OWL pro banned for "cheating"

Meh, I saw Gator headshot an invis Sombra behind him out of detection range once, he never got punished. I don’t doubt some of the pros use hacks on occasion.

I might laugh at t500/owl getting banned for cheating (sorry its funny these days and none of us know if he really was or not) so lol…

But u saying “if u dont play vs someone better ur wont get better…” ya playing against someone thats a litle better then u will help u improve…but pplaying a gold vs a t500 or heck even a diamond player thats is not playing in his/her real rank (cuz they are on a nee acct or what ever bs they give) is not somone that is slightly better its similar to puting a jr basketball player vs a pro basketball player…that je might see the pro do cool stuff like dunk on them ect…but there is zero chance that that jr will be able to do those things he dosnt learn anything nor dos he improve, in fact he will get worse because he will feel like crap cuz he cant do that well.

But most smurfs think its “fun” to play this way cuz ya sometimes its fun to play games with god mode on…for a short time…but they dont care about anyone but themselves.

That all said bliz matchmaker as of late is worse then it ever has been…puting gms vs silvers and crap it just stupid. And to a silver or gold a gm looks like a aimboter…so again i say “lol”


Whether it’s some random casual player or some pro OWL player, they should all get the same treatment.

Assuming someone is innocent just because they’re top 10 is pretty biased. When a random guy on the forums state they’ve been falsely banned, most people in here mock them and don’t believe they’re innocent most of the time, so just because someone is more popular doesn’t give them a free pass (or a better treatment).

However, Blizzard should be more transparent when it comes to banning someone (with more proof). I don’t get why they’re always so secretive and never tell their clients the real reason of the ban. This should change in the future for every single player in the world (not just streamers or OWL players, if that’s what OP is indirectly getting at…).


might just be false positives in the cheat detection. ive seen a lot of people this past week who got banned who probably arent cheating, its not the first time ive seen that happen either

Higher elo players have had this issue before and has been an issue for a very long time. Unlike the general ladder it’s easier to mass report as your player pool is so small.

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Smurfing and being top 10? A smurf is an account intentionally kept in low ranks. This is an alt account which there are no rules against.

being top10 and smurfing below top10, whats wrong with this? hmmm

Smurfing below? He’s top 10 on that account. How can he possibly smurf?

then he is cheating, simple ;D

Yes… Quite clearly. Plenty of people have been falsely banned here, but I assume they delete those threads.

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Never been banned, muted or suspended in any game.

You don’t get permanently banned just for saying “gg”. How many suspensions did you get prior?


maybe he had a bunch of alts in the top ranks and Blizzard decided to remove it from the rankings knowing it’s an alt, they’re not the only T500 player who had an alt banned recently

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How is a top ten account going to smurf?
He was one of the best OWL players, playing in a low GM lobby would be easy enough for him to “smurf” in.

low gm is much worse than top100. So this is smurfing.

of course its automated. pro’s on alts get reported alot, though i dont know if any of them have been banned before.

there is a streamer that is fairly famous for calling out random people in GM for cheating, and alot of the time they are contenders or owl players on alts.

That’s been a thing for years, sadly.

No it’s not and you know it.

GG post game means Good/Great Game and have been in use for decades in multiplayer games. Not sure why the current generation of gamers considers it toxic. Woke generation i guess…

There are cheaters in all ranks in any competitive game. How they cheat, is anyone’s guess, but they’re there.

Low GM was a hyperbole. Besides a top ten account isn’t smurfing because it’s top ten. You’re making up an accusation that doesn’t make sense.

You are not making any sense. He’s playing normally on an alt account. He’s top 10, he’s not intentionally playing against low level players. His MMR is set to the top so the match maker will try to find people who are on his level.

Having alts in high rank is not a bannable offense or against the rules in any way.

most popular excuse of kids which thinking everyone around are idiots
in ow when winning side spamming GG this is abusive chat, there is no exceptions

an even better point to make, if they cared about people having too many top 500 accounts they would of first banned yznsa (assuming all of them are actually his accounts. i know very little about him) because he has 4 in the top 10 for eu including rank 1, 5, 6 and 9. and hes rank 1 on NA

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