OWL Experimental Card changes list (COMPLETED!) Available 3/22

That was the plan :crab:

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Much change, very soldier

the reason pros donā€™t play soldier is his bad ult, his high ttk and his zero utility. this change is garbage in every way. also helix is always used for splash dmg so with 2 he will have the same impact as one. bad change

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Leave it to everyone on earth to figure out how to further nerf Brig when given the chanceā€¦sighā€¦


He is a tank all tanks must be destroyed because dps players are all that matters the rest of us are low lifes who deserve misery according to Blizzard

That doesnā€™t even make sense because in heroes of the storm and in world of Warcraft tanks will crap all over dps.

The support player is the one who suggested it :slight_smile:

Why SHOULD inspire last after she dies? Not very inspiring

At least it is not a major nerf, I will take what I can get for Brig. I was afraid they would severely nerf Brig like they did to Hammond, poor ball.

:sparkles: They nerfed Ashe and gave Soldier a change that is arguably not a buff but a power shift :sparkles:

Giving him 2 charges but cutting the damage down almost in half means more versatility but less big burst at once


If anything, this experimental so far proves that if given the chance, pros would balance the game to suit their specific needs with no regard for the other ranks, masters and below.


Soldier is terrible though, and heā€™s probably the most fair character in the game. And they nerfed ashe.


No it doesnā€™t, itā€™s just a handful of pros. Itā€™s not a real balance council with 2 or more OWL players from every role.

Two of them canā€™t even speak English well or understand what is being said

Soe is low ranked and influencing it heavily, most bad changes have been pushed by her and she pushed against the Rein damage revert Super wanted


Beyblade, Triple Tank, Quad Tank, Omnic Crisis, Bunker to name a few. There were Dive and Goats subcategories where she was played

And just a question. How many you read from what iā€™ve written

Iā€™ve said that she messes with the balance and not that she needs to be non-viable.

When everyone talks about Dragonblade, then no one talks about how Genji every time gets Nanoed to get the result. No amount of Blade nerfs will change that

When everyone talks about Rein having too much sustain, its a Ana whos behind Rein throwing healboosts at him, pocketing with her shots and Nanoing when it charges up not to mention a Zarya bubbling him as well.

Iā€™ve said, remove the heal on Nano so a part of her kit, the ultimate, the enabler part of her kit, could turn risky, not to gut her out of existence.

soldier change is bad for every rank. maybe even worse for high ranks.

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Buff Doomfist :fist:


you do realize all those metas were in 2016 and omnic crisis lasted a grand total of a single week on pc?
Christ you are not delusional.
You are straight up in bad faith

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Iā€™m just tired of the whole death by a thousand cuts;

Itā€™s just like last time they nerfed her when they removed inspire from being activated from booping someone off cliffs


It does because those arenā€™t FPS games & Tanks are allowed to be tanks by there player bases the OW player base has an aim based bias & Blizzard do what ever it takes to get there DPS favs anything they want

Blizzard has constantly nerfs tanks because of dps inability to kill things rather than thinking that maybe it isnā€™t the tanks that are hard to kill it is just bad dps players

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Not even half way yet.

an hour and 12 mins.

That neverā€¦happened?

Inspire works by hitting someone, killing someone doesnā€™t effect itā€¦

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