OW2 Mercy has killed off an entire playstyle

I think it’d be awesome if Mercy got stuff like

SJ into passive hover causes Mercy to stop exactly when the button is pressed and provides a small speed boost almost like Echo hover

Would give Mercy a LOT more control of where she goes but I don’t play her so idk if this is what mains would even appreciate

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Tbf when they did it, it did make his wallriding less effective in the same way.

They still work, here’s a video I made showing it

Honestly Celestial, I have no issue with pulling it off, but it isn’t a fiction that there are people posting on various threads, old and new, that say they can’t…to the point that the Dev’s were trying to address it with the change.

I’m not even sure how trying to acknowledge people who can’t do it, is elitist. I like the old SJ mechanic. Would hate to see it go. I think it’s better in many ways than the new one. But there are those that think otherwise, and their opinion is just as relevant as mine. If that’s elitist, then so be it I guess.

IMHO though, after mastering the original SJ, and then using the updated beta version, I find the beta version is not really SJ. It’s a facsimile of the original with some pretty big flaws, and more closely resembles Phara’s jump-jets than anything else. That’s all I was trying to say Celestial. Apologies if it came across differently.

If this goes through to the live game at some point that will be it for Overwatch for probably a pretty large number of players - myself included. If this is the direction Blizzard wants to go in then for the love of GOD let it be an OPTION we can toggle on/off like we can with nearly every single one of Mercy’s abilities.

tbh the “GA to beam target” is kinda unfair in a game about aiming to do stuff or place things correctly. Silly bugs like backwards gliding to avoid being crit shot are kinda unfair too. Super Jump is sorta inconsistent and lame, I’d rather just have Valk on cooldown to improve temporary mobility.

The one thing that is certainly a problem is how 100% LoS is required for GA, making it far more cumbersome than it has to. I would also rather give up all the little quirks/bugs in the first paragraph to have an improved GA overall (can’t get easily body-blocked by having a light KB hitbox the size of the environmental destroyer hitbox, for example).

i remember shammy talking about this in his very old paladins vs overwatch video
“[about slingshot being made more accessible as a tech] and for super jump make the best out of it before history inevitably soils itself again and blizzard simplifies it and removes all depth”

I had fun when I played mercy it made me more able to survive even alone by using the dead bodies of my teammates however using the super jump to ressrruct became more difficult

Thanks for confirming that I wasn’t hallucinating, I was fairly certain I was still using target through the beta.

The fact Mercy apparently needs 30+ techs to be even remotely viable kinda says she’s a badly designed character

I’ve always had GA prefer target, this way I could evade to another teammate while healing one up.

I’ve never full on held it down but apparently I hold it down for more than a milli second so I just shoot up in the air. People who use toggle crouch also need to change it if they still want to do old SJ. It requires very specific timing now with crouch.

agreed completely. i hope they revert the change