Patch notes out: Heavy Orisa Nerfs

Good. One less problem to worry about. Now they just need to figure out how to make Rein more viable in higher ranks.

They can’t as long as the DPS passive is instant to apply with any damage value and the only way to remove it for 0.6th of a second is Suzu

Is that seriously the only changes they made? That’s……disappointing

its not though. no hog nerfs no mauga nerfs. just wait for them to take over the meta. also venture nerf was so undeserved. if anything venture was one the only character actually balanced correctly. and no one asked for a buff to the dps passive. heed my words dps queue times will rise again tank queues will be instant and support will also feel way worse

Sorry, you think Orisa is a high skilled hero and you want us to think you’re not in the metal ranks?


This is actually good. Now we can get back on track for the Roadhog meta we’ve been waiting for :sunglasses:

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Yay time for hog/mauga jail


So they decided to destroy Orisa instead of just nerfing her. I understand Orisa is (was) strong, but this is what they did to Roadhog before his rework. Well, maybe I’m exaggerating, but these nerfs look too harsh.

Now, Venture nerfs seem OK to me, but I don’t like the DPS passive revert.


Mauga meta incoming lol ill continue to not play tank.


good riddance. off to the glue factory with you!


I too think orisa will be a weak tank. And way less fun to play due to slowing herself, and longer cd on her movement skill. She was the best tank, but they gave her massive nerfs.

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This is just another way of indirectly buffing Doom…


well its going to always cause a META shift. But I mean until they take a collective balance approach to all tanks. its never going to be “great”.

I dont know how they can really balance the tanks myself. Since we have a high expectation from a Tank and people do not want “this” or “that”.

Orisa Getting nerfed really should have just been Orisa as a Full Revert to Overwatch 1. I’d rather deal with shields Orisa, and maybe Dive Meta to counter Bunker comp. Then again. it just goes back to “well if you do this, it breaks that”.

. People complained about Shield metas. Well then everyone is mad that the Tank’s shield is NOT protecting THEM, but complaining their tank’s shield broke and that they thought the tank was “doing bad”.

SMH. idk.


I would say that I will enjoy the game more now that Orisa is more punishable. But realistically, kids are still going to counter swap to Orisa every single game. Therefore, I would be lying to you if I said I was going to have more fun. That’s not particularly likely.

It’s genuinely funny to me that people still think this.
Orisa was the tank with one of the lowest winrates for quite a while.


This is literally what it’s going to be :sob:

Rein does not take more skill than any tank, he is the easiest tank to play and to play well

It’s his interactions that make it seem otherwise, he matches up negatively into a lot of situations. That doesn’t mean it’s hard to play him at all though.

And that winrate is taken out of context. Cassidy had a 46% winrate in overwatch one, yet was universally agreed (except AKJ lol) to be pretty good. Why would a hero like orisa, who literally every sr-desperate tank player swaps to when they start losing, have a good winrate? It’s the same thing as cassidy: they’re both heroes you swap to in hopes of carrying a poorly performing team, and you can’t carry every poorly performing team.

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Yay, finally a decent patch :slight_smile:

Now they need to nerf Doomfist & Roadhog, no one likes playing alongside or against them.