OWL Experimental Card changes list (COMPLETED!) Available 3/22

these wont ever going live dont worry

Wow… the pro’s HATE Wrecking Ball.

You must be new here lmao

Not sure if any of you have noticed but the hero has always been selected regardless of strength because the hero is fun to play and is challenging. She wasn’t strong in double shield, and regardless people chose the character, she wasn’t strong in goats, and regardless people chose the character. She’s just barely viable currently and people are selecting her because it’s been a while since they’ve had the ability to play the hero without throwing, she’s fun to play, and she’s a mechanically challenging hero. If you’re struggling against an ana run any kind of mobility hero and engage on her. If you aren’t good enough to kill it alone take someone with you. The hero is highly susceptible to dive and is hard countered by mobility. The people in your ranks aren’t even playing the hero correctly- which should strengthen the fact that she will get ran over by dive heroes (especially 2 or more at once) Baptiste does 5x what ana does in 90% of situations, but plats see him as being borderline useless troll pick hero.

Tldr: fun hero, challenging, barely viable, and chosen because it’s been a while since she’s been playable so people will play it anyway. Definitely needs the ammo change even though it probably wont go live.

Does no one understand when i say that a character messes up the balance of the game? I havent said that i can’t fight against her. I havent cursed at anyone for playing the character, im only saying that Nano needs to be toned down so characters like Genji, Rein and Zarya can be more easily balanced and Nano gets a risk factor. Please, understand it.

These are awful changes and some heroes that need changes get none.

They should just play Valorant and CS:GO professionally instead. Along with all their streamer buddies.

They’re ruining this game.


hahha nah man i witnessed all the ball nerfs no way they putting all of these there is just no way. but if they do i promise to throw everygame i can from gm back to bronze xD

Nerfed Lucio for no reason. Like the only thing they agreed with from the Lucio player was a nerf, then proceeded to nerf him more. IF THEY BUFF HIS HEALING THEN THESE CHANGES ARE OK HOWEVER THEY WERE ONLY GOING TO BUFF HIS SPEED SO I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY FRAN SAID IT WOULD INDIRECTLY BUFF BEAT. Hopefully the real patch notes clears up this garbage but I hope I don’t lose my favorite (and arguably one of the most fun) characters on the roster. He’s already in a bad place and this just kicks him while he is down. And if these changes are in fact the ones we get or if they are different I hope most of these are left behind.

I mean I did that on support about 4 months ago, 4.5k to diamond. Trash balancing, and I don’t play the game anymore. Still love the whole idea of team based fps but the way the devs have shaped the game recently, its unplayable.

McCree is still the go-to hero.

Flash/headshot melee

both will still kill her, it just means she won’t die as randomly to bs damage not actually even aimed at her.

symm change really lame imo but i guess they dont really play the character outside the tower map we all know so its to be expected. why throw turrets faster even. theyll still get shot down and wont make symm any more skillful

That’s the whole point of her having the 150hp? You master the art of dodging?

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I hate this. I hate all of this, even the buffs that benefits the characters i play. This is all just… awful.


Wow thanks pros. You guys are the best. Now I can finally waste my cooldowns, but slightly faster.


This just in – OWL players are largely a bunch of teenagers that have zero idea how to balance a game. Confirmed.

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reorg the list here for anyone with a headache searching - *Reorganized* OWL Experimental Card Changes List

Please no. With shields, Zarya bubbles, and sombra being shot out of her hack, it can already be pretty hard to do it sometimes.

Hey what the hell is going on with the lucio nerf, he’s already not good, why make him worse?

Making Lucio’s auras “scale with distance” alone is enough to show how little these guys understand game design. Do they not understand how jarring it would be to have inconsistent boosts to speed?

Really? No Moira changes? Wow, I swear they are ignoring her on purpose.