Ow2 supports state

It feels so bad and stressfull :,)

5vs5 :-1:


So much inside. Thank you so much.

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Tbh support has always been stressful


This is feedback for the devs , i did not intend on writing the bible

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I am loving 5v5 as a Support main

To each their own


And they know that. This post does not even try to fix things. Its like I said “OW1 bad” without any argument. At least try to give some examples what is bad and why in your opinion.

Most support aren’t that exhausting play. But yeah if I’m on baptiste, having to do 10 things at once can get tiring after a while. But it’s also what gives him his carry potential, so it’s a trade-off I guess.


I honestly just hate that as a result of balance shifting, I need to do 5times as much, I need to keep stricter positioning, be poking for damage a lot more to keep potential damage off me, output a similar level of healing from OW1, and make sure the other support doesn’t die, as with the overall damage/second increase, I have to work overtime to perform “Well”, while a tank can press a M1 and M2 in the front and get decent value.


Honestly I think the majority of the problems comes from newer push maps like Colosseo. They gave hypermobile flankers too many angles and flanking routes on that map and it’s not good for any hero that lacks mobility.

Support in OW2 doesn’t look too bad on older maps like King’s Row for example. The fight still ends much faster than OW1 because of 1 tank, but at least supports can get behind cover and do their job on that map.


In my experience support felt basically the same except for push. Push was something I never really got used to in the 3 weeks I played beta 1 and I’m not surprised. It’s a new game mode with new maps there’s a lot to learn about how to play.

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I think its very clear that its 5vs5 the problem , cause therr is no tank to peel supports like its been stated in a thousand threads.


The problem is that people stand in the middle of the road and still think they can do that without getting killed. 5v5 is fine but the people dont use cover because in OW1 you had tanks doing this job. Now your positioning is a lot more important. Line of sight and so on. It its a rude wake-up call for the ones that just where behind the tanks 24/7.

It will take time but its a problem.

I think I agree. I’ve been playing the beta for a bit with Ana, Zen and Mercy and I have to say as long as I stayed out of LOS from the enemy I didn’t have problems surviving, with most of my games ending with me having half as much deaths as my teammates.

Ana feels really nice as far as I can tell. With crowd control abilites removed and reduced, she feels like she really has a very safe spot in the game.

BUT LUCIO’s self heal penalty is by far one of the WORST changes I have seen and played through. with hours and hours of Lucio gameplay, I just feel like whenever they change him, it’s always an unfinished change. He has nearly no escape now if he’s under 50% health with all the bleed damage and anti’s coming from Junker Queen and Ana. even abilities like Echo’s cluster bombs and Cassidy’s sticky bomb are just BRUTAL to lucio if he isn’t being pocketed. and that feels very off. maybe I haven’t put enough time into organized gameplay but Lucio feels like he’s hurting.

I’ve been playing support all day today and man… I really don’t get how people feel this way. They are the strongest and most impactful heroes in the game…Discord, anti-heal, lamp. All the supports are insane right now. I’ve never had more fun before.


Yes! and there will still be people who say that the supports are fine and hyper OP in OW2… tell Mercy, the poor thing has fallen into the pit of the absolute nerf and they have turned her into garbage.

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I did 4-6 matches today in OW2 as a 2stack, both of us playing support. Moira/Mercy. We won literally every single match, most of them weren’t even close.

Since there’s two supports, you need to watch out for each other. As Moira, I’m always watching for flankers, and saving my other support if they get into trouble. I do this in solo queue also, but it’s more helpful to know the other support is actually healing when you’re dealing with flankers. The tank is busy with the frontline, and I doubt the dps are going to peel for you, so the supports need to synergize and play well instead of hoping the backline is a secure position.

My best role is actually tank, but 2stacking support feels like you just control the match. Saying support is still the most impactful role is seriously no joke. They have crazy high impact even if you aren’t running Ana or Bap.

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Support feel bad to me at this point simply because nothing really changed for them from OW1 to OW2 and there is still only 7 of them.

Virtually none of the supports got any huge changes. Meanwhile, Tank/DPS got massive changes.

Doomfist was moved from DPS to tank.
Orsia got a complete rework.
A new tank was released.
Winston got an entirely new move on top of regular buffs.

DPS has just always been the biggest group in the game. It got 2 of the last 3 character releases Echo/Sojourn. Bastion had a rework.

So, I’m a little burnt out support because it still has some of the least tools to work with compared to tank/dps now. The role has honestly always been lagging behind when it first launched with only 4 of which at least 2 supports were mandatory in nearly every fight).


in other modes support forced to chill on payload… alone… thats boring and sometimes chill ends by death from flanker =\