PachiMarchi Event Sprays

B b but it is you’d need to cut a rough estimate to make a rough estimate.
You simply can’t know if a user is there for the Game, the Content Creator or just because they got time to burn.
Just because someone doesn’t watch Twitch streams doesn’t mean they don’t follow Overwatch Content else where even if it just be reddit.

Also lemme just pull some knowledge out of my a*s I picked up X == amount of time ago and Y == at place and Z == because I can brag about it that much, 10 people that are associated with it :x

Shush we’re busy burning our time here xd

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We can hope! That would be really cool

How does this work exactly? I’m from Spain and unfortunately we don’t have a Spanish CM on Overwatch anymore. We’re many Overwatch Content Creators but they still don’t know we exist. What can we do about it?