OWL Team Colors

Am I the only one who feels like half the teams in OWL are either blue, white, or both? Kinda makes colors useless if everyone looks mostly the same.

The colour scheme for away skins is mostly white.

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There’s only so many colours they can use.

Also something something primary colours, something something sponsors, something how it views on twitch.

eh hem.

Team colors, designs, and brands often have symbolic meanings. Western traditional sport teams, often use bold low to mid-value colors such as reds and blues, but rarely go into high-value colors like pink or cyan.


Red,white, and blue make up a lot of Flags, such as the British, American, French, etc.

And now have that one awful scene from Star Trek the Next Generation season 1 stuck in my head…

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i mean…we got purple and gold for team colors…

Oh I say we are going to have heliotrope by the time the second wave of expansion teams is released

shrug you never know


Also what WyomingMyst said.

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lets just hope we dont get something like…grey and…brown…

Anyone who can reply with a Star Trek clip is pretty awesome in my book. I’m a trekkie

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If you search my post history you will see I quote from the Rules of Acquisition every now and then.

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Even if that’s so, I still feel like they are failing in the team/color department.

You see two-tone color in the NFL and you know what team they are talking about instantly. They missed the mark so far in OWL.


They are ferengi. It makes sense now!

Maybe let me show you something…

Here is all twenty Overwatch League team colors. As you can see, it goes for the most part by a duo-color and tri-color theme for all teams (the last two color are pure white and black in each entry).

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When you are spectating OWL it seems always white/yellow or something similar though. Am I wrong? I haven’t watched all games by any means, but I never associate one team with a color thus far.

When watching the league, one team will be in “away” colors which will be predominately white. Also all particle effects in game will be cordinated in white for the away team and the primary team color (or secondary color if the primary color is black) of the home team.

The purpose of the “away” colors is so that if two teams of a similar color are paired together such as Guangzhou Charge and Dallas Fuel, there will always be a distinguished color difference on the field.

Yep, and it helps to clarify what is happening team v team… but it kinda further dilutes the team colors, don’t you think?

Not saying there is a better solution for this particular game, but it is troubling.