OWL Tokens, are we gonna get some?

With OWL literally around the corner, I wonder if we’re going to get free tokens again like last year. I’m not really that much of a fan of the event itself but I do like the Houston Outlaws and the palette of their skins. I did use my tokens last year and I’d like to get at least one skin for them but I don’t want to pay five bucks for one skin.
If we don’t get the free ones, can someone explain how to gain tokens from watching the streams? And do reruns count as well because due to my timezone, I probably won’t be able to watch most of it live :confused:


First of all, what country are you from?

Interesting. Im a fan of the event, but not particularly a fan of the skins. The only OWL skins I care to get are the team skins for the mains of my favorite pro players. I got NYXL Tracer for SBB and Fusion D.Va for Poko. Might pick up an NYXL Zen for Jjonak or Atlanta Reign Torb for Dafran!

Germany! So the majority of the games will be while I’m asleep


Most of the skins are really nice tbh, especially now that they added the Away versions of them as well. I’m just a sucker for this Green, White, Gold. LA Valiants away versions are beautiful as well. This years new team addition only really has one I like and I THINK it’s Toronto Defiant? The black and red one, those are beautiful.

I don’t know why but I just play better when the characters I play have a skin that I like a lot :sweat_smile: So I like having them all.

Even if we don’t we could just watch and get them…I’m going to assume you’re not the “I want league stuff but don’t want to watch” type (my sympathies if you’re from EU)

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Cool, Germany is eligible for OWL tokens.

  • You need to connect your blizzard (battlenet) account to your twitch account. Go to twitch -> Settings -> connections and link them

  • For every map (not game) you watch you get 1 token

  • make sure your tab is not muted

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I’m not sure if I’m gonna follow it like I did with the first season but I do at least plan on watching the games of the teams I’m interested in, if I happen to make it in time and if I’m awake since yeah, unfortunately I am from the EU

Oh my accounts are linked already because of the NANO Cola challenge so that step is done. I just want to know if there’s going to be reruns of the matches and if I can get tokens like that as well since, again, the majority of the League happens at night for me.

Nah sadly reruns don’t give tokens.

But you could leave your pc on while u sleep and get them :male_detective:

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This is sadly EU’s only option
Reruns and vods don’t give out tokens, though I haven’t heard news of tokens-for-watching returning?

Just don’t watch it. Don’t give them viewers. They’re screwing everyone over.

If they don’t enable Twitch drops for season 2 that will be a very bad decision as the stream’s viewership will go downhill fast, everyone I know that watched OWL only watched it because of the tokens you got by watching during season 1 (including me).

Not everyone, OWL is the only reason i’m still interested in overwatch.

Well no Overwatch means no OWL. No content means no interest- players leaving. Players leaving means Blizzard cancels OW like Diablo, Starcraft and WoW.

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Still means a late night while setting it up and making sure it’s running :frowning:

And no there neither seem to be free tokens, nor extra free for signing up to the newsletter.

Jessicka are you german as well?


If you’ve figured this out, I’m sure the brain trust at ActiBlizz could figure it out. It’s not rocket science. They’ve invested too much into this whole thing to let it crash. Meanwhile, I’m gonna watch OWL because I enjoy it. And ActiBlizz will cater to the casuals enough to make sure the live game stays relevant enough for their investment in OWL to pay off.
