OWL Stats Week 3 update

Week 3 stats have been updated…lets see how things broke down (and apologies if i messed up the links)

pickrates for this weekend alone - week 3

overall pickrates for season 4

we saw some heavy dive play this week which resulted in tracer and brig both jumping dva as the most played heroes overall now and winston essentially catching up to rein as most played tank…ashe was even used more often than mccree this week

sombra dropped a tiny bit so we only had 17 heroes with over 10% usage this week instead of 18 (barely)…overall we’re still at 18 heroes seeing plenty of usage

AND if youre curious…our boy Hog continues to be the ONLY hero without a single teamfight to his name…poor dear

note - i wanted to link last weeks but it turns out that you cant specify date ranges…even my post from last week which was previous 5 days adjusts itself to current last 5 days (hopefully they change that in the future)…heres my post anyway as i did make some comments which you can compare OWL Stats Page - Week 2

in terms of composition

for the week we continue to see the Mccree, mei, dva, rein, bap lucio as the most used single comp overall (200 teamfights - 47.4% win rate)…however the next 5-6 comps dont look anything like that and account for well over 300 teamfights hence the jumps described up top (all within 3% of aforementioned win rate)

note - i list winrates with draws as to include ALL teamfights but do note that this drops the win% down (same amount of wins over MORE fights - you can change “exclude draws” to true up top if you want to see those values - in the example above it would be 50.5%)

we see this reflected as well in the overall team compositions through week 4

i think its safe to say we essentially have 2 different metas overall at the moment: rush and double bubble which is great…but there are also some other comps mixed in as well near the top (rein/sig, ball/zarya, sigma/ball) which is even more fantastic

as for overall numbers we are now up to a total of 279 different team comps used so far

if you want it broken down by map type we see:

Escort/Hybrid mccree, mei, dva, rein, bap, lucio (334, 48.5 - no usage on gibraltar interestingly) followed mccree, tracer, winston, zarya, ana, brig (166, 42.9) and an ashe instead of mcree variant (153, 49.0)

2CP mccree, mei, dva, rein, bap, lucio (120, 43,8) followed by mccree, tracer, winston, zarya, ana, brig again (92, 41.7) and ashe instead of mccree variant again (56, 56.3)

(same comps for escort and 2cp…though interesting that the most successful comp has been the ashe, tracer double bubble variant in both - something to keep an eye on - the gaps are also relatively smaller in 2cp)

KOTH mccree, mei, dva, rein, bap, lucio (155, 50.7) followed by echo, tracer, winston, zarya, ana, brig (57, 44.8) and in 3rd we have ashe, tracer, sigma, ball, brig, zen (55, 47.9) - easily the most varied (the whole list is all over the place)


Rip genji, may you forever rest in peace

you made me curious so i looked it up https://public.tableau.com/shared/Q4MM7KCSF?:display_count=y&:origin=viz_share_link&:embed=y

genji saw a total of 20 teamfights this week…used only by seoul and hangzhou

he won 30% of those

not exactly a big sample size…but nonethless not good numbers

had to update a few links cause like i said you cant set date ranges…only “previous X days” which shifts with every passing day…so they were already off overnight…lol

“I’d say it’s been a pleasure working with you… but it wasn’t.”


Yeah but he’s broken though just check out the instakill hook!
…Haha, riiiight…

One moment I see him at around the middle, then next he dropped so fast

Poor genji man. Tracer is just way better

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i feel like i need to start using different verbage when it comes to the team comps…

cause while the rush comp is at the top of the list…double bubble takes up the majority of the top 10…i have a feeling if i summed everything up that double bubble would in fact be seeing more use than rush overall

I really dont want to say that Genji is good, but “he won 30% of the teamfights” says nothing

You mainly play Genji currently in attack because there you have enough time to farm blade and in attack you always lose more teangights when you win

well you cant tell whether the numbers are attacking or defending either (i pointed out this was a weakness in the site the first week i did it)…and i dont think 20 total teamfights is enough to really make any judgements on his play anyway (hes not really getting played)…i just gave the 30% cause thats what it was during the weak (face value)…overall btw its only 51 fights and 35% so its not much better there either…

i dont think % of teamfights won means nothing though…if that number were 70% you could say hes doing ok even when he doesnt have blade for example…

in any case i do think its far better to look at this than say his pick rate…which doesnt say really say anything

You’re welcome :slightly_smiling_face:


A whole lot of Brig/Bap/Mei…

mei and bap play a lot together…brig is there a lot as well…but not with those 2

Congratulations to Hog for managing to be picked less than Bastion.

This is more of my point.

You got two heroes that are horribly unpopular on ladder, and a healer that’s basically a DPS.

I.e. Two small playerbases that wouldn’t be too problematic if they got upset by a rework/powershift.

And Bap will always have good usage, as long as he isn’t horrible.

well you dont have to sell me on queue time/tank desirability thing…

youll have to explain how bap fits in though…brig/mei i can see

I see Genji once in my games, once he dies it’s just Cree meta again.

The issue is “Tank tier peeling, from heroes that aren’t Tanks”.

ImmoField is a Tank tier peeling ability with zero cast/deploy time, if you throw it straight down.

i can kinda see that…but i think all the roles probably dislike IF…not just tanks :sweat_smile:

anyway yes…tanks as a whole need dev focus…

but i gotta be honest…i dont see it getting “fixed”…not even with a redefining tank role thing they seem to be working towards

and adding more tanks alone isnt going to do it either