Papi *Dev* was active soon so why not ask?

Are we gonna see some changes to Mercy soon? Her current version is not fun, and looking at statistics she is actually underperforming :3


Don’t wanna go off topic but i would be interested in knowing if you will make some internal changes to the overwatch dev team

(not being mean, just curious)


I hope he’s still online to see this(And not actively avoiding talking about it, cuz thats the vibe we are getting from the dev team if you know what I mean…).


Ok maybe this is a bit better wording of what I wanted to say ^^;


Should be interesting to see, I can wonder what the next rollercoaster of Reworks!

Yes nerf to GA and her passive regen. You happy now?


Developer Comments: We feel like Mercy avoids fire a bit too easily. We are essentially toning down her survivability.

Is it bad that I can actually see this happening



The savvy developer does not reply to this without [quote=“ComposedJam-1198, post:20, topic:209788”]
And you have to get close to them to heal the people they are fighting
HAVE FUN!11 lol

I think she is fun and if you’re using Overbuff or something I’d take it with a grain of salt.


Both Overbuff and OmnicMeta. Took averages.

Well, good for you. Honestly I can’t heal any dmg whatsoever, res is suicidal, Valk is meeh. GA means nothing to me when literally I can’t do anything else. But OK.


The problem is more likely the people calling the shots at the top than the people lower down.

I don’t like the latest Mercy change in the slightest but, if I had been told that Mercy needed to stop being a must pick asap and that I couldn’t change her design I’m not sure it would look much different than it does now.

Depending what restrictions the lower ranking staff are operating under they may be doing perfectly fine with the people above them consistently letting the rest of the team down while raking in the praise.


bullseye, i’m more interested in changes in the higher ranks then lower ones, i have nothing against the masses of devs but i have some questions about who directs them…

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Yeah, those sources were already iffy before private profiles since (correct me if I’m wrong) they only used stats from people who actually used the site. Now with private profiles I think it’s even worse.

So why should the developers do what you want instead of what I want? I love the GA and you saying it means nothing almost means you think Mercy means nothing (to me). Guardian Angel is the most fun part of her kit. Without it you just walk, heal, res.

You can heal. I was able to heal in seasons 1,2, and 3 and I’m able to heal now.

Resurrection is only suicidal if you go for a resurrection you shouldn’t go for.
There are many times resurrection is not suicidal. It could even be guaranteed.

Valkyrie is a great ultimate for avoiding enemies and for getting in a good position to resurrect a teammate who died. It’s also good if you die early and really need to be in the fight immediately. You can pop Valkyrie and fly over there. I’ve saved games like this before.

I’m not sure if you’ve played enough of this Mercy if you don’t realize this.

Overbuff is still very much reliable.

Here’s an explanation:


I’m not sure if this is the best way to put it.

No they took stats from every account in the game. After private profiles only public profiles. While they are not as accurate they are still reliable somewhat.

I agree on that.

You are healing for less.

Can you point out another ultimate that is supposed to be used for the character to just “avoid enemies”? I mean Blink, Grappling hook, Genji Dash and what not are such ABILITIES but they are basic ABILITIES. Not “Ultimates”

I have 200 hrs on old mercy and around 300 on this one over my accounts.
And I don’t like it. GA is fun, yes, but it does not make that big of an impact. I mean you’d be better off going with moira/ana as they are more effective and far more fun.

I didn’t say that anywhere. Correct me if I’m wrong.

The highlighted part used to be fun to use honestly. And gave you a feel of satisfaction as you had to EARN IT.

EDIT: Its fun how Ana and Mercy completely swapped places.

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I’m just saying to use skepticism in this. It’s easy to be mislead even with accurate statistics.

Yes, objectively, so you have to be smarter with your healing. You have to be able to jump between teammates more to get all the healing you can.

No, but I didn’t claim that’s what Valkyrie was for so…

And yet you are comfortable saying resurrection is suicide?
There is a conflict here.

The reason this thread exists is, correct me if I’m wrong, to ask about Mercy changes. You claim she isn’t fun and that (I believe) is the reason you want to see changes.
I do not want to see changes.
I think her current version is fun.

Why should they do what you want instead of what I want?
I’m not saying you actively said this. I’m literally just asking a question.

Yeah, I disagree with your implication here.
You’re implying that you don’t have to earn the current resurrection. If you’re basing this off of Titanium’s post you should know his biased interpretation literally means nothing to me.

Anyway, resurrection can actually be interrupted. It takes time to cast. You and your team are vulnerable when you cast it.
If you get it off, you earned it.

I also really like the way this new resurrect works.
It’s far more… personal, for lack of a better word.
You are there with that one ally who’s dead and trying to bring them back. There is far more agency since you have to really decide what individual you want resurrected.
It also encourages team-play. A resurrection that would have been suicide could be free if your Rienhardt just moves forward a little with his shield or if Zarya gives you a bubble.

I’m not sure if that’s the case, but the support category is interesting right now to say the least.
In my opinion it’s the most balanced it’s been in awhile. I can pretty much play any support I want in competitive right now.

Did… Someone ask in this thread if some people would be fired? Gurl.

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Off-Topic but I feel like you might like this:


Me playing symmetra and walking up to the enemy team with full microwave because apparently people just don’t know that she reloads and ramps off of barriers