Part of healing problem is that most requires no skill

No, you can’t just blindly look at accuracy. Accuracy goes high for a DPS when he targets a tank, but goes low when targeting a squishy.
It tells nothing about the ability to kill through damage alone.

I agree other sources of sustain (shields, bubbles, health packs) play a role in survivability.

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Tell me; is it easier to heal a Reinhardt and have him hit w and m1 in a brawl, or use Soldier 76 and get >50% accuracy to outdamage Ana and Brig

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That is, until you realize +50% accuracy is extremely rare to get outside of the top few % of players

That’s not want I meant.

The 50-percentile of accuracy for McCree is 44% accuracy. The 10-percentile is about 38% and the 90-percentile is 50%. I think Gaussian distribution.

Supports have unique abilities due to them being on top of the “Must kill” list.

Playing a support and playing them well takes a hell lot more skill then most dps and tanks.

Ana-Yeah, aim, no mobility, massive resource management requirements
Zen-No mobility, aim, important utility management (where to prioritize orbs)
Mercy-strong single target heals, hard to use mobility (properly), requires the most game sense and knowing both allies and enemies positiong, no real self defense
Moria-Low damage, no Utility, resource management.
Lucio-requires map awareness, ally positioning, excellent timing, wall riding while shooting/being elusive/positioning for boops, and has hard to land projectiles
Brig-Yeah she’s simple but a good Brig with excellent bash target priority, constant health packs, and on point whip shots is terrifying

Dps often only have to focus on themselves and getting picks (which supports have to also do)
Tanks are weird but their priorities lie elsewhere and they become easier to use with proper support


Why people insist playing games with easy~semi easy healing mechanics if they hate it so much? It’s like hopping on a MMO and then cry that there’s a priest in the game…

Dps only players are getting more stupid every day, I swear.

All I can say for the “skillz skillz skillz” crowd is. Play. Healer.

Go ahead. Play healer. Ah ah. Dont give me that excuse that you cannot play them at your level. You just said they demand no skill, sweet tums. Play them, and play them well, since they are easy.

Uwu You can do it.

Flex players will thank you very much.


Ah k, that’s quite an assumption though, accuracy distributions might be heavily skewed depending on the hero.

You make it sound like playing support is rocket science. i’m not saying supports are easy per se, but you can give these types of explanations for every hero in the game to make them sound more difficult.

Just some quick examples:
Tracer: lowest health in the game so gets very easily one-shot, needs to manage her cooldowns well, needs to get in close to do any worthwile damage

Roadhog: One of the largest hitboxes including large head hitbox, no mobility, functions as an ult battery for the enemy

Zarya: squishiest of all tanks, needs to manage her shields, needs quick reaction to save allies, slowest charging ult

Junkrat: needs a whole different kind of aim, has no self-sustain, his only mobility is very predictable

Doesn’t mean these heroes are all super-duper hard to play. See my point?

A flex player will realize something needs to be done about healing (and damage as well btw). Sincerely, someone who plays every hero.

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I find this skill problem hilarious. It’s like an engineer who thinks that a more complex and elegant solution will generate more money.

Tell me this. How will having more skill heroes generate more money? Every game company knows that more skill equates to less money due to the fact that casuals by large want easy and simple to play games. It’s partially why Fornite got so popular. It’s also why WoW became popular. Before WoW, there was everquests and that game was geared towards the hardcore, skill players. Then, WoW took the best elements of many mmorpgs at time and made the game accessible to casuals by simplifying their mmorpg.

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Simple goes a long way, look at Rein. Holds a shield, swings a hammer, and like his hair, he’s amazing! lol

On topic though. Why do we need to debate what roles are harder? There are clearly good and bad players in every role. If you healing is so easy, why do we have bad healers? lol.

EDIT: I find myself thinking “please get off Mercy so I can Mercy…” after seeing a bad one. I dont imagine it’s all that different for any DPS or tank hero.


This post makes me think you’ve never played any of the support heroes, but, as I expected, your profile is private. Every point you made about each healer is absolutely incorrect.


That’s a weird argument considering healers do have a choice when playing.

Mercy can’t do anything else but you did mention her so it’s fine.

Moira can’t spray allies and damage enemies at the same. Her orb allows the possibility of multi-tasking but she’s giving up on a lot of heals if she uses a damage orb and vice versa for the loss of damage against an enemy if she uses healing orb.

Lucio can’t use his speed aura if he wants to heal and it’s fundamental when he’s fighting enemies. He needs to be swift and evade fire and being stuck on the healing aura is a real downside for him.

Brigitte may be easier as healing goes, but when she’s fighting someone she still has to turn around / look for her ally and this still requires some awareness and some time. It’s almost instant animation-wise but she can’t do it while combo-ing someone etc.

Zenyatta is another story but considering it’s not much healing by itself and also that the ultimate stops him from doing literally anything else, he seems balanced to me.

See? Healers do have a choice when playing and if you can’t believe me even when I explained it all, try and play them. See if you can multi-task so well without effort while being aggroed by flankers and tanks all around.


Imagine that you’re the bass guitar player in a rock band, and your basslines are extremely complex and difficult to play. Chances are that your playing skills will still be downplayed against the other band members because the stereotype is that bass guitar is easy to play and anybody can do it. But you know that you don’t write 1 not basslines that just follow the route-note of every chord.

Now apply this to supports. Yes, many of them require objectively less mechanical skill than other heroes in the game. But mechanical skill will only get you so far in a very ability-oriented game with tonnes of CC that renders your input useless. It’s your decision making that counts.

As a support, since you’re not worrying so much about executing mechanically intensive plays, that opens up some mental-bandwidth for you to track ultimates, make callouts, tell the team when to regroup, etc.

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And? How does this argue the issue? Most healers are afk characters that no one wants to play, but every team needs. This has been the biggest issue with OW since release.

A lot of people have, and if that continues you won’t have anyone to post poorly formed arguments to on the forums.

They already did this with Symmetra. They even made her beam require aim, something every healer hero could use.

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Not to be too snarky about it, but on behalf of healers

For a start, this is absolutely a shooter. Jeff himself describes it as an action shooter, and that’s always what it was marketed as.

However, that’s not the same thing as having every hero need an aim requirement. TF2 managed to create an environment where 4 out of 9 classes barely required aim, yet it’s still absolutely a shooter.

The question is really, why does the medic take skill and have heaps of depth, yet healing in OW doesn’t?

It’s pretty interesting really, making an aim-free element take skill was challenging and they have a dev commentary on their design choices. Overall though, it essentially boils down to adding a lot more nuance to the healing (just pressing m1 on the weakest person is not the best way to heal), making the medic genuinely vulnerable in combat and making his ubercharge incredibly powerful yet incredibly easy to lose. His only mobility is surfing rocket explosions too, which is pretty cool.

With OW it’s just… they didn’t take any efforts to make it challenging. Indeed over time they’ve very actively tried to reduce the amount of effort it took to play healers.

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its their game so their choices, as i said it was clear from the beginning what kind of game it was. just because jeff called it action shooter does not mean you should believe everything without using your own head.
if you really think they will rework all “skilless abilities” then you must be delusional, at that point its easier to make a new game than coming up with reworks and hope your playerbase will still play it.

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You’re right, it’s definitely easy to develop full video game than it is to make afk characters aim like everyone else has to.

Yes, and at begining it was not a competitive FPS, they made it an esport game, now they need to assume their choice and rework supports so that they take skill.

okay just go on believing in that, good luck lol