'OW2 tanks are buffed' is gaslighting

Considering I have no idea what I’m looking for, I can’t seem to find it. I’m searching variations of ow2, mags, tank dying, sombra, etc. It’s clearly not “being posted everywhere” like you think.

If it takes 2 whole seconds to find for you then it shouldn’t be that hard to link it.


If you can’t find it, it is a PEBKAC issue. The match is a hot topic right now and one of the easiest things to find when you type “OW2” in youtube.

I’m not going to watch an entire match trying to find the exact second you’re referring to. Just post the video dude, it’s not hard.

I’m not going to take the time to post the video if you aren’t going to take the time to watch the match to form your own opinion.

Actually, I’m not going to take the time to post the video at all. If you can’t be bothered to research information yourself, then you don’t want to be informed. It shouldn’t matter what I say, if you want to prove me wrong or right, or learn for yourself you should 100% be going and looking into it yourself.


It’s not. You might have to go back and reread my posts, my friend.

Again, I haven’t seen Blizzard comment on it, so my thoughts are entirely my own. Could it be my argument happens to be similar to Blizzard’s? No, no, couldn’t be. If it even is similar, I’m taking your word for it.

And yeah, I’ve seen the OW2 match. You’ve just fabricated a falsehood to support your point. Very predictable of the OW forums and entirely in line with the point I made to you. Admittedly though, I haven’t seen Super’s unfiltered opinion of it.


Blizzard has literally said word for word “Tanks will be buffed to be viable to go along with being a solo tank for 5v5.” then the video literally shows the opposite. By not acknowledging that, and defending the statement either knowingly or not, you are being a blizzard mouth piece.

No, you clearly haven’t, but thanks for proving my point.

ciao. o/


Why would I need to watch the whole match? You referenced a really specific thing that happened. It’s either fact or it’s not. There is no opinion that needs to be formed about anything.

It’s a simple fact: Sombra does 210 damage versus a hacked enemy. 100% accuracy and 100% crit shots would be 420 damage is one second. The only tank that can kill is Zarya.

Your refusal to post the clip suggests to me that you know this is untrue. Your posts show so much deflection it’s not even funny. Instead of taking the 2 seconds you claim it takes to post the video you’ll spend several minutes typing to me about how you won’t do it because “you can’t be bothered to do your own research”. You made the claim, my dude. Back it up.

I absolutely agree, and think the general gist of the OP’s post is too adversarial.

But I will say, there is definitely substance to people’s fears about OW2, and I think it’s valuable to present those concerns now. We’ve seen enough that we have reason to be worried, if that makes sense.


Cause it’d be me clipping something and not giving you the full context. I rather people not be sheep and go watch it for themselves.

Go watch the video.

That is cool, you refusing to take the time to go watch it means nothing you say matters. It is cool how we both can play that game right?

It is funny how you can’t do a simple search in youtube, find the video, watch it (which you already said you can’t be bothered to watch it, which means your opinion doesn’t mean jack so why should I bother getting you the video? I won’t). I don’t need to back it up. If you ‘can’t be bothered’ to watch the full match video to form your own opinion, I am not and will continue to never link the video. It is on the forums, in one of the many many threads with hundreds of likes saying they don’t like what they see.

What is even more rich is you are instead of taking the time to get the video, watch it, and prove me wrong like you think you will you are spending what was it…

Pot meet kettle. Go sit somewheres, thanks.

Like I know you are a sombra main, but I am not even complaining about the sombra changes. I think they are cool, the problem is the tank/support changes.

You made a claim:

You do not need to watch an entire match of overwatch to verify this statement. There is no context needed. It either happened or it didn’t.

Post the timestamp and stop deflecting. This isn’t hard. You think you’re being all whitty but you’re just posting a bunch of fallacies. As the person making the claim (including the claim of there being “literal evidence”) it’s your responsibility to actually provide it. Not to make everyone else waste their time trying to hunt down what you’re referring to.

I don’t recall making any statements about Sombra’s strength. So what does this have to do with anything?

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They are getting the heaviest changes overall, so they will take the longest to finish up and get right

Maybe most understanding person on forums right here

Gaslighting? Is this Twitter?

Yup. I called it.

Yes and?

No, you do need to watch the entire match to see the full context of everything. That is how actual research works, not this twitter opinion you seem to want.

Sorry, when you say things like…

Then do the exact same thing you say I am doing, it is hilarious and shows you aren’t worth the time.

I’m not your secretary, I am not in a court of law, I am not obligated in anyway doing your research for you. If you got time to respond to me on here and clearly you do, you got time to go look up what I am talking about. Until you do, stay being a mad hypocritical person.

:gorilla: /

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Thanks for reminding me why I stopped posting on the forums. Have a good one.

Swear I’m on the forums not Twitter

Basically, yes. :poop:


I believe the two points being referred to are at 7:28 and 8:08. Neither of which are as described by:

Neither of these things happened.

The first is not just a hack, it’s an EMP. An ultimate that now does 40% health damage. Sombra is also not the only one damaging Rein after. You can see Reaper come in and put two shotgun shots into him as well.

The second is not just “Reaper solo killing Rein”, it’s a Nano boosted Reaper. Again, an ultimate being used.


And in both cases, you ignore the tank being healed by 2 supports.

Go next.

The tanks absolutely melted, in a second or under. On live they only melt slightly less faster than in OW2.

:gorilla: :zzz: