So we know the “Remix” event is gonna last all the way through Summer Games and OW2 is most likely not gonna launch with PvE at all. That already makes it look like it’s gonna release this year (probably before Halloween Terror), but what if they give an actual release date at the OWL? Didn’t they say OWL is gonna start May 5th or something this year? By that point the closed beta will most likely have ended and OWL is gonna play on an OW2 build as well. I mean, OW2 has already gotten more things happening to it this year than ever before (oh, and the “more legendary skins” thing as well).
We’ll see but I’m not expecting anything.
Beta starts like a week before…I doubt it’ll be over
And there are other betas…dates for those are far more likely than a game release date
I personally dont expect anything until atleast AFTER the 3rd remix event since they said its purpose was to lead up to OW2.
Unlucky! Maybe next time
You really think it’s gonna last more than a week? I’m already surprised they’re not holding it just over the weekend.
Not really, though. Also, betas? Didn’t they say just the open beta later in the year?
Yeah, as in transitions into OW2. I guess Anniversary was technically always like this, but not making new skin models and extending it over three event slots does feel like the last event ever. Heroes of the Storm now has all the cosmetics from every event at all time and that’s the vibe “Remix” gives off.
Why not?
And that sounds like more than 2 to me
AND the remix events are to keep people that are waiting for beta access busy by being able to play every seasonal event game mode while they wait.
Well, no. It’s multiple phases, not multiple betas. So that can mean phase one is close beta and open beta is phase two.