OW2- "The Stars are Aligning"

Slowly but surely the stars are aligning for my early predictions regarding the beta. I expect within another week that pretty much every damn thing I predicted will have come true.

So far I’ve been right about Winston, Rein and Doomfist being trash. I’ve been wrong about D.Va however and I’ll admit it. That said, it’s only high ranking players who are making consistently effective use out of her.

But Doomfist still has the same fundamental weaknesses as always (poor uptime, zero poke, CC). Spearhorse is looking overtuned, yet is strong and fun, but once again my predictions regarding snipers gatekeeping her seems to hold up.

Hog is still Hog and a good Hog vs a lack of communication is pretty much a GGs. Ball is going to terrorize in OWL in another week or so, and Sig is going to dominate Payload maps as he always has. Sig doesn’t look too hot as of now because everyone is forcing an unnecessary pace on the match that will surely slow over time as positioning and rotations are sorted. The hero is still insanely powerful.

DPS is undoubtedly flankerwatch on all the new maps and KOTH maps, while everything else is pretty much sniper city. I had no hottakes or contentious positions regarding DPS outside of saying Sojourn was going to be more balanced than the community believed, and so far I am right. She has a high skill ceiling both mechanically and with game-sense. But she’s far more balanced than folks (outside of myself) were anticipating.

Still, I don’t have much of a bone to pick in those regards.

Lastly, I tried to warn folks that supports were in for a rude awakening, but I was mostly ignores. Didn’t receive much engagement regarding my constant and bold claims that most support players were going to hate the game.

Well I’m still right about it, and the fundamental issues that have long plagued low ELO support players are just easier to expose with one less shield and one less tank.

The irony is that supports are likely going to receive widespread nerfs following the start of OWL, as player who actually play the role correctly, position correctly, rotate correctly and aggress correctly will show just how overtuned and overpowered the role still is.

I will continue to blast this warning from my trumpet until this actually comes to fruition.


As for how 5v5 is playing, I am once again right. One player is throwing it’s GGs, and god forbid it’s a support or your singular tank. Fights snowball much faster, hard matches are harder and easy matches are easier. Who woulda thunk it? Oh that’s right…

There’s so little I’ve been wrong about despite just how many topics I’ve created concerning the beta.

I love saying “told ya so” :smirk::wink:

Annnnnd you lose lol

Doomfist is frequently regarded as one of the strongest tanks by top players

I have yet to hear this come from a single streamer.

Ball, D.Va and Orisa have dominated every talking point on tank oppression.

DF is hot garbage thanks to his 0 CC negation.

Oh boy

Between that post and the rest of the OP, I don’t think you are as correct as you think you are.

OWL drops in a few days. Enjoy the games!

Doomfist is a map specific pick from what I’ve been watching. He’s super good on some maps and pretty bad on others. Frankly speaking, he’s actually one of the highest dps tanks in the game when played correctly, though he does struggle against Ana sometimes.

Think I was more right….:slightly_smiling_face:

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Still too early to tell which tanks are actually meta.

My guess is we’ll see a bunch of Winston and Reinhardt in owl.

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D.Va and Ball.

Those have the highest ceilings and most potential in a highly organized team setting.

Rein won’t exist outside of two teams forcing a mirror.

Can’t speak for Winston, but Doomfist and Reinhardt aren’t trash. At best, Rein has issues closing the gap, and Doomfist has issues with his damage, but the two are perfectly fine tanks. Where are you getting your evidence of them being trash from?

I do, too. The difference between you an I is that, I’ll say I told you so with facts. Your whole post amounts to “I’m right because I say I am”.

I’ll let everyone else decide which one of us is more believable :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The only tanks I’ve see everyone agree are trash are Hog and Ball. Winston and Doomfist have been all over the place.

The funny thing is my own experience and the opinions of others I’ve talked to seem to contradict the stuff you’re saying about tanks, but sure “the stars are aligning” I guess :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Did someone say confirmation bias?

Ball suffers from imbalanced lobbies.

Nobody below 3.5k knows how to play with Ball.

Aaaannndddd nobody below 3.5k knows how to play Ball.

It’s a twofold conundrum that feeds itself.

The fact T-500s are in lobbies with golds and plats make Ball quite unplayable. Same goes for Winston, and to a very large degree DF.

I fully expect a healthy dose of Ball dominance when OWL drops, as those players are actually capable of playing the hero and playing around him.

Hog will be dominant on ladder as always. He still has his 1-shot, has his sustain, and in general is a complete menace. He’s beaten with teamwork and outside of a stack of GM players winding up in a lobby, Hog is still strong. Not as good as live, but strong nonetheless, and I think he’s actually in a decent place in OW2.