[OW2] Let's hope Junker Queen is designed well

Since these clips are “concerning” to say the least.

Long cast time, very obvious visuals and sound, cannot steer or cancel the ult. Easily countered by CC and Snipers.

Orisa spears can cancel the Ult… pretty much every time.

After a lengthy cast time, where she’s very vulnerable, the entire Ult is worthless for selfheal if she’s got AntiHeal on her.

How I would fix the above issue:

  1. Steering and Canceling is needed (i.e. Doom punch)
  2. Give her the “spinning melee weapon matrix” type ability Orisa has when the Ult is traveling forward
  3. All selfheals during her Ult are “Green Health” which is exempt from AntiHeal rules. And convert it back to white health at the end of the Ult.

I like the idea of the kit, but really have to ask why she got Brig’s ultimate as an ability, and Brig is getting a new one… seems off to me. No question she will start life in typical “Badman” fashion as OPAF.


Tbh, they are so close to something that actually would be quite useful against Snipers.

Right now she can boost a 200hp hero up to 300hp.
Where a Widowmaker then just headshots them for 300 damage.

However if they made it so Widowmaker’s base damage was 100, and headshotted for 250 damage. That would help a lot.

And they could push that even further by making it so that the Damage Boosts only apply to the bodyshot portion of a headshot. Such that it’s:

Bodyshot Damage 100 damage
30% damage boost 30 damage
Headshot damage 150 damage
TOTAL 280 damage

Would also go a long way towards justifying the 200hp buff they gave to Widow.
And address how the devs haven’t really done… anything… to reduce the power of ranged oneshots in Overwatch. Aside from armor, and more Dive comps.

And heck, even the removal of that +10% speed boost on DPS is effective another indirect Widow/Hanzo buff.


Incidentally, Orisa spears are going to be a huge problem for Pharah Ult and Reaper Ult, since they are basically just extremely easy ways to cancel the immobile channeled Ults.

Roadhog basically won’t get to do anything, given that Orisa can basically just cancel every hook and every TakeABreather he does. Like I can tell they knew this stuff would be an issue with his Ultimate. But really it’s his entire kit.

And that’s on top of all his worry about Ana stuff, and to some extent Sombra.

was watching that vid… a wind up??? … oh man lol

widowmaker, ana, sombra … yea

well i guess ill have fun as widowmaker when a tank is winding up w/o a shield. also cancelling ults as sombra is fun. maybe JQ is her new person to pick on

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Get a Mercy or Zen pocket with you, and enjoy chunking 390 damage off of her 425 health… with zero armor…

I have no doubt her ult will be adjusted. She’s far too vulnerable & it’s not nearly maneuverable enough

It may receive additional turning, some kind of immunity/resist while charging, not sure yet, but I doubt it’ll stay as is if it’s as vulnerable as it sounds


I’m actually okayish with the cast time issue. I just think if you can survive the cast time, it’s gotta be a lot more difficult to shut it down.

Basically this stuff:

  1. Steering and Canceling is needed (i.e. Doom punch)
  2. Give her the “spinning melee weapon matrix” type ability Orisa has when the Ult is traveling forward
  3. All selfheals during her Ult are “Green Health” which is exempt from AntiHeal rules. And convert it back to white health at the end of the Ult.
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Yea it sounds like she’ll need something. I’ll find out in a few days how it feels :smiley:

The queue times will likely be long… but hey at least I won’t have to fight a 2nd tank to play her :laughing:

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Here’s hoping they have No Limits up.
Since that’s the only way I can figure that queue times won’t be abysmal.

Even the dev, Jacob Rodriguez, points out later in the interview that he expects problems with the Tank Queue.


Heroes are designed from the ground up with particular ideas in mind.

For tanks, it’s how to make them Ana-food.


I feel like no limits isn’t a great way to really get a good feel for a hero.

Sure, you can play them, but you’re going to be with/against 9 others

I may do that at first just to get her mechanics down, but as far as seeing how the hero really feels I’d avoid the Junkerqueen 10 stack matches lol

I’d disagree, a lot of people just wanna get a quick feel for the changes. Get familiar with the buttons, ranges and timings.

And basically are going to treat this like a glorified “PTR on steroids”.

And for people who want a “Real” experience with the hero, it would be nice if they weren’t sitting in 25 minute queues.

I mean, a “Junker Queen Only” mode with some sort of health regen passive, would be pretty fun though.

Heck, they could even up the chaos and make it 6v6.

Also duh, no health regen passive needed, because she heals off bleeds.

Like I said, to get her mechanics down I get it, but to really get a good feel for how the hero is balanced within the game you need to play some regular matches with teamplay/combinations.

Like, how does she play alongside Reaper/Sym/Lucio/Moira & against Roadhog/Cassidy/Junkrat/Mercy/Ana? Or any other combination you can think of. The different matchups are such a huge part of determining balance

I totally agree. With the game essentially purchasable with the Watchpoint Pack giving instant beta access, hopefully queue times are better this time around (only way I foresee this happening is if the Moira/support changes are significant enough to draw more people to want to queue for them more.)

I wouldn’t be against it :laughing:

Imagine her ult bell going off constantly “ding ding!” “ding ding!” “ding ding!” “ding ding!”

Total Mayhem is going to be awesome in OW2 :smiley:

Lets not get ahead of ourselves :laughing:

The tank role would absolutely destroy everything that isn’t a tank

I feel like Devs are waiting to do an Ana rework. But either

  1. They don’t know what it is yet
  2. They are going to change Tanks instead
  3. They are waiting until the New Healer to come out, so people are distracted so they can do Ana nerfs without the big negative reaction.
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i am going to say her ult is going to be the worst in the entire game because of how easy it is to cancel/ she is so vulnerable during that hour long windup

Nb4 her whole kit is crazy strong and Ana is a must pick simply because she’s one of the only good options at countering her lol

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lol its possible but i do think any character with range will counter her pretty well, its just that ana will be the best at countering her, time will tell though, at least in the Q&A they said abilities like rock can counter her too up close