OW2 Mercy has killed off an entire playstyle

The video summarises all my thoughts, but in short:

  • Guardian angel prefers beam target is now gone ==> Massive playstyle change for some Mercy players.
  • New GA mechanics have killed off other techniques such as super bounce, backwards GA, no LOS GA, etc.

I feel like this is the wrong direction. Give more agency to the players rather than take it away for the sake of making GA tech more accessible.


I agree Dragon.

While the auto-superjump is certainly easy to pull off, in the process of adding it, they broke other movement tech.

The irony in the whole thing for me is that, those that like it because they couldn’t pull off a superjump the old way, and like the ease of use of this version, aren’t really doing a superjump. It’s just a cheap facsimile which lacks any of the control and options of the original.

And those that knew how to do the OG SJ realize that they have actually lost escape and movement options with this new “more accessible” version, and that it’s really a nerf.

I’ve read some comparing this change to Lucio’s wall riding changes, which made it infinitely easier to wall ride over launch Lucio. But that change didn’t make it so Lucio lost functionality in the process, in the same way this change to Mercy did.

Not to mention, Mercy didn’t need mobility changes. She’s the queen of it. And she certainly didn’t need Phara’s jump-jets IMHO.


Just to add on, while you can still technically do the old sj, its very difficult because the small window is now smaller and way more inconsistent. You also have to relearn a new playstyle and new movement. I like how Mercy’s movement flows, this feels awful.


That’s kinda the thing: You don’t have that flow like playstyle anymore. Want variable height on your jumps? Too bad. You get a set amount. I hope for a revert.


They just need to change it so you only continue your SJ while you hold in crouch and the second you stop you stop going up.


Easiest fix I can figure is just disabling the NewSJ if you are within 4m away from your GA target, or closer.

That way

  • UltraJump doesn’t work
  • All the old tech does work
    • And yes I know the old techs still work, but the timing window is currently even more severely small.

And then put a cooldown on NewSJ that doesn’t get reset until Mercy stands on the ground.

I’d bet on further changes to it, and fixes to hitting the skybox.

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I think it would be nice if they put a CD on it but also allowed for a key rebind so its not just solely on crouch. That would prevent spamming and also prevent it from messing with old SJ because you can rebind it on to something else. The biggest issue is console only has so many buttons they can use as is. Overall though, Id rather they just chuck it.

its not gone though, the settings menu is just bugged to all heck and shows all the options invisible, all 3 options still exist, i know cause i spent the first few minutes of ow2 figuring out which of those 3 invisible options was which


So what alternate keybind would make sense?

Jump, or GA a second time?

Maybe holding GA during GA?

What? Im so confused all the video shows is someone who doesnt know that the settings for prefer beam target is still there…its just… not written in.

I could be wrong as i play with prefer facing target both in live and in beta so…


interact could work similar to how you have interact destroy translocator but prioritize teleporters, jump wouldn’t work since that’s already controlling the regular bunny hop

holding or pressing ga again wouldn’t work because of the toggle ga or hold ga feature already existing for guardian angel

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No like just have the option to rebind it. You can’t change it from crouch. Like just be able to change the keybind like in general. Whatever your crouch button is, is what will yeet you in the air. Just make it so you can chose what button you want to use.

I could see them wanting to allow both input methods in the options menu.

Angelic Accent Input Preference: [\/]

  • Use Crouch
  • Use Interact

But yeah, all the highly technical Mercy mains would use interact.

Good job.

Now they just need to figure out how to prevent UltraJump from going so high. But you’d think they could give it some vertical slowing effect if it goes too high.

back to this, here’s a quick video i just made showcasing all 3 still being possible


Its so odd how he didnt think to jus click and check…some people…omg customer service nightmare….


It is also odd how some people don’t watch the video and criticise. I told you explicitly I am on a friend’s account. I haven’t been playing the beta for 3 weeks like ya’all. I got told Mercy was changed and invited over to see. I recorded my initial thoughts and that’s it. It is still a still bad change regardless.

Right back to other games. I will come back next time the menu is fixed xD

Just chatting here Casey,

I was finding I couldn’t (it might have just been my old muscle memory in play).

I could do something that was 80% there, where I could jump at the GA target’s location, but I didn’t do a low slide (Sojorn stole that for some reason) to that target, and I only ever just shot straight up. Crouching at other points along the GA path never threw me in an arch up and over my GA target (in the same way hitting spacebar would with the OG SJ), it just jump-jets me straight up.

Or if I do manage an arc of travel, it still throws me waaaaay to high. So instead of say, bunnyhopping over a car and into a ground level room on the other side of it, I hit the second floor (or higher) window instead…/splat

The new SJ isn’t all downsides though, and it has some pretty interesting/fun interactions. But most involve doing things that will get me punished pretty harshly by an able Widow, Hanzo, Ashe, Sojorn, etc. But looping bridges over and over again is a laugh. Holding spacebar down and GA+Crouch while you look nearly straight down on someone sends you higher, and higher, and higher. So stuff like that is silly and repeatable.

Yaa it really messes with muscle memory and there is a shorter window to do it since you need to let go of crouch as soon as you tap it which makes it a lot more difficult and inconsistent. Like sure, lots of practice can probably make it easier over time but personally I have spent a lot of time building that muscle memory and I have no desire to relearn it all again.

New super jump I found myself being able to stall more by bouncing around but it feels super cheap and boring. I can sure consistently go up when I want to, but it doesn’t feel rewarding.

With the change it yeets you up and it’s way more predictable so hitscans are going to have a fun time while on the other end, flankers can’t do their job anymore.

I think the cons heavily outweight the pros unless you aren’t a Mercy player or you don’t care to learn Mercy.

It also just feels bad.


well, 2/3rd’s of the video is majorly about something that isn’t true, and of what remains of your video, half is going to be patched out with bug fixes/balance patches and the like most likely, and the other half isn’t really… anything people disagree with? at most you’ll get people saying its still possible, which to my knowledge 100% is its just harder to pull off and about everyone I’ve seen isn’t opposed to making it easier to differentiate or make it easier to use the old stuff again

there isn’t really anything to really bite into and criticize only really correct false things that make up the majority of it

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