(OW2) Streamer Flats responds to leaks

I gave you an official Blizzard quote and the link to the source on the official Overwatch website.

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blizzard said pve is coming 2023, date unspecified.
why would they start locking pve content now when pve isn’t even launching?

I dunno, I was getting a ‘NDA plus I’m tight with Blizz so let’s wait and see’ vibe…Stylosa/Your Overwatch, love or hate them are in the same boat but frequently speak their mind about BP/Game direction/etc… :wink:

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That your misinterpreting, you are thinking just because it’s in the battlepass means it is locked, this just goes back to what I was saying people don’t understand the first thing about BPs

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another blizz defender joins the stage and gets paid lmao


Correct me If I’m wrong but stylosa missed the meeting, he’s not under NDA

what “might” is there in “heroes will be locked behind battlepass”? it will happen.

when the criticism is that heroes should not be locked behind battlepasses there’s no “wait for extra info” because nothing will be demeed reasonable when even the best possible outcome is still highly undesirable.


It’s not really productive to disregard official information on the basis that plans could have changed internally. Will Overwatch 2 release on October 4th? Who knows? Will Overwatch 2 release at all? Who knows?


All I said was, that it is officially confirmed to be in the Battle Pass.
I didn’t interpret the wording in any kind of way.

Though I don’t get what you mean by “not locked”.
Either it is in the Battle Pass or it isn’t - and they say it is :woman_shrugging:


Maybe Sty isn’t but I’m fairly sure I’ve heard YO (YourOverwatch) mention an NDA in one of their recent videos (last 3 or so).

Ultimately, 2 of the biggest creators, 1 basically confirmed on NDA, both routinely calling out Acti/Blizz behavior despite being 2 of the biggest content creators… :wink:

In other words just like others said… Wait and See.

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“I want to see it all at once” = “I wait for my NDA to expire so I can tear it apart”

What happened to:


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Yeah but OW2 is not dead day 1, he can even do half and half. Most streamers end up doing variety and worst case scenario, he gets 1year ish to do that process.
You can check Seagull, Holiwhirl and Linkzr. They made the switch easy. Flats and Emongg would not fall short on that imho.

He is also a new player. Getting bots on your team and blaming them is part of the Apex experience :smiley:

They released a roadmap in June, like 3 months ago. Things can change. Roadmaps can change. The question is, did it?

Much like how everyone is hypothetically assuming everything, it’s another scenario to hypothetically consider. But nah. It’s too much to ask to hypothetically consider that some form of PvE could actually possibly be a real possibility for launch.


He is shilling while the money flows obviously. After that he can speak whatever he truly believes.

The same goes for Heroes being in there.
There is no gameplay improvement gained from it whatsoever - yet is is confirmed twice already.

They don’t care if it makes sense gameplay wise.
Those decisions are made by people with the job to make as much money out of the game as possible and they probably have very little in-depth understanding of how the game actually works.

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Well yeah except for the Doomers of course. That’s the point.

Most likely no. There’s no reason to assume so. We should just operate with the current information given to us.

Oh, so you do think he’s getting paid :joy:

Yes, that’s how NDAs work Lara. Good job figuring that out.