live game patch.

That was almost 4 years ago.

I don’t blame you for not noticing profanity bans before now. I didn’t even see this thread until just recently when I searched these forums for profanity bans. But to say they’re only doing this now and haven’t been doing this for years is blatantly untrue.

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someone ought to make a script that turns all your profanity into “blizzard”

That would help, but sadly you know folks would deliberately try to find a way around that script, either by using spaces, numbers, special characters or alt-codes to fool the script but still make the word appear the way they want it to.

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I dunno. I’m glad I use Discord to talk with my team. I cuss a lot when playing this game. Cussing relieves stress, so they should care about our mental health.

Well, I grew up in a blue-collar factory town up north. Every sentence should have at least 1 cuss word.