Patch 1.43 clarification

if that’s the case for not getting NFL skins, how bout star wars skins?

Yeah. Who knew it would only require lots of asinine speculation and rabble rousing of misinformation to do it.

It’s like when you were a kid and you were playing too loudly that got your parent(s) to tell you to knock it off.

Cant wait for hackers to play with this

Hackers can’t influence server-side variables.

they could patch way faster but it’s a marketing thing. If they patch every week the game will soon be balanced, so no change for month until next hero, player will be bored fast and leave. So they patch once a blue moon. You heard of the patch, you think oh good seems pleasant so you play OW again, but, but, but you have been teased like never cause they will put the patch 1 month later. And it’s clever, when a patch is annonced number of player rise and it will stay the same until release because of the feeling i came for the patch i will not leave before it.
At the same time it allow to make few patch (and we have seen it s important) but at the same time giving the sensation they do a lot, because you alwais heard of a ptr patch.

Jeff dont think we are all 14 years old, the ptr change are simple cooldown change. 1 month to check if it’s ok ? cmon dude.

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Devs have repeatedly mentioned that player morale is highest when the meta isn’t set in stone.

I.e. Those weeks of meta uncertainty right after a patch comes out.

yeah thats exactly what i said

I’m saying they should change the gameplay balance often, so that the game is on a semi-permanent state of people not being entirely sure what the best meta is.

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My reaction to the overwatch youtube channels who said it was gonna be out in mid january: Chris Farley - You Lied To Me - YouTube

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oh ok, that could be a good strat also. But if well done it will conclude in balanced meta (ie lot of heroes viable), so no future change. Even if game state would be great, player will be bored after some time. Just my vision.

That gets shuffled up whenever a new hero is released, or a new strategy is developed.

And I think a perfect balance isn’t really possible. So there will always be buffs and nerfs shuffling things around.

Also even if it gets into a good balance, that improves the matchmaker, and makes devs want to put out more content, to take advantage of the the increased amount of players.

Either way, it’s a snow job!

Ha ha! Ha ha!! Haa…

…I’ll show myself out.


exploting his bugs dotn give u advantages lol

Very happy to be seeing some communication from Jeff. Any information is good information! I just like any sort of clarification really. The “some time” “eventually” “in the future” stuff isn’t great when it’s the only info we get. I like solid informative statements - even if that info changes later (with warning). Like actual dates, actual plans. With all the secrecy and lack of info, it’s hard to know why we keep playing during the rough development times.


You’re as bad as me…have a like <3

let’s hope that it is true. if it is, i’ll be the first one to buy that lich sigma skin

The misinformation is spread because you don’t communicate.


Or It’s scalding hot coming out of the oven, but the customer wants it then, so you you give it to them, but then they complain that it burned them and they complain.

The good thing about a really fast patching process, is that it’s also really easy to undo.

That said, gameplay balance hardly ever changes between getting put on PTR and it going Live.

And 3 and a half months of Double Barrier meta, versus a day or two of something overpowered, is kind of an easy choice.

You’d be surprised how often an “easy undo” goes wrong.
And while balance seldom changes between PTR and live, there are cases of change.

And while I never had to suffer double barrier (#QPC), I prefer proper testing. Sometimes the strangest/buggiest of interactions can happen from the smallest change.