Part of healing problem is that most requires no skill

If we’re going to tell people to ‘‘go away this isn’t an fps’’ then there won’t be many people left to play the game. Everyone is already leaving because of garbage hero designs.


Yet none of them are meta.

Healing =/= Healing. To play the full potentional out of the most healers, you need to be mechanically and strategically very very good.
Mercy and Brig are braindead characters though.

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it was clear from the beginning that its not an fps.

it would be easier to make a new game than rework every non-fps aspect of the game.

and then even people would still continue to complain.


Healing on Moira Brig Lucio and Mercy takes 0 skill

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  • Brigitte only reliable heal is gated by a 6 seconds CD while Ana can shoot for days while having a burst AoE with heal nullification burst on demand and iirc she also penetrates full HP allies.

  • Zenyatta needs to keep vision of the target if he wants to do his job as a healer, this involves more risky situations than you think.

  • Lucio and Mercy sacrifice offensive power in order to be more effective at what they do.

  • Moira is the only healer who can deplete her healing power and has to choose between offensive/defensive skill usage.

Your analisys seems really biased towards the “no aim” argument while you ignore what the tradeoffs are. Reality is that Ana is actually one of the most powerful healers because she doesn’t need to be away from the team (and thus open to flanks) to do her job and any coordination in the team rises her value exponentially.

I don’t disagree with you entirely though, I think that healing is too much in magnitude right now and this means that there must be a lot of high burst and oneshot potential around in order to keep this under control, which then means healing must be “easily achieved”, fast and meaningful because of such high damage being constantly on the field.

It’s a vicious circle, I would start by lowering the HP packs heal in magnitude and nature (making those a heal over time rather than bursty) and then trying to mitigate a bit of healing and damage numbers.


The choice in using other abilities of other healers is just as intensive except brig whose sole purpose and character design was to be able to survive being dove on.

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I fixed that for you.

In all seriousness, no, supports would be even less tempting to play, which means in turn there are less supports, which then means games will be even more unbalanced. They are fine now.

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i kinda disagree here. i dont think healers are too easy (or that healing is too easy), but i think if it was too easy, then people wouldnt play them anymore.

as a supporter i already feel at the mercy of my tanks and dps, i dont want to lose all semblance of agency in my gameplay. leave my healing skillful and complex, please. i want to have to use my brain at least a little.

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Then there is Ana for that, however your argument is very flawed, you make it out so healing is some kind of no brainer. Anyhow. Some people dont like Ana, and I respect that, so making every healer into Ana… would not be fun.



i think ana is one of the least skilled healers actually. just pump your darts into your teammates, as long as you have decent aim its really easy.
getting great heals on zen lucio or brig? pretty tough in comparison.
mercy? you need to be in the middle of the fight all day long, while its mechanically easy to heal, its much harder staying alive.
moira has great heals but if your team doesnt stay together you cant to anything.

what i want is for healing to be engaging, for me to have the feeling that my decisions have weight and impact. if healing becomes too easy, i can just spam it and shut my brain off. thats why healing must stay somewhat challenging and limited.

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And since when is this an argument to make putting out healing so easy? In most moba’s healing is even harder than in this game…


I believe this thread gives good reasoning for why the healers are so consistent


And this still will never be a good justification as to why healing should be OP.


So change everyone but Anna?


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If someone takes the 50% percentile accuracy of characters and applies that to a characters DPS you find out that the damage per second is actually well balanced with the healers hps.

DPS output ends up being about 30-60 dps on sources with accuracy applied, but without headshots.

The moment the DPS is a better player by hitting more shots or just landing critical hits the healer is effective useless as one does not simply achieve critical healing (unless ana).

Plus, there are usually at most 2 healing sources and 4 DPS. Heal, even most supports are DPS on their own right.

So, as a whole damage output is higher than healing, but damage output takes a dive the worse at the game you get while healing stays somewhat the same as you can’t output more healing the more skilled you are while you can output more damage the more skilled you become.


As a Moira main, yes, I do have to aim.


Plus, Ana’s choices come down to heal her team or herself. Lucio can choose to speed boost or heal and time amp-ups accordingly, Mercy can damage boost for the safer kill or heal for survivability, Moira can’t overuse her heal without having to put herself at risk to deal damage… There’s so much more to every healer than just *click button to heal. Zenyatta is one of the best DPS characters in the game in the right hands.


People argue, that heals are lower than dps and that dps therefore over time will win.
But they forget that hitting a willing target is way, way easier than hitting a target bobbing in and out of cover, exposing himself minimally. A large part of a DPS’ shots will go into misses, simply because there is cover - and evasive maneuvers (AD-crouch-spam).

You can’t simply look at the numbers and then make a conclusion without looking at how the game is played.

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You can address that in part with accuracy. If so you find that DPS output is pretty close to that of healing output for a singular healer. There are still more DPS than healers and even off healers do about as much as they heal, so still as a whole there is more damage output than healing.

However, this is where you throw in other mitigation sources such as armor, shields, and characters own self-sustain and healing packs, etc. Its really not an issue of healing alone, but the sustain model of the game.

The pure sustain in this game is what enables people to have fights on asymmetrical maps and allows people to circumvent spawn advantage and do stuff like push the extra last distance on King’s Row or spawn camp people.

The bigger issue I feel with healing is not really its values necessarily how how easy it is to apply, but rather how it more directly hits sustain damage characters compared to burst.

Hanzo and Widow even if they miss shots are not giving ult charge to anyone, but when they do hit you do not need much more damage to kill someone and you might not even be able to heal as you just OHKO someone.