Patch Notes for October 21st Experimental Card w/ Video

When you think it can’t get worse, Blizz takes the shovel and dugs the bottom a bit lower.

Well, more than a bit in this case.


Instead of these changes how about the SERVERS GET FIXED!!!


they probably just made this in 3 days so people can stop whining about no exp card

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Wow, those changes certainly count as experimental but I’m okay with it. If they all make it to live as-is then I expect playing Tank to be extra unpleasant.


McCree buff :flushed: humina humina.

Really don’t like this. Feels like a response to tracer sombra. But playing into torb isn’t fun, mccree high noon ramp up just increases faster one shot potential. Like these aren’t really interactive that improve gun play or mitigate overpowered heroes, it just incentivizes slower comps, like double shield. Mccree roll in air is weird, are we concerned he’s not survivable enough against ball slam? To bring his mobility on par w hanzo? Feels like a solution without a problem. In my opinion, things are in a good place generally, with a little too much mei sym or sombra play for my liking. But that’s around their cds. Increased hack time, increased ammo cost for mei freeze and increased sym ramp up time could be better at mitigating the power of those threats

Why do I feel these are the exact same changes but from different experimentals…

Really big Deja Vu over here.


Sure sure, whatever you say pal


It’s a straight buff to Moira. The orb lingers around enemies and allies longer.


How? Name one change that makes tanks’ lives harder? All three of them feel like they will make a better environment for tanks. Torb will be more useful helping defend against tracer and doom. Cree will be more useful against doom. Junkrat will be less of an untouchable spam hero from a million miles away. And finally Moira orbs will stick to tanks she shoots it at and heal them instead of running from them.

Wait, I think I’ve got it now, it’s the way they phrased it that’s weird. It moves at 15% of the base speed now, yes?

I and others I imagine thought it meant 15% slower than the base speed. They did the same thing with Junkrat saying his new falloff damage will be 20% of the base rather than 20% less than the base.


Torb: Secondary fire is a shotgun, it is far more effective against large targets like tanks instead of highly mobile small characters like Tracer. Higher Overload uptime and less ammo comsuption means and overall increase in damage output.

Mcree: Roll buff takes away the value from Hammond´s ground pound making it harder to confirm the kill. It should also affect the boops of heroes Like, Rein and Winston (not sure how it would interact with Orisa´s pull).

The deadeye damage ramp is self explanatory, more damage faster, it will be easier to kill/heavily damage the heroes that are in the front line with less time to take cover.

Junkrat: He can 4 shot hog, at a closer range barriers and tanks will absoutely melt.


Torb being able to take care of himself more helps tanks. Torb being able to threaten reaper and enemy tanks is a good thing. Torb being able to sort of self-heal more often is good for tanks because it means a hero who can peel for backline without needing to be peeled for. Deadeye was already very easy for me to eat as dva, so I don’t mind a bit more challenge there. But him being able to contest ball is a good thing for every other tank but him. And as I said, moira can now heal tanks better. As for close range junk I don’t care. He deserves a compensation for losing his long range, which is an incredibly infuriating thing for tanks to deal with. Junk being more threatening close range and less long range is objectively good for tanks.

They’re like the least picked heroes. So you just want 0 play time? And you want to nerf them? Are you insane?

Nah, the April Fools patch was fun as heck to play.


im gonna find whos the responsible of these criminal changes.

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Torb may be able to peel better and fend off flankers but that doesnt change the fact that is an overall increase on damage input that is more easily applied to tanks.

Yes, you can still block/eat Deadeye but it doesnt change the fact that is even deadlier now in general.

At closer range is a considerable buff tho, him being in a closer range doesnt mean much if he outputs so much damage that the tank can barely close that gap.

The Moira buff is a joke in this patch. Its the equivalent of cutting your finger and trying to put a bandaid on, yes, the bandaid gives the illusion of something being done. Its not a bad buff, but with such an increase on damage it only makes utility like rez or IF better than just her healing.

Tanks are already facing insane amounts of damage and torb isn’t the issue with it. Having another hero choice which can help contest the other damage sources helps tanks. This also makes it less a throw when your torb chose torb on attack.

Sure, but of all the hitscans cree is not the biggest issue at the moment, and his ult being a little stronger opens up the possibility of nerfing him elsewhere (like the stun removal we know is coming for OW2).

Exactly, I don’t care how much deadlier junk is at close range now, since being less deadly at long range means I’m a lot more likely to be able to close the distance now. I can eat his shots at close range, no matter how buffed they are, but I can’t do that if he demechs me on the way there. These changes make it finally possible to close the distance, since Junk will need to be more aggressive to do any damage, so it’ll be impossible for him to stay thousands of kilometres away taking potshots at you from safety behind 4 shields (including brig and sym) so far away you can’t even get to him with one movement ability.

If moira needs more buffs, let her get more buffs. That does not mean that the orb change is bad, since it was still necessary for orbs to stick to the tank you shot them at so they can finally get burst heals from them instead of a little sliver of heals before it flies away to the skybox unless you boost after it. Being able to not waste a cooldown for my heals is a plus for this tank player.

Bro if they want us to abandon ow1 so badly there are better ways to do it


Genuine question do the developers think mccree isn’t strong enough right now? What is the thought process behind these changes? Doom already gets completely destroyed and nullified by mccree, so does ball unless the Mccree’s off tank and healers are braindead, now making it so he is completely undiveable is just insane. And torbjorn is also very strong right now but his favoured tanks orisa sigma aren’t that good at the moment, he did not need buffing. This patch makes me feel like the developers are seeing a different game to the rest of us.

Also are you trying to make doomfist unplayable to excuse a change to tank? All recent changes seem to hurt doom more and more, as if you hate him more than anything.