Patch notes re-affirmed my decision to quit

You don’t actually want that…I’ll give you three “recent” examples of when they have:

Mmr reset - fixed the game and everybody loved it right?

Tank/passive/projectile patch - fixed the game and everybody loved it right?

5v5 - fixed the game and everybody loved it right?

If the community has proven anything over the games 8 years it is that it is averse to change

It is both a form of engagement, as people do like them and seeing them do things.

AND their money flow that allows them to keep making content for the game.

These changes are not just for the heck of it, out side of like the big HP pool change. Which was to shake things up.

Be it we are going to get a new game mode, both permanent and temporary.

Something is genuinely wrong with you to have this deplorable mindset. YOU shouldn’t be in the game because you can’t play around the easiest hero to play around and you want a popular hero to get removed just they make you mad. Grow the hell up child and get off your high horse. Im sick of you people whining and moaning for the stuff that frustrates you to get removed from the game. Why don’t you step it up and actually try to improve your craft huh? I guess that’s an alien concept for your kind. You can’t just dodge or use cover for Cassidy, you need his nade to be changed umpteen times. You can’t dodge hook and just shoot the hog or his backline. You need him to not even be in the game. You’re a pathetic loser, that’s what you are and until you realize that and snap out of this mindset, that’s what you’ll always be

Why? Because you don’t like him? I can’t stand Ana or Sombra or DVa or Mauga. I’m not childish enough to ask for them to be removed. Other ppl enjoy them. Hog is getting to where he needs to be. When the devs make big changes they always screw up. It’s nice to see them doing it in steps and seeing how it goes before making another change.

You may not like him but he is a popular hero among tank players (to play, not against). I hate sombra and would love her to be removed from the game, but I don’t just expect hat to happen because I hate her.

Hog is currently the most counterable tank (more than ball, maybe similar to doom) so if you are unable to counter him that’s a you problem.

I’m just as shocked as you I haven’t used it on you before.

I disagree. The only truly bad change was the Sojourn one. The nerf part was good but she didn’t need the 3 compensation buffs. Most of the rest of it was good stuff.


Love that you are getting emotional about it.

He is a poorly designed hero that significantly lowers match quality when in play. Nothing more to my issue with him than that.

I’ve done my time grinding the game, I hit what I believe to be my peak, saw no value in doing that anymore. I am just playing because the game is sometimes fun. That is all I care about. Fun matches.

Is this all you have to say when you have nothing else?

So go do that instead of polluting here.

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Yeah, don’t bother with that clown. Anyone who cries for heroes to be gutted/removed from the game just don’t want the game to be fair for all. They want the game to revolve solely around them. Anything they like, make super good, anything they hate, remove

This is complete waffle. Ball is my most played hero, the game would be awful if they buffed him. The buffs they gave to his ult recently were stupid.

whole lot of nothing burger for one statement. i dont understand why somone would view bot something like this. its doesnt help that your just making a half as example of yourself

I know. Except Widow :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (I’d rather her 1-shot be a 1-DoT).

Well at least we found the Hog hate bias. I main Ball, too. And I need Hog to be viable as well as Ball. JQ getting her knife buffed but not Ball’s boop vs tanks isn’t fair.

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This, I agree with. It seems like an odd decision.

But they have a standard cycle… buff orissa, orissa too strong, nerf her and buff hog, now hog too strong, nerf him and buff orissa.

Small scale, but this patch did the same again.

The minefield change made perfect sense.

They should have changed the activation time, not the hp. That was an illogical change.

But then, that’s standard for the Devs.