Patch notes re-affirmed my decision to quit

FOMO being what it is I just had to check the patch notes… aaaaannd other than the Kiri changes pretty much everything was terrible that indicates the devs don’t understand the game.

Imagine how stale this patch will feel like… 3 hours after launch?

Currently enjoying doing anything other than playing Overwatch 2. :slight_smile:


I think the changes were reasonable - nothing stands out as bad. But there are too few of them. The changes are coming at snails pace when the game needs regular shake-ups to keep it fresh. Dropping new skins does nothing for the game.

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Enlighten us, what’s wrong with the patch?


Yet you still came to the forum to write a post.

Doesnt look like you fully let go of OW quite yet


Tbh nothing feels any different outside of not being blasted by sojourn. the new map is cool though. just wish it wasn’t push aka walking sim.

Good for you, but why come here to say that lol?

Why waste time interacting with something you hate, rather than just enjoying whatever it is you’re doing?

This isn’t the “one up” moment you think it is. Go enjoy yourself lol.

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The patch doesn’t really change much. We may see more of DVa (not good - unfun with matrix up so much), more of symm (definitely not fun), a tiny bit less of cass (good) and maybe less of hog (good).

But in reality S11 is going to look pretty much like S10. OW needs bigger shifts in the heroes that are played across seasons. It is very stale.

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All they had to do was actually nerf Hog.

Like, properly nerf Hog.

Shame that after all these years, they still can’t do that.

There are several more problematic heroes than hog if we are talking about the fun and health of the game. I agree he is one of them, but he is counterable. Other heroes (sojourn, ana, etc.) are much more of a problem when it comes to fun, especially for tank players. And buffing DVa is also going to make tanking less fun as it requires Zarya countering even more.

Yeah. Other than the nerfs to Kiri and Sojo, it’s all garbage changes that make no sense whatsoever.

A agree that Hog isn’t the only problem.

But the game suffers when tank players aren’t actually playing the game. And Hog being good is a massive turn off for tank players.

The nerfs they gave him are a nice start but don’t actually address the problem as he is still more than viable.

They did nothing for 3 weeks. This patch should have been a big change. Instead we got minor tweaks (which are all positive changes, but no where near enough).

How weak do you need him to be, huh? You aren’t happy that he’s super counterable, easy to play around and was at most, B tier? Like WHEN will you be satisfied? What is so wrong with letting every hero be viable and balanced!? I don’t get your kind at all

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Given that he shouldn’t even be in the game. I’d personally just remove him.

But he should be a niche option. Weak in most players hands.

I doubt there would’ve been much they could do to get you to change your mind

They hardly ever try to make giant sweeping changes to the game…so whatever you hated before would probably still be there…or at best it would just get shifted a bit in a different direction


Bro you actually don’t have any clue whatsoever. Like are you even serious? Do you believe your own delusions this much? Hog isn’t and wasn’t a problem. He was a mid tier tank capable of being good but wasn’t meta relevant, nor does his stats support the nerfs. His winrate was around 49% and hovering around there, as it should.

Speak for yourself. With this MM what it is I NEED Hog to be viable when my team refuses to do anything useful in the match. I could also deal with it if Ball is, but non-tank players hate that even more.

Oh, I didn’t see this part when I started responding, nvm, responding to your takes is a waste of time.


They should be doing so every season.

I wouldn’t mind a strong Hog, if we knew the next 3/4 seasons it would be someone elses time to shine.

But it has been status quo for getting on for 3 years now.

Lol. Match maker… people need to get over that.

I know, the irony, moaning about Hog… but at least that is a decision the devs have made. The match maker isn’t doing anything to impact your games.

What people need to get over is you (and others) posting garbage takes like this.


There is an ignore option. No need to get emotional about it.