You are being sarcastic but epic does it and has a streamer cheating live. Doesnt get banned.
maybe my main is banned there for i cant for x reasons stated above like play mystory heros i deserve to have fun too you know
no lagit i got banned on one account for only saying gg ABUSIVE CHAT
appernetly in a country it s a slur unlike good game it mean something else to some one else witch i cant put in a ow fourm our ill get silenced
because saying gg is abusive chat and you know it
so like 99.99999999999999999999% of use should be banned
i dont think thats good for business
i never been banned in any other game besides this one
you are welcome, enjoy your stay
not good for business is letting toxic people play, they usually not spending a single penny
So I guess if you’re OWL you’re just not allowed to queue for regular Overwatch? LOL
you allowed to play against people of your level, otherwise you manipulate MM to get easier games
“i want to play with friends in plat” is not an excuse dude
you can play with them in qp
Yea because pro players have never been caught cheating before
they have always been legit
never cheating
never smurfing
never boosting for money
but i still got banned
Are you new here? NOBODY is playing with/against players of their own level at all times. What a joke.
everyone smurfing, everyone should be banned
how are you to improve if you play with some one that not better than you
thats like having a teacher who has the same gpa as you
there to many variables that humans have to determine the out come of a game this not single player with easy normal hard