OWL Experimental Card changes list (COMPLETED!) Available 3/22

symm change really lame imo but i guess they dont really play the character outside the tower map we all know so its to be expected. why throw turrets faster even. theyll still get shot down and wont make symm any more skillful

That’s the whole point of her having the 150hp? You master the art of dodging?

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I hate this. I hate all of this, even the buffs that benefits the characters i play. This is all just… awful.


Wow thanks pros. You guys are the best. Now I can finally waste my cooldowns, but slightly faster.


This just in – OWL players are largely a bunch of teenagers that have zero idea how to balance a game. Confirmed.

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reorg the list here for anyone with a headache searching - *Reorganized* OWL Experimental Card Changes List

Please no. With shields, Zarya bubbles, and sombra being shot out of her hack, it can already be pretty hard to do it sometimes.

Hey what the hell is going on with the lucio nerf, he’s already not good, why make him worse?

Making Lucio’s auras “scale with distance” alone is enough to show how little these guys understand game design. Do they not understand how jarring it would be to have inconsistent boosts to speed?

Really? No Moira changes? Wow, I swear they are ignoring her on purpose.

I mean look at the Mercy “BUFF”, how not why, HOW CAN YOU USE THIS? Its impossible and 100% useless

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I think the Pharah change is incorrect, it’s the dmg she received not the dmg she does

Are you jealous that Ana players are more skilled than Mercy one tricks? I just find it incredibly ironic that the person who one tricks the hero who can be played with one hand says Ana is easy value lol.

For real tho, having played in high and low ranks I can confidently say that Ana is not ez value lol. Lord beer me strength if I play Rein in plat with an Ana on my team cuz they are not gonna heal me. If you’re playing anyhing that moves the slightest then your plat Ana ain’t gonna hit you.

Ana one tricks are just as pathetic tbf


ana is literally the most perfect hero in the entire game, ana is one of those characters who rewards good mechanics, good game sense, good positioning, etc. Characters like moira and bap should be designed for lower elos with people who aren’t as mechanically skilled. the funny thing is right now she isn’t exactly meta because ez heros like baptiste who have a LITERAL IMMORTALITY FIELD just overpowers ana and he does much more healing in general. the only thing that makes bap somewhat skillfull is dealing pressure towards the frontline and constantly healing your team and thats it. moira… don’t even get me started on that character. brig… same thing. i think you can see the pattern here.

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also im not a ana main btw just saying cause ik some people out there gonna assume i play ana

Oh boy. Let’s see what the “pros” decided.

Garbage. If an Ana uses it on herself she’s going to be flamed severely. It would have been much better for Nano to ALSO heal Ana when she shoots someone else.

Lol why? Ashe is in a good place.

Ah yes because he wasn’t butchered enough already. Way to go - Rein/Zarya meta will be the only thing played.

Complete and utter Trash. Sombra is ruined by that Hack change.

Because Tracer totally needed buffs.

LOL Because Hanzo totally needed buffs.

A hero who actually needs some changes because of lost identitity / use through repeated nerfing / powercreep and she’s left the same. Right.

Awful. We need less auto-aim in this game not MORE.

-_- maybe their plan is to completely wreck OW1 so people stop complaining / playing and jump to OW2 upon release. Because these changes are pure awful.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I swear I think this is probably the mentality and line of thought some “pros :crazy_face:” have.
Super smart, super visionary, very deep understanding of what skill is.

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Dont buff tracer’s health, what the hell are they thinking?

Weaker torb turrets? But now he gets two?

NO, stop, abort, cancel, disengage.


I see a few good changes but a LOT of questionable at best ones.