(OW2) Streamer Flats responds to leaks

TBH the reading I got is the opposite.
I think the guy is annoyed about the whole outrage and he cant be bothered to try to “contain” something he probably knows to be pointless or irrelevant. And since he is under NDA, he just rather chill and stay outside of it.

He already is playing Apex with other ex OW players, dont think switching games would be an issue at all.

If the leaks are true, it takes about 15 hours to get to level 20 out of 100. Assuming it’s linear, that’s a 75 hour grind every BP season. That would be significantly more than most people play, but also just a guess. We need actual information.


How did we miss that? Or have they sneakily updated that page now? The only thing i saw alluding to this was the sony article that stated that battlepasses would grant early access to new heroes, but that was quickly amended?

I did not read the recap as a watched the event, but I did not hear anything like what this is saying. It feel weird that we all have just slept on this.

Was gonna say exactly the same thing, pretty rich of him to say that he likes to consider all facts first, when he was one of the most agitated people on SVB debates right after 5v5 was announced.

Like just say “I can’t weigh in on the topic you know why” like how YourOverwatch did.

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Being under NDA is like getting paid to do advertising: You don’t like it and it is against everything you stand for but you still present it as something good just to get paid.


No, those are two completely different things.


He wants to stay on the good side of Blizzard so he gest invited on secret meetings again. Simple as that.


Sure, theorise and speculate against all logic all you like. Doesn’t change the fact that being under NDA is a completely different thing to being paid to advertise.


can we really trust someone that might as well be on blizzard’s payroll?
there’s no news that can make “heroes locked behind a battlepass” good.

it’s not a matter of “good or bad” it’s only a matter of “how bad will it be”

no, he’s not directly being paid, but blizzard could prevent him from accessing exclusive info if he speaks badly about them.


Can’t wait for all those who signed the NDA to be the first ones to complain about Blizzard’s incompetency once when the NDA is lifted out.

That is the problem, the first I F .
For example Apex BP is not linear, because weekly quests keep coming up so finishing BP playing from day 1 takes 4 weeks ish … but if you start last month, it takes 2 weeks ish.
I hate guessing with such a stupidly high variance, let alone see that people burn the place down without even being aware of such thresholds.

You can just call him a Shill. Thats what you are saying with other words here. Right on queue, just like I said:

My god some people are predictable lol.

Yes he is. it is not rocket science to see though it.

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Pretty sure a lot of people won’t mind if it’s to unlock a PvE experience. Just a thought.

pve is nowhere near in sight, so what are they locking the hero from?

Yeah but most of his ‘strong’ content like spectating bronze (which basically made up a significant portion of his twitch growth - “hey first time watching ur stream i come from the bronze vids on youtube they are funny.”) aren’t gonna be a thing if he switches games. Like he gets so much attention from the bronze spectating videos that there are memes about people asking him to spectate their bronze and him being annoyed with them asking all the time.

He’s not really that great at Apex either… from the past Apex streams I have seen he will sometimes do something stupid and blame the random third they are with… idk just seems like he has some of that streamer ego from overwatch when its a completely different game.

I generally think unless you’re one of those incredible pros, BR streaming seems kinda harder. In Overwatch community he’s flats, but in Apex he would just be another nobody streaming the game basically so it would be hard to grow further.

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Yep. They very well could.

I feel like you don’t understand what an NDA is :joy:


And you know this how? I mean, the game is going to have PvE, it’s inevitable. The question is, did the timeline for that change? Who knows. Is some of it coming for release and more in 2023? Who knows.

How can an NDA stop them from criticizing public information? The only way the NDA would do that is if they were told about this monetization scheme, they why would they celebrate it as they did? Would look kind of twofaced to criticise it now then.

conclusion: they are shills

Their roadmap says it will start next year.

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Yeah this basically. Also his personality has changed slightly the closer to OW2 we have gotten/more streamer things and attention from devs. I sometimes wonder if it’s kinda going to his head a bit. I don’t really watch him at all basically compared to like 2 years ago when he seemed… idk 'nicer. I feel like this ego thing relates to him not just straight up saying the truth rather than acting like he’s doing some moral high ground thing lol

Like fitzy gets in on the exclusive stuff too but he never ever has even the slightest bit of ego or acts like hes some genius when talking about balancing or marketing or something else.