[Pakistan] Overwatch keeps disconnecting me from the game after a few seconds

wait so you don’t Fully play with the Vpn but when you are playing and the problem appears with lag and stuff you turn the vpn on and when it starts working you turn it back off and play that match without the vpn?

thats how I countered the problem
which clearly proves that it isnt the ISP.

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But sometimes it can happen multiple times during the match like 2 or 3 times instead of just once.
But that rarely happens

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It points to the routing partner as the issue, which is what the staff has been mentioning all along. There’s something between the ISP and Blizzard causing an issue (a company your ISP has contracts with). Unfortunately, you can’t talk to the routing partner, only the ISP can do that.

I keep seeing the country get the blame… but I’m in the US and this has been happening nonstop for the last week. I can sit in menu, queue, and go to training just fine. Every time I start an actual game, I get dropped and penalized.


Have you created your own post with a WinMTR that captures the disconnect? Perhaps someone could help you figure it out.

i think our problem is different from what you have dude and its only in our Country

Hey uhm i don’t wanna like Annoy you >.< or anyone else by asking maybe the same questions or something but what you think we should do like imagine you were in our place what would you do to try to fix the problem or can you point us to a direction like where should we ask and try to fix this problem?

Collect network tests demonstrating the problem. Continue appealing to the ISP until they are annoyed with the situation/look into it further. Or find a stable VPN if I couldn’t get anywhere with the other stuff.

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Oh Okay like our Internet Provider they like Don’t know Nothing like NOTHING i remember having the ping issue and i asked them and they were like … “what is latency or ping that you are talking about” and That what made me Not talk to them anymore because they Just Do their Job by just sitting there Doing NOThing now i just don’t think they even know what they did or what am i talking about cuz they are they are not as good as the people in other countries that are Willing to Help Everyone in need and that that’s why i never say anything to them and i am stuck with this internet provider cuz that’s the only one near to our home and yea that’s our Problem i know for Sure they will Not Care at all i know them, and i hope to find a vpn then sadly can’t play from my Country so i have to Connect to ANOTHER country then to overwatch … how sad is that

And apparently that routing partner only has issues connecting to blizzard overwatch servers? No other game or application is affected by this.

That problem matches mine.
Would you be kind enough to record so I can compare my issue with it?

This is very common, and also results in many people believing that their ISP or routing partner is not the source of the problem. However, not all game servers are hosted in the same cities or buildings. Different routes are used to reach different game servers. For instance, a different road is used to reach each different store. There’s a problem on one of the roads that leads to Blizzard.

I would like to say that i contacted my internet service provider and told them the issue. I said the game disconnects as the match starts and the team says it’s because of the pressure on the internet due to the pandemic which is causing the problem and if there is any fix for this. They said this is a generic issue from the gaming server. It is not an issue from their end and i should contact the people responsible for the servers.

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Blizzard has already spoken about the server several times, and I think in this thread, too. They have players from other countries using the same server without issue, and they aren’t doing anything to prevent the people in this thread from using the server.

I use Haste, its free unlike ExitLag and lets us reroute if anyone is interested. Although it doesnt let us pick the exact route but just running it in the back solves the disconnect issue and I get 165ms ping (used to be 190ms avg). But there are ping spikes sometimes and it doesnt feel the same or any better. I would suggest U guys not to play comp with it but test if in QP and Arcade first. Hope it Helps, and Hope this gets solved, damn PTCL.

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Right now i am using ExitLag,borrowed it from my friend that works perfect but he pays for it >.< and if that stops working or something i will try Haste man this problem really annoys me its been here from So long

Haste definitely worked for me. I guess that’s the solution for me

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Try Haste so you don’t have to depend on someone paying for Exitlag.

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Haste only works for EU and Americas. I ran overwatch with it only to get dc’d as usual from the middle east servers.

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