Owned OW1, classic heroes LOCKED in OW2

Dev’s said People who owned OW1 will have access to all classic heroes, but mine are locked in OW2. I’ve owned this game since 2016, what’s the deal???


same here brother same here


Do you have your skins at least? I’ve played since OW1 release and I have literally nothing on my account. I even made sure my account was linked.


i do have the skins, but but i cant play any of the heros, theres obvious proof that ive been playing the game for years, its so weird. i wish Blizz had a phone line i could call


They’re working on this now, its a bug

same got all the skin highlight emote all that jazz just the heroes got lock

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same here. I played one game with all heroes unlocked. I logged off and came back later to be locked out.

I think I have most of my skins, but I’m not really going to check.

you’re not alone. literally nothing here. no stats, no heroes, no golden guns… all gone.


hi, chiming in, i also owned ow1 but have locked heroes. i do have my origins editions skins, and my noire skin on widowmaker.

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I think I royally screwed myself from getting a Founders pack and having all the classic heroes locked. So I uninstalled Overwatch: Origins to make room for 2 then when I checked my friends list they still had Overwatch:Origins as the game they were playing and I was like WUT…when I tried to reinstall Overwatch:Origins its no longer on my list of all games I own. The only proof I have is a pic I just took showing I bought it digitally 11/20/2016, almost 6 years ago…


Same here, also missing some player icons I know I had previously? (Doomfist shotput icon). Honestly wondering what else I’m missing that I can’t tell outright.

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same issue here no skins either

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I launched the game and had the original heroes locked. I did not had battlenet Authenticator. I download it and while the game was open. Ofc i got logged out of battlenet tha game even from the web. Logged in again and i had them all unlocked

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Yep, same here. Was fine earlier this evening when I won the queue lottery but got bounced and came back to nearly nothing

same here, ow1 owner but most of original heroes are locked, and Kiriko as well.


btw, my hero challenges page is empty, so I can neither paly nor unlock via challenge the original heroes.

Same, my heroes are also locked

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Having the same problem. This launch just shows the lack of care blizzard put into this game.


bruh i dont have any of my stuff except 2 genji skins wtf


I tried to contact support about this too, but it said come here to the forums. So hopefully they are looking into this. It isn’t even in their known issue thread.