Part of healing problem is that most requires no skill

Can you tell me a character of a moba with a hard healing mechanic?

Can we end this whole ā€œno aim=no skillā€ stigma?

Why is it that Supports get so much flak for not being carbon copies of an Aim healer(Ana), yet Rein/Winston get passes?

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I see that healing is not considered highly effective, especially at higher levels of play. I enjoy playing support and trying to amplify my team as opposed to being the straight DPS role. Iā€™m not much of a tank player, so I typically tend to support/heal. I do think that itā€™d be neat to have a damage mitigation hero or something in the support role, but Iā€™m not sure where thatā€™d fit into this game. (random thought) Iā€™m not sure what they could do to solve the healing problem, though I donā€™t think that there is more healing than there is damage output.

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Yes but the thing is that most of the heroes do more than heal. If you sit around on lucio on heal aura you are throwing. If you only heal as moira then you get 14k heals but that doesnt mean anything above plat where you need more than healing to win fights. Hitting your teammates as ana isnt difficult; their hitboxes are huge; the skill in her comes from her offensive ability and her lack of mobility. Honestly if ana had her aim removed and given slight homing bullets on teamates then she would still be very difficult, only slightly easier.

Yes, healing is easy, but just healing gets you no where. Nerfing healing does nothing for the game; instead the other aspects of a healers kit should be made more difficult. I.e: easy to heal, hard to utilise. Like lucio. really easy to heal, but difficult to bring the utility to his team (peeling and speedboosting and clutch times is a difficult art form)
For moira she is easy to heal but impossible to get utility out of. Ana is kinda difficult (but not really) to heal kinda difficult to get utility out of. Mercy is kinda easy to heal and kinda difficult to get utility out of.
Its about balance. A utili-heal-stasis, if I may.

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Well said.


I just had this image of him doing the DJ station emote and sitting in the middle of a firefight lol

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Yā€™all suddenly acting like Ana doesnā€™t have giant dart hitboxes to throw shots at lmfao.

Wrong. Zenyatta and Mercy cannot heal while taking damage and Moira needs to use an ability unless you wanna neglect your teammate for a moment, Ana though can throw a 4-in-1 grenade or sleep you then continue her work. Swear people keep giving her a free pass just because ShE NeEEds To AiM even though her skill floor has been reduced with the most recent changes to her.


I agree with you on every point except the MMOs. Everquest was one of the first big casual MMOs compared to its hardcore PvP focused competition like Ultima Online. UO was quite the Wild West of video games.

Making supports in this fashion will just increase the healing saturation in this game. The reason they are low skill is because they are limited by their output, its a trade off of dps NEEDS to be higher than healing or else nothing dies, so healing becomes consistent to balance out the fact that its inherently lower. Even with Ana the poster child of skilled/leetzor healing requirements, the hitboxes for her team mates are huge, literally double to triple the size of a normal hitbox. They do this as even with 100% aim she canā€™t out heal most forms of dps. Imagine OW if Mercyā€™s heal beam was 100 hps and the Mercy could aim? No one would like it.


OK, hold upā€¦ it seems like youā€™re saying that ā€œskillā€ is only defined by mechanical skill, like aim and suchā€¦ that isnā€™t true, especially if you play support. Playing support requires more than just aim, it requires game sense and awareness. As an ana/moira main, each character requires different choices depending on the situationā€¦ for instance with ana, youā€™re constantly trying to stay alive while getting dove, deciding the best position to put yourself in to heal your team, and and how to make the best use of your abilities. Moira is similar, although she is a lot easier to play than anaā€¦ and yesā€¦ she requires aimā€¦ youā€™ve obviously never shot a healing orb to a critical teammate and had it bounce off a wall and away from them because you misjudged how much space you actually have to shoot it inā€¦ You really should try playing healer more oftenā€¦ then come back with a better argumentā€¦


I once saw a pro Zen say that unlike the rest of the healers, Zen should never be a shotcaller as heā€™s too mechanically demanding to be burdened with the additional challenge of strategizing.

It appears that thereā€™s a very specific and good reason why the healers mostly arenā€™t as mechanically skillful as the DPS. The healers already need to employ a level of gamesense and strategy that the DPS often donā€™t, and requiring that they also simultaneously exhibit the mechanical skill of a DPS is asking too much.


I am not saying many HEALERS require no skill, I am saying much HEALING requires no/low skill.
That is a significant difference.

Of course that Moira needs to follow-up and kill that low health flanker getting away. Of course Mercy has to toggle around the battlefield to stay alive, and whip out the pistol now and then, of course Zenyatta needs skill with his damage and his orb management.

It is not what I am referring to, it is the APPLICATION of healing on its own.
The problem with too easy healing - especially the passive kinds - is that it is hard to interrupt, short of killing the healer.

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Can we also make ā€œfunā€ buffs? Make the hero ā€œfunā€ to play? We keep suggesting nerfs that make the hero painful to play.

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I donā€™t think we should change the mechanics of how healing is done, if thatā€™s what youā€™re suggesting. I think the application of healing should be easy.

But maybe healing could be more easily interrupted or mitigated. For instance while an enemy is actively taking damage, their received healing is reduced by 25% or so. The enemy resumes receiving full healing 0.1s after the incoming damage has stopped. Just a thought.

Only because she can no aim into tanks right now

Ana was always generally a strong choice if youā€™re good at her, however only time sheā€™s ever really considered ā€œMetaā€ is when sheā€™s the easiest to play due to that reason you said lol. Canā€™t miss if thereā€™s some 500 HP crusader there for you.

thereā€™s no tanks in quick play and sheā€™s top1 in QP. Even higher pickrate than new sweet baby Ashe

Then make it like FTG: you do combo to build up healing power

Or make it like MOBA: you need very fast reaction and pre-reading to avoid coming damage

Or make it like RTS: you rely on multiple micro operation to execute your healing ability

Orā€¦ anything else requires actual skill.

Just stop W+M1 thing (yes, SHIFT is involved occasionally).

Well people go on and on about the skill of ana. Yes, she requires aim and if sheā€™s killing enemies and hitting shots on someone like tracer no problem then all more for them. But, think about it, GOATS is meta, GOATS, has beefy tanks that you could not miss playing her, also her nade has big splash. Shooting a massive hitbox, with the aim assist as well isnā€™t difficult.

Well thereā€™s nothing that intrinsically makes this not a pure shooter, so itā€™s a shooter given the developers statement, the gameplay and its declared genre.

Iā€™m guessing what you might be trying to say is that this isnā€™t counterstrike, which is true.

And, having skill-less elements is fine. They just shouldnā€™t be so prominent at every skill rating and they need to stop trying to shorten every skill curve they can find. Maybe Lucio shouldnā€™t have his wallride be automated, maybe Brigitte was a bad idea, maybe Ana should be viable in situations other than holding m1 in the general direction of Reinā€™s back.

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You canā€™t talk about one of these with out the other, because saying there is a ā€œhealing problemā€ is literally the same thing as saying thereā€™s an imbalance somewhere in the game that has to do with supports and their healing capabilities as compared to the DPSā€™ killing capacity.

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