[OW2] Make Mercy Wider + 1.5sec GA

the ga nerf was needed. she just need more nerfs


Omg this thread reminded me how ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE the OW hitboxes are. Who ever designed these hitboxes and thought they were doing a good job needed to have never been hired in the first place. They need to be reprimanded, fired, and shunned. Disgusting.

Meanwhile Ana, Bap, Moira have even more healing normally, without an Ult, than the fastest healing Mercy can do with her Ult.

After thinking about it, it’s become clear to me this whole change was an appeal to perception.

Mercy doesn’t die anymore than she did previously, so if played well she’s just as “unkillable” but since people are hitting her more they feel that she is far more vulnerable even though stats say she’s still as “unkillable” as she was before.

Since they’ve basically confirmed she was nerfed to balm the perception of her I expect further nerfs even more. Her healing is notably stronger when things get tough, uninterrupted in combat regen has always caught flak and while Mercy’s is conditional I still expect to see clips of a Mercy escaping with like 5hp because she had a target to heal until her attacker died and can feel the ensuing “unfair”, and Rez and Boost are still community pain points.

I’d genuinely give back the new passive, it’s kinda dumb anyway if you’ve got nothing to heal you need to hide to proc Supp regen while having less mobility and the same range to dip in and out meaning more standing around a corner with your beam off until you’re stabilized, the new healing, also dumb uninterruptible burst that only applies when under 50% hp is problematic if it’s strong enough to be noteworthy (maybe shifting it to be a range of hp %age and boosted hps %age could make it feel both more engaging and better since whittling someone down would eventually result in a hps drop), and eat a nerf to augmented GA to not feel clunky, sluggish and slow.

But it won’t happen. This is Mercy now unless something hits the devs out of left field.


I think a big part of it wasn’t so much the dying vs not dying, and more of her stall potential while being the only player on the objective.

Which is mainly just her survival potential during Valk, with the permanent regen and movement combined.

That, mixed in with Top500 players basically blaming Mercy players for why the devs can’t balance Sojourn after 8 months since beta #1.

If Mercy wasn’t meta because of Sojourn/Widow, hardly anybody in high ELO would care about her.

And if anything, a lot of the “perception” that Mercy is fixed now, is that they gigabuffed Ball. To directly counter Sojourn/Widow.

But the meta would immediately shift back to Sojourn/Widow if they reversed those Ball buffs.

Lmao I’m a Lucio one trick and after reading that I’d gladly take that opportunity to be completely unhittable.

Lmao Grey, you took my idea.

Mercy is a thicc! :joy:

I’d love an experimental on this to compare the death rate and to see if makes her frustrating to play or not.

You do seem to be coming up with good ideas.

But I don’t remember reading it.

You got a link for that?


Or.just revert to old superhump tech an d revert ga.

I can’t look at my comments past the 17th. But either way I don’t care, I was never going make a post anyways.

I’m too disorganized for making constructive posts.

Now I get to enjoy what people think of the idea which is what truly matters.

Also I like the majority all knows this changes on Mercy aren’t okay and should get tweaking one way or another.

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Also 1.8 seconds and personally no mercy player should make a peep. 1.8 is the min to make beam breakage and rez cut off.

You and I both know the devs are too sunk emotionally invested in the current GA system for that to happen.

Much less the tons of Mercy players that actually like the new system, vs the relatively tiny minority that were doing the old techs.

At best, all you’d get is something that makes SuperJump less effective when not near a teammate on the ground. To kinda approximate the old tech.

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You know what stinks.

Is that I knew this would happen. I knew the day they added old SJ tech as meter you can exploit at the touch of a button at ANY point in GA with omnidirectional movement was too powerful… and she’s be nerfed mobility wise later down the road. I called it and so did many others.

Unfortunately, I NEVER dreamed the Devs would be completely clueless and nerf the core of her kit which is GA instead of the new meter they added.

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What about nerfing the delay on Mercy’s health regeneration?

I remember when the devs originally shortened the delay on Mercy’s health regeneration passive from 3 seconds to 1. It made a massive difference to Mercy’s survivability, and this was BEFORE she had any GA tech.

Mercy’s survivability isn’t just her mobility, it’s also the synergy that it has with her health regeneration passive.

Thick thighs save lives.

Because literally none of the changes she got were acceptable. Regardless of what they did to her power level wise, all of her is even more team dependent than she was.

Seeing as that was already the largest flaw in Mercy’s kit, making it worse is a no go.

When they miss the mark that badly, they should expect to get called out on it.


“Kill Your Darlings” is an essential skill of any creator, and one that the Overwatch devs don’t have. It means that no matter how emotionally attached you get to your own creations, you have to be willing to leave them on the cutting room floor if they turn out to not be a good fit for the overall project.

The Overwatch devs are almost never willing to revert, nerf, or otherwise touch something they recently created, even if it’s causing a ton of issues.

They usually just force the older parts of the game to work around their new stuff, for better or worse. Usually worse.


I’m pretty sure they already tried that and it was a disaster.
Also you say that and then you complain it was hard to hit Mercy already? Which is it?

Sucks, but sometimes it has to be done.

I’ve previously suggested a lot of Mei nerfs, and the most recent Hog nerf, that came to be a thing.
And I main Hog and Mei.

Mostly because I could see the writing on the wall, and feared they could do a nerf that hurts the “gameplay feel” of the hero even more.

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