(OW2) Streamer Flats responds to leaks

He posted the video to his second channel. Link is below. I think we can take some things from this. It was posted yesterday, and Flats is currently under NDA. He is known to be very tight lip about anything he’s restricted from saying since he has a good relationship with Blizzard and Team4. The fact that he put this video now I think confirms this info is either coming out today or Thursday.
He was careful about what he said but I gleaned a few details about what he said

  1. The full info on BPs will spin this in a better light, how much so we’ll have to wait to find out
  2. If you only want to spend 60 dollars you’ll still have 2 years worth of hereos and other content for that price, since hereos are released every 9 weeks
  3. Finally I think he confirmed the BPs pay for themselves since he alluded to other ways you can pay for the BP without actually having to pay for it.

Link: Why I haven't talked about the recent Overwatch 2 leaks - YouTube


I watched it and he said basically what I have - wait until you have all the facts. Comparisons to Diablo Immortal, Halo, all that nonsense do not automatically apply.

The BPs are are pretty much confirmed they will pay for themselves BUT even as much as I play I am doubtful I will be able to grind one out continuously. Therein lies the rub as they say. You have plenty of options, but a quick jump in, jump out got all the content days are just over.


He somehow missed that it is already confirmed that maps/game modes will be in the Battle Pass.


Its sad that the most neutral and logical position will be deemed as “defender” or shill, or whatever the outrage crew can come up with. He literally mentions this and still there will be people that prove him right, right on queue :rofl:


Where is this confirmed?

“Overwatch 2 will have seasonal updates on a regular cadence and a Battle Pass that will feature new content including new heroes, game modes, maps, cosmetics, and more!”


I almost think the map is incorrectly in there personally, it just doesn’t make sense. I guess without a map and it’s in rotation your queue times would go up a tad… still seems… odd.

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It’s pretty obvious he’s scared to say anything because he’s under NDA and doesn’t wanna risk it, fair enough.

Dude has exploded about the tiniest **** before lol, and now this relatively significant thing he has cited waiting for the facts


No it hasn’t lol, that has just been speculation from a video back in May lmao

CC reaction to the 5v5 announcement is almost certainly why they started all this NDA stuff in the first place.

Once they actually had time to think about the idea and try it out, they’re on board. When it was dropped on them on stream, they did the “I hate change!” thing.


I remember in one of the dev videos, think it was the Reveal Event, where they talked about pushing PvE through the live service. I don’t see them making things like PvP game modes and maps restricted to the Battle Pass because it leaves a bunch of people out, too restrictive.

I have a really strong feeling this is all PvE related and we’re going to get something PvE related when the game launches. Yeah, they said 2023 for PvE but who knows, maybe something changed.

I remember them saying that there are going to be PvE maps or something along those lines as well.

We’ll just have to wait and see.

People forget that there is a free track of the battle pass too, and there is normally things that Auto Unlock at the start of it, aka maps, happens with valorant all the time


I think this is also a really good video to check out as well, it’s almost 43 minutes long but it’s with Soe talking with the OW team for the Reveal Event, if you haven’t seen it.

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Im going to give you the benefit of the doubt and not think that what you are saying is that “Oh he has overreacted before or was wrong before, therefore he cant be trusted”, so I am going to go over your last sentence and explain why its wrong and it doesnt apply.

You can “explode” about tiny things like in game nerfs to heroes that feel bad etc, because those things are 100% happening or will happen (confirmed changes).

The issue comes that this outrage is not “relatively significant” because its built up mostly (not all, sure) about things that MIGHT happen in the future.

Do you see the difference? It might be subtle but it makes ALL the difference. So yeah, he can be trusted on this video and his reaction is legit. Like he is literally leaving money on the table, by not creating an outrage video like Stylosa.

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The dude just says wait until we have all the information which I agree, it makes sense… but the frustrating thing is … is that waiting until the launch of OW 2 because if that’s the case then I’ll just put the phone down, do something else for 3 weeks then come back to complain during launch if the news is bad anyway.

The ball is in your court, Blizzard … do you want to pull the band-aid off now or during the opening of your game?

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To add to his Battle Pass argument and people who would rather pay $60 up front, the Battle Pass will most likely pay for itself so you would only need to make an initial $10 investment and never have to pay for the Battle Pass again.


I’m just saying if he wasn’t on NDA he’d be talking about it far more. Just like when he complained significantly about 5v5 and tanks for like no reason lmao

Side note, I really think it would be beneficial to drop information sooner than later, just a slither to stop negativity… their big reveal is already ruined (and honestly it probably got leaked by someone annoyed that they weren’t showing things or something)

Also this basically is my thoughts which I just saw on reddit:
"Flats specifically I think is just scared for his job. As a content creator he appeared when overwatch was basically dead already, and has spent years just hoping he would still have a job when OW2 came out and finally get to be a big established content creator with freedom. I don’t blame the dude, but flats has lost his shtt for reasons much smaller than this. He was very pissed off for a while when they said they were removing a tank, and then again during the dev stream ALL he did was talk sh/t through the entire thing. I specifically remember him getting mad when stylosa on stream when stylosa went to talk and wasnt flaming them on stream. But all of a sudden blizzard started reaching out to content creators and his attitude did a total 180. Plus he obviously knows some of the people on a personal level now, so he’s obviously more apprehensive.

I kinda just feel bad for the dude, he probably is pretty terrified of the coming sh/tstorm and see’s it coming but there’s just nothing he can do at this point but just sit and wait. Nothing he says matters now. So he’s just much more chill now. He’s under NDA, he knows some of them personally and he is probably legitimately scared for his job because It’s now a very real possibility he’s going to have to start with a new game again."


The only “counter” some dudes have to this is that they want to make it like Warzone and apparently its impossible to finish the BP if you are not hardcore gaming or a streamer. This doesnt happen in Apex or Valorant though so, I would not bet.

I don’t really believe the BS a battle pass will be so hard to complete lol. Like i’m pretty sure it would reduce the overall long term battle pass revenue if they are hard to complete/too grindy… people will realise they aren’t getting their money worth and not buy them anymore…


Someone on the forum was saying that even Fortnite’s BP pays for itself as well. I’m not sure if Warzone’s does (I’m guessing it does) but it seems like almost every Battle Pass model has a way to pay for itself as long as you put the time in for it. You’ll probably have to go deep into the pass but it’s most likely 100% achieveable. I know Clash of Clans has a Battle Pass and that does not pay for itself lol.

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