OWL Tokens, are we gonna get some?

Is there any updated list for the countries? I havent find one.

You know I hate the fact that we haven’t gotten actual updates and new stuff as much as the next person but you going into people’s threads and telling them to not watch something they enjoy, that’s not it my friend. They’re probably gonna get more than enough viewers, even with people on this forum trying to make others not watch it.

I can hear my roommates complain already because our walls are thin lol. I guess that’s my only option, it kinda sucks that they don’t think of people outside of the US wanting to watch it.

You get 1 token per map. With a total of 4 (5 if they go to a 5th map) per game. That’s at least 12 tokens per day.

At the very least you can earn 2,240 free tokens this season if you tune in for every match. You don’t need to actually watch, last year I left it running even when I want home.

yeah, because not supporting the biggest part of this game will totally help the game.

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I think the general thought behind that mentality is “I don’t watch it so that the developers will see that it’s not supported and then they’re gonna turn their attention back to the game!!”

I’ll see what and how I can manage it, but thank you for the info!

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And here’s my own post

My country doesnt get any tokens for watching so i really hope so (So i can buy an emote that has nothing to do to OWL or wait for the All-Stars skins what has nothing to do to OWL either)