'OW2 tanks are buffed' is gaslighting

You’re the one who seems salty here. :gorilla: :zzz:

Been forever since I logged in, but man the amount of lies, trolling, and salt is hilarious. For anyone that’s interested in the video being questioned it’s here: Overwatch League Pros TEST Overwatch 2 | Grand Finals Exhibition Match - YouTube and the time that is being referred to starts at 7:54, in which the Rein (Mag) gets EMP’d and then dies very quickly, but having watched the clip slowed down, I am not seeing where “he’s being healed by 2 supports” which seems to be nonsense, and then there is the fact that the reaper starts assisting, the Sombra only gets a 72% assist on the kill, meaning the reaper got a lot more than a glancing tap.

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Nah i dont think thats what this guy wants to hear :rofl:

So two Reaper shotgun blasts are a melee on a 1 health enemy? Okay.

If the Reaper is Nano-boosted, that’s not solo. That’s two heroes contributing, one via use of an ultimate.

I in no way misrepresented what you said. I’m glad you are admitting it was an EMP and not just a hack now. Case closed on you misrepresenting that death the first time.

Reaper killing anyone while Nano-boosted is not Reaper making those kills solo. It’s him doing so with another hero using their ultimate on him.

I have said nothing about whether the tanks were getting melted or not. I have not misrepresented anything you said, I’ve simply quoted you.

^ This is untrue. That’s it. You already admitted the first wasn’t. Go on, you can admit to the second omitting Nano use too.

It is around the 6 minute mark in the Push Map gameplay video from this weekend.

You are correct that with only left-click Sombra could only gank Zarya; however, Sombra hit Q then held left-click and Rein melted. The insidious part is that EMP removes the armor from most tanks and drops their hp to the point Sombra could solo kill them in a 1-2 seconds depending on aim. EMP is definitely overtuned based on how it is instant cast 40% of HP damage. It needs to have some counter play like other similarly powerful damage abilities have against them.

Reaper came in to finish the kill off that Sombra had done on her own. But hey, keep it up!

At that point, yes. She had reinhardt dead by herself.

You certainly did.

You are being pedantic, and literal at this point. Everyone knows exactly what I meant when I said what I said but hey, you got to win that debate right bro?

It is certainly basically him doing it solo. Why? Cause you can easily infer from what he did with nano the conclusion wouldn’t be that different without it. He does it now on live without nano, the difference is on live there is a second tank, and support healing actually matters.

Nah. You are trying to play this neutral party figure and it is pretty bad. Anyone can see between the lines. There is no reason for you to even attempt this debate if you didn’t side with the ‘tanks aren’t melting’ crowd. That simple.

Learn inference, and not to be a robot. :roll_eyes:

Thank you for actually giving a timestamp.

Having now understood what is being referred to, by watching it, you can see that:

  1. It took well over a second
  2. She only did 72% of the damage

As the poster above pointed out, even with EMP and it’s cast time, it is not possible to do that much damage in under 1 second.

Oh hey, it is Ph4ytes alt account.

Reapers contribution did not matter at all in the fight.

Actually, we are going to set a baseline here.

If I solo ultimate a Reinahrdt, and he gets down to 100HP during my ultimate but then someone comes in to shoot him to kill him do you think I had the solo kill or not? Just curious.

She doesn’t… it’s 3 seconds…

I dont think OP knows what the term “gaslighting” means

Sorry to disappoint, but I’m not not Ph4ytes. Just someone with really basic common sense and able to do basic elementary school multiplication.

Also congrats on just loading more and more fallacies into your argument with every post.

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Check yourself - language evolves over time:

The term is also used informally to describe someone (a “gaslighter”) who persistently puts forth a false narrative which leads another person (or a group of people) to doubt their own perceptions to the extent that they become disoriented and distressed. This dynamic is generally only possible when the audience is vulnerable such as in unequal power relationships or when the audience is fearful of the losses associated with challenging the false narrative. Gaslighting is not necessarily malicious or intentional, although in some cases it is.


No you are. You say the exact same things, structure your sentences the same way and everything. Anyway, lets continue.

That is what I thought. Case closed.

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The math does show it is possible to delete Rein within a second of hitting EMP. Yes, it will require good tracking while being in the correct range, but it is possible.

My main issue is how EMP interacts with armor on tanks. Armor is meant to protect tanks from rapid fire, low damage SMGs (Sombra/Tracer) or shotguns that have multiple pellets (Reaper/Hog). However, EMP chunks right through the armor of those that have it. Winston and Rein lose all armor, Orisa has ~25 left, while Dva has ~60. For an ability that has virtually no reliable counter play that is problematic. Maybe changing how EMP interacts with armor will alleviate the situation.

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Umm i dont have and never will have an alt account lol. Just wrong all over the place tonight arent ya? Imagine talking about durations of time under 1 second and not feeling like you have to take it literally. Oh 1.4 seconds is basically the same! No no one is 40% longer

Within 1 second after EMP, but EMP has a cast time associated with it.

Two people have a basic understanding of math and logic, therefore they must be the same person!

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Mmhmm. Whatever you say.

Oh man, you are lowering the time it takes to switch accounts! This is getting good.

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Good took you long enough ,but you finally agreed with me.

If they don’t change, OW2 will simply be:

tanks/support are servants/fodder to make sure the dps have a fun match/ to make sure OWL matches are exciting to watch