Patch 1.43 clarification

HA I called it.
Good for a clarification tho :smiley:

That’s why I figure it would still be 2 weeks before it gets to Comp, which is plenty for obvious stuff like that.

And like said, if getting stuck with horrible metas is gonna happen with slow patching.
(Which is has ever since the mercy rework.)

Moth -> Slambulance -> Moth -> GravDragon -> GOATs -> HaltHook -> DoubleBarrier

I’d much rather have good metas with the occasion Bastion Ironclad or Moira Fade issue. Which would also be briefly resolved.

Hey Jeff, are you going to do another Yule log stream? :sunglasses:

(plus 1 this response, to show support for Jeff and a Yule Log video).

Jeff said in his own interview that the PTR data generally is not enough to balance

So that just makes the situation worse

Nah, don’t really give a crap about anything Buzzard and their Buzzard chicks have to say in all honesty.

Not excited in the least and expecting to yawn greatly.

Thats good. Next patch Hanzo Nerf, Mei Nerf, Bap nerf, Reaper nerf.

Lets pray my brodas

If I recall, something was said about this event being BOMB af. Fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers:

maybe now you can focus on the removal of smurf accounts/alt accounts/greif accounts ya know that have completely ruined ladder play

give the real players silver port and above an option not to be matched with new accounts

that way all the smurfs and alts can ruin there own games

and the real players at those elo’s can actually combat in a “fair and nice” environment

unlike the horrible enviorment you have created

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jeff, thanks for confirming the PTR rumor. can you also verify this?

so we can get clear information about it.

daddy i love youuuuuuuuuu

Good to hear. Now if you guys could only remove QP classic. The only reason people play that is to play DPS because people dont want to wait 10 minutes to get a match. But the only reason it takes 10 minutes is because people jump into QP classic which usually turns into a 6v6 dps fest. Should cut down DPS queue time alot just removing it from matchmaking since it will still be around for custom games.

So armor got a buff and almost all shields got weaker.
And Dva got a small buff for her matrix as well.
How is that not a buff for her, please explain.

She did get buffed, but she still pales in comparison to the other tanks.

She still has one of, if not the biggest tank critbox in the game.

She has the biggest slow of the game. She has a 50% slow while shooting so she can’t even keep up with a shielding Reinhardt that’s pressing W if she’s shooting.

She got nerfed pretty hard in GOATS even though she wasn’t what really made GOATS work.

And now she has some tough competition with Sigma (getting competition is something I’ve been wanting for her for a while, but the other stuff on top of this is a bit much).

Like, she did get a buff, but she still needs more before I’d say she is in a good spot. She got a buff, but she is essentially still in the same spot she was before - at the mercy of the game’s powercreep, and without a really solid reason to pick her over the other tanks. And I don’t think the buffs she is getting is going to change that.


It will be harder to kill Tanks for Mei and Reaper due to Dva buff and Armor buff.

Not so much Hanzo I guess since he needs less time breaking the shields, I’m interested how this next patch will play put.

Will Baptise really be overpowered paired with hitscan or long range dps? I don’t think so but let see, I’ve seen that all over the forums.

Also I’d say Bastion will be much weaker and needs a buff for his transition speed between his modes, so he can get out of danger a bit faster.

I don’t know if I agree with that. I fully expect Reaper to just muscle through the extra armor for example.

Everyone’s busy looking at Baptiste (and Doomfist when they get bored of Bap), no one cares about the edgelord with the high damage and heal on hurt mechanics.

But I don’t see your logic!
Reaper needs to stay close to his Target so shields still matter but being close > armor is more important for him.

Heck his easiest tank to kill always was Winston and he’s the only tank that got shields and armor buffed at the same time!

Yeah sure shields are still important and might get less blocked especially for his Ult, but even then Dva got a small buff and will be played a bit more.

Plus due to armor changes tanks who are in good position will more likely survive even a reaper Ult.

Give Mercy mass Rez back pls n thnks…

I’d argue immortality was stronger before since it was harder to punch through the shields to destroy it. I think with weaker shields the meta is going to shift to hyper aggro comps like GOATS, where very little back and forth poke damage takes place. Lucio + Brig with a brawl comp, or Dive are my predictions.

I hope the new winter skins will be good too because this patch can be even better with it.

OK but why does it take so long ? Does it really have to be coupled with Winter Wonderland ? You guys consider a different patching workflow for the future ?