Patch notes out: Heavy Orisa Nerfs

Orisa has always been hated simply for not being Reinhardt (then) and for being… hard to kill and not doing much else (now). It’s not simply because she got buffs lmao. At the end of the day, she’s just not inherently problematic like Widow is, so I think it’s fine for her to have her time in the sun and for her to even be good. I enjoy playing into that bullet sponge way more than a doomfist my team refuses to focus. :woman_shrugging: and that Orisa hate is ultimately what it boils down to, not because of her nonexistent longstanding oppressiveness. At least you finally broke down and admitted it.

The orisa nerf isn’t enough

Yes obviously. How many people do you think would complain if Winston or rein became meta for 4-5 seasons? They are objectively more fun to play into than orisa or doom for a majority of players. Doom at least has a high skill ceiling so very few players can be annoying on him
Sigma has been A tier most of the time because he can survive all the bs that tanks get hit with in 5v5, not because they have him random buffs for no reason.
I enjoy playing into orisa over doom when I’m on support or dps but those aren’t the ones complaining about orisa.

Orisa has had more time under the sun than a lot of tanks that take 10x more skill and are more deserving of that time

Hog and Mauga meta are pretty cancerous metas tbh, hopefully we wont get one and if we do hope they are on the chopping block next

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Orisa, Hog, Ram, and Mauga are all poorly designed, tbh. Hopefully they all become unplayable until their designs are fixed.

So… “Let’s make the tank role more fun” also means “Buff the DPS passive that makes all tanks feel miserable to play”?

Like seriously… I’ve been playing all day with multiple different LFG groups from the OW2 discord and THE. SINGLE. BIGGEST. Oppinion I have heard is “I aint touching tank again”

All these claims of mauga or hog meta are missing something- this will be yet another Ana meta if those are the tanks. Welcome back to Ana on both teams every game. And say goodbye to even more tank players as a result.

Lifeweaver deserves to be trash for how uninteractive he is tbh

Orisa bastion soldier Moira LW meta would be just perfect. We can all finally uninstall

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Admitting to playing lifeweaver wrong is crazy :sob:

His playstyle is by nature uninteractive. There’s not a way to argue that lmao

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Winrate math is garbage and always taken out of context

For example, Cassidy always had a sub 50% winrate even when he was pretty much universally agreed to be one of the best dps in the entire game. It doesn’t tell the whole story. They are both “counterpick” heroes with high solo carry potential but you can’t carry every team, especially if you’re already in the losing stage of a game

On the other end, Torb and Sym have historically had high winrates but it’s because they’re niche and the people that play them are specialists and only really play that one hero


Well after my first game, the impression is that the dps debuff-rebuff is not good.

I started out as Sigma on attack vs an Orisa. Orisa got melted rather easily with a Reaper doing most of the dps work, even with a Bastion helping the Orisa. The Orisa swapped to Ram for a bit then went to Mauga and stayed Mauga.

I swapped to Orisa after being stalled on third point Midtown, and it wasn’t too bad but ouch, the healers really gotta work harder again. I think the main thing was the enemy team had a very good Sombra who just locked out my cooldowns and ults no matter the tank I played while hitting the healers hard too.

So, not a big fan of all the Orisa nerfs at once but my first thought is, the dps passive re-increase is dumb. Just dumb.

I would love to be a fly on the wall with balance patches.

They have COMPLETELY dumpstered Orisa. 4.5 to 3.5 and javelin from 7 to 9 seconds, then…haha…shall we add a slowdown on fortification?

I played Orisa every now and again but she wasn’t that dominant. Nobody will pick her now. Straight up triple nerf, not even trying to change her play style.

Feels like another rework on the way but she has had one already.

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That’s why I quoted the part about orisa nerfs. Orisa was ruining the tank role by just being an incredibly easy pick that anybody could just whip out and dominate with. The dps passive buff is a pretty horrendous idea.

SO meaning Sombra is not cancerous.

Because people switch to Orisa when they lose.

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Old Sombra wasn’t cancerous. New Sombra is.

This patch is just embarrassing to look at. Admittedly good changes but TWO total with the sheer volume of problems in this game right now??? Tracer needs a full or partial revert back to season 8 and they freaking buffed her AGAIN.

Like what are they even working on at this point? PVE is cancelled.

I’m reading the comments and thinking how can you guys take this kind of thing seriously? or even defend? I say this as someone who has been playing this game since the early days of OW1: the thing that most destroyed OW’s potential over the years and turned OW2 into a niche game is this pornographic obsession with changing, nerfing, buffing, reworking characters. this is not a thing in a serious company. It’s disrespectful to those who play, it’s meaningless because there will never be any real balance and most of all it’s a sleazy method of serving a type of player that doesn’t even exist in sufficient numbers to fund the company’s pockets. The years go by and they don’t understand it. but you know the sad part? It’s your fault for opening your legs in the first few times they did it. Now that will be it until the game dies like TF2.