Patch Notes for October 21st Experimental Card w/ Video




The Overload change allows Torbjörn to use Overload a bit more aggressively, instead of purely saving it for defense. When combined with the Rivet Gun change, Torbjörn will be able to dish out more damage more frequently, especially at close range.


  • Cooldown Reduced from 10s to 8s

Rivet Gun

  • Alternate fire ammo consumption reduced from 3 to 2 per shot


This change to Deadeye allows its faster damage ramping to happen earlier, allowing it to be threatening to enemies more quickly than before. This change will help strengthen an ability that is often considered fairly weak compared to other heroes’ ultimates. Combat Roll being able to be used in the air is a nice quality of life change, but it is also a potentially powerful change when fighting against heroes with big vertical knockbacks such as Doomfist and Wrecking Ball.


  • Initial slower damage ramping speed duration reduced from 0.8s to 0.5s

Combat Roll

  • Can now be used while in the air


This change allows Moira to get more power out of both of her Orbs, rather than them often using just a portion of their total potential before flying away from their targets.

Biotic Orb

  • Slowed speed when it has a target has been reduced from 27.5% of normal, to 15% of normal


The main goal of these changes is to increase Junkrat’s overall potential power, especially at close ranges, while weakening his long-range spam potential. Direct hits within 15 meters will now do massive damage, while area damage and long-range direct hit damage will be much lower than before.

Frag Launcher

  • Impact damage increased from 40 to 90
  • Explosion damage reduced from 80 to 60
  • Added falloff to the impact damage
  • Between 15 to 25m, impact damage reduced to 20% (18)
  • Knockback amount reduced slightly

Thanks for posting this.

These changes are very questionable if you’d ask me. Like, not needed and pretty random.

How do they even decide these changes?


Now I’m extremely scared for OW2.

If this is what they come up with in 3 months


What ever the balance team is smoking, I want some…


Moira deserved more than this after 3 months! Please at least revert her Ultimate charge nerf! Or at least increase it slightly. She needs her Ult charge back, just compare her’s to other Supports. Also buff her lingering healing slightly! :sob:

Junkrat’s close us, direct damage sounds ultra broken now. Especially with the mine combo. No way this goes live!


Who is this … McCree? :thinking:

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :rofl: :wink:


Did they really buff McCree? o.O


I don’t think I’ve seen an experimental card before in which I had hoped zero of the changes make it to live.


Alot of OW2 changes will likely not go to OW1.

Also likely other Support and Tank changes are likely still being balanced/ tested.

Today’s ExC was likely just wrapping some of the DPS/ Damage Number things for a small part of OW2.

(Though little mixed about no McCree name change yet for the ExC.)

(Likely saving that for a future event.).

Are the cree buffs a late April fools joke?


Not really caring about the McCree buffs, but a little mixed about no name change yet.

This. I don’t like any of them. Moira one is okay, cree I don’t think needs buffs, just doesn’t need nerfs. Don’t think torb needs a buff to such a strong ability, and rat doing 150 is crazy, but doing so little for a direct and range also seems silly.

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Well, there’s your quicker, more aggro playstyle. Now the screaming starts :joy:

:thinking: ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

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Ayyy lets go Blizz. Buffing my boys!

Once again, your intention was to bring pressure against in flight PharMercy at who’s expense? the remainder of the cast. Poorly though change. F

Definitely a confusing set of changes, especially McCree getting buffs of all people. Meanwhile Reaper gets nothing while Torb gets shotgun buffs and Junkrat can two shot him now?

Very strange indeed. The Moira change sounds like a nerf rather than a buff as well.

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Thinking about, Junkrat players now get punished for trying to take out the 3 heros who already hard counter him.

I would rather be able to have an actual damn chance against Pharah, Widow, and Echo the being able to 1 shot Tracer. Since I can already 1 shot her anyway.


REAPER IS OP ALREADY, you just suck at using him my guy

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love these changes. cree is losing his stun as we know, so it makes sense he needs to be strengthened elsewhere in preparation for OW2. he also needs to actually contest doom instead of being instagibbed by him if the stun is on cooldown, so being able to roll midair is spicy.

junk is a tank’s nightmare if he’s standing behind two shields or somewhere you can’t dive him, so this is a welcome and needed change away from spam and a reward to precision aggressive junk play. no more spamming choke to win without ever aiming at a single person. but this also makes him a little harder to dive, so it’s a very fair tradeoff. the junks i have seen take on pharah do so by mining themselves into the air first, so the fall off will not effect them.

finally with moira, making the orbs a little stickier means i will actually get healed by them without having to use a movement ability to follow them, but it also makes it less likely to get a buggy interaction where DM doesn’t eat it cause it changed directions radically and suddenly and its center didn’t exactly align with the invisible hitbox of the DM even though it looked like it did from the visual marker of DM.

edit: sorry I should clarify that i haven’t actually played these changes yet. i should have played the experimental before commenting but these are my thoughts on why people shouldn’t be surprised at these kinds of changes.

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