OW2 Mercy has killed off an entire playstyle

I’d like an option to have one button you press that prefers the beam target and another that jumps you to whoever you’re looking to go to. Having to choose the way it acts janky is a bit dumb to me.

they arent entirely separate button presses, but the option exists, the prefer facing target option in the mercy specific settings menu has it so that if you’re beam is connected to someone but you arent directly targeting someone, ga will go to the beam target but if you are directly facing someone you will fly to that person instead, play with it some in the training range and see if it works for you

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this is stupid, the option IS there but the actual menu is bugged, just select one of the options and try it, there’s 3 all you gotta do is try each and see that it’s actually still in the game, I know it cuz I play Mercy with the combination of both so I jump to allies without seeing them all the time

That said, this is why people hate Mercy mains, everything is rant about how much of a victim you are, stop it, if you can’t find something ASK about it, don’t just come here and complain


Most of the video is just straight-up wrong because you jumped to conclusions… you made a bunch of claims which can be disproven with the smallest amount of effort into researching them.


Honestly, no one cares about tech. If its made more accessible and without more restrictions for usage all the better.

I love being able to super jump at any time during my guardian angel compared to not such as obtuse requirements like being on the ground to activate crouch or having to superjump at a specific time during the move such as at my allies location.

The slingshot effect gave Mercy so much self-agency to being able to control more of her movement beyond where her allies decided to stand. Now, you gain another ability to control your flight off the huge restriction of being tethered to allies to even use the jump or slingshot effect.

… … I dont get it, could you elaborate how

oh you mean you like how his voice sounds? yeah he has a nice voice

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Um? What? Why would they do that?

All of them still exist.

Agreed, currently its so wonky I’m not even bothering to learn it as its just going to get changed immediately. No hope of it sticking around in its current iteration.

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Oh no, this news makes me very sad :disappointed_relieved: Mercy’s mobility tech is her drawcard for playing personally, it reminds me so much of Quake back in the day :older_man::older_man::older_man: where you feel like you are ‘cheating’ by exploiting the movement (bunny hops, rocket jumping etc) - a complex meta game in of itself.

Have not played OW2 so will have to see for myself, but this is just another negative to the game for me - hopefully they don’t ruin Lucio’s mobility too as his movement tech is also fun af in OW1

I almost exclusively play mercy and I have no idea what you’re talking about here…

All 3 ga settings are in the beta, and while the timings have become tighter, you can still do every old superjump tech you used to…

Backwards ga, however, was never consistent enough to be called real tech though.

This video shows you can still do all the old superjump tech, although you might have to make an additional ga binding if you use left control + left shift.


Everyone could pull it off if they put their mind to it, it wasn’t that hard. Let’s stop with this elitist fiction please.

Thank you - it speaks volumes that the OP didn’t know this. Thanks for the post btw, have to review it as I only just took up Mercy a few months ago thanks to HolyShiftKid.

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I would post something in the beta discussion if you can. Might need to use friends account. I don’t even play mercy that much, but I immediately brought up the issue that mercy’s new crouch cancel jump actually removes precision.

I think you do a better job explaining things than anyone else I’ve seen complaining about it.

That’s how you’re supposed to do it on live, too?

You don’t hold crouch down while you SJ. TAP crouch, GA/release crouch, jump. I never hold it down for more than a second anyway.

Nah, you can hold it down. That’s how much top Mercy players ik do it. Now you cannot and it’s way more inconsistent as a result.


GA prefers beam target is a substandard style, to change your course, in the case of someone diving backline, you have to change the target of who you are healing, or boosting. I’ve never meet a Mercy that used that version.

No i watch the video, its 2/3 you complaining about a feature thats not in game despite the feature being in the game, the fact that you made a full video on it instead of clicking on the button baffles me.

The other 1/3 you complain about how the game isn’t finished….pretty sure a fee of the comments on your video sum up my opinion.

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Point is, as long as you do not use your beam, it works just like other option. This allows quickly change direction of flight simply by switching beam on/off.

waaaaaaaaaaaait hold the hell up.

what the actual bull crap is this?!

that legit removes a chunk of GA mechanic use cases.

WTF blizz?!

GA mechanics is all she has left.

I don’t want to be forced to tunnel vision my beam target to GA and nor do I want to lose all my ledge positioning + ledge/obstacle momentum mechanics.

It’s a misunderstanding on OP’s end. The menu is glitched so it doesn’t show the settings.

TBH can’t blame them for thinking that. Usually when an option is blank, it means it’s unavailable.

But then I remembered this is Blizz.