OWL Experimental Card changes list (COMPLETED!) Available 3/22

Zarya and Ana getting buffed. I’m done.


Being someone with alot of time on Junkrat that change is awful he doesn’t need any buffs hopefully it never makes it out of OWL same goes for Shadowstep

Sombra hack is needed needed but hopefully they fix it cause it is buggy as hell still getting hacked when you’ve shot the crap out of her

Please god do not ever let that Hammond nerf go through because the issue with hammond isnt him it is with dps players being absolute trash

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lay off the forums and stop looking at overbuff pickrates. Suddenly you’ll start understanding the game instead of believing forum circlejerking


i dont like super but he is 100% right. damage back to 75 and 3sec shatter is perfect! do it

edit: apparently high elo’s don’t care that his damage is sky high so he is gonna be EVEN BETTER.
back to your rein jail tank players.

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Funnily enough I do have my own opinion. Rein, Zarya and Ana have been meta in Plat for the nearly 3 years that I’ve played this game and I’ve always hated Zarya and Ana specifically.


If that’s really the case, what was 225 HP Brig all about? IIRC (maybe I don’t) 200 HP Brig was called fine by the top ranks at the time - so presumably it was an experimental on behalf of the rest of us. A similar case for Bap, really. It wasn’t like he needed much, if anything, at high ranks, but for most of 2020 he was underperforming in the majority of ranks. Presumably they buiffed him to try and sort that out.


Good thing about this is that basically none of the changes are likely to go live,

atleast I hope, since they’re gutting ball and sombra, and buffing ana… which seems like the opposite of what they should be doing


Im playing the game since Season 2

Ana was in the meta is almost all of the games history.
Just looking until Season 10 she was in 8

Im using “the site no one wants to call on its name” because thats what everyone uses for their argument besides what content creators scream into their ears. No one but a few players talk by their own personal experience.

I will not come back to play PvE if i cant enjoy PvP, the core game. I was in a community of almost 1000 players and half of them left simply because they couldn’t tolerate Zarya, Rein and Ana being in every game.


plat basically has no meta, it’s everyone for themselves



As soon as it went on Experimental high ranks and pros called it OP

and then she instantly became broken in GM when it went live

Hence why it was reverted instantly lol

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Yet the vast majority of my games have those characters, usually on both sides.


The worst part is that this could end up being a nerf too, like not being able to block certain doorways with your body, or teammates in certain situations. As well as making it more difficult to land your fireball…

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Should edit to say it’s bassesd on range


no, she wasn’t and she never was. She wasn’t played in dive, nor in goats, nor in double sniper and double shield was her hard counter.
You have to be delusional to believe she’s been meta for the whole game. Actually she hasn’t had an actual meta shaped around herself since quad tank IN 2016.
It’s scary how much the forums can bend someone’s logic. Or that people have so little understanding of online games that they think “being played = meta must pick”

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I am glad they did not give Brig any major nerfs.

Yeah ball is gutted wow lol

she hasn’t been meta, but she has been the top support pick for the majority of the playerbase for most of the games lifespan

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Right, but what problem do you think the change was meant to address? Probably for ranks below GM, where Brig has suffered from having lower HP.

Bear in mind that I’m not arguing that they don’t listen to M+ ranks. Yes, it was reverted because it affected high ranks too much, but the fact that it was tried out in the first place surely means that they’re not entirely focused on top ranks.

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Why in the hell would they lower his ammo? His cannons already get countered by any and I mean any healing. If they decrease the cooldown of grappleclaw then they need to revert the pushback nerf. The smaller hitbox doesn’t matter if is stunned. Also the larger hitbox decreases his ability to rollout over people and get larger piledrivers. This will literally make hamster unplayable in any gamemode. If anything the smaller hitbox encourages the no skill spinning on a payload. This entire change is a huge troll.


They were experimenting with 25 HP increments that patch and Brig was a logical test subject

Also every hero buffed in it that patch had a less than 1% pickrate in GM I’m pretty sure