Owned OW1, classic heroes LOCKED in OW2

i think the servers cant find your ow1 progress because of the ddos attacks


I have the same problem too, but wierd enough, at launch i had all the heroes.

I just restarted, and now they are all unlocked. Weird . . . Trying restarting and changing servers.

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thank you! restarted and changed server do help.

i am having the same issues

I have all my heroes locked missing all my skins, sprays and icons aswell as progress. I do have my origins skins and 2 genji leauge skins weirdly enough. It also wont let me unlock the pass with my coins.

Sucks to play the waiting game😩

I did what someone else above mentioned. Get the authenticator app on your phone, set it all up. Close OW and Battle.NET then restart it all. Worked for me and my stuff is back!

They should do this on the first day

All my collections have been lost

I played games for five years

They are bad people

I had mine open when it launched, and now I only have some basic ones + kiriko. I kept all my skins but idk :stuck_out_tongue:

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same, i have all my skins and stats on the locked heroes is overwatch/blizzard fixing this

Same here, all my skins and stuff transferred but the classic heroes are locked for me

Same here. I bought OW1 on June 16 with the intend to receive the heroes and the founders pack in OW2, but I can’t play the old heroes and all I got was a player icon and like 2 epic skins. Even my stats said I played with those heroes, so like whats up with that??? PS: I played one match and received Genji and I was so happy, I thought I finally received the heroes, but it turns out there are challenges to obtain them :confused:

Same here. 1500+ hrs and most of them are locked now

yee same here i beg it gets fixed because i doen=snt give me the option to unlock them again either so i just cant play even tho i had ow1 in 2016

Same here, I’m an OW1 player since 2016 and the whole amount of heroes are locked!
the only heroes I have available are:

  • Tank: Orisa, Reinhardt, Winston, Zarya
  • Damage: Pharah, Reaper, Soldier 76, Torbjorn, Tracer, Widowmaker
  • Support: Lucio, Mercy, Moira

at least i have all my cosmetics

Same here!!! it’s fine on pc but on ps5 all heroes are locked in the ps5 version, they are okay in the ps4 version…

Same here. Both pc and Xbox will randomly unlock and lock all the old hero’s without any way to unlock them.

Same here, heroes become locked after installing an update. Something must have gone wrong…

Yup…installed the game on xbox, have all my skins and for like 3 hours all mt characters were unlocked…now they are locked.

Also why do i keep disconnected every game and getting some stupid error code?

It baffles me that every game blizzard releases has issues the first week…WoW isnt that bad but every other game is terrible.