PachiMarchi Event Sprays

Even the twich views are struggling. It is usually just 1-2 streamers with 5-2k views in the first day of the event.

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The Twitch drops are a cool system. I discovered many streamers I wouldn’t have otherwise without it. Please keep it in future events! :slight_smile:


as the patch trolls* out.

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I’m actually more concerned about this. Don’t start locking legendary event skins behind 30 wins or something.

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big.LITTLE would be the way to support that ecosystem. You give drops to a known famous, and also to a freshblood up-and-comer. Diversify the exposure and bnet launcher promotion. All the eggs into the same baskets is non-diverse, boring, and just asking for it.

Thank you. I hate using twitch.

what time does it start?

So all we get are a few sprays? Is there anything else to unlock or… this is it…?

I think it’s literally just a normal micro event like Kanezaka challenge or Symms restoration challenge, just with the twitch sprays being given out automatically as they are adjusting twitch sprays.


The skin leaked… its hog. With a pachimari mask instead of a pig

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Oh I see. Thank you.

Guess I’ll keep playing Apex.


lol u can wish but i think its the reaper changes which are 100% not going live forums really don’t know how OP reaper will be if it goes live.

I thought you said zarya was balanced like 2 weeks ago lol

When do you plan on releasing the GIANT PachiMari plush toys on the Blizzard store too? LOL jw. I know of a few people that would like them as gifts. :grin:

They actually are though.

  • When there’s no active Event the View Count can give you a rough estimate on how many ‘core’ players are there.
    (Players that are so invested in the game that they inform themself about the game through other Media such as Youtube, Twitch, etc)

  • Meanwhile the view count during an Event gives you a rough estimate on how many players are still playing the Game while there is actually Content for the players to get.

But these numbers are always restricted to the Content Creators Content Language and activity time,
also you need to subtract a certain amount of Views due to the fact that there might be People who are actually Consuming the Content for the personality factor of the Content Creator not the content itself.

How do you know any of this?

I pick up stuff when I’m browsing around the web.
Yes, yes that stuff is oddly specific.

Yes, because the internet is such a reliable place.

Depending on where you search.
But by no means I still remember where I picked up that. . .
also I forgot considering both During and off Event Number need to have a percentage cut because majority of the players aren’t that invested into the games they play which also needs to consider the Games genre, age and Content type.
For that I got no clue where it would go on regarding adding or subtracting more players from the Contents View Count.

And in no means you can do an estimate on your own with just surface knowledge.

And there's also no point in me trying to make myself believable because to you I am just the Internet again, I lost from every perspective.

This isn’t surface knowledge. Many people have expressed their distaste in watching OW on twitch because it’s not very fun to watch. Just because twitch has low view numbers doesn’t mean that there is a low level of interest in the game.

And I don’t trust you because you can’t even remember where you got your information from.

Ehm. :sweat_smile:

Er, one hour till event starts? :smiley:

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