OW2 is BAD at rewarding performance

Credit to reddit. Copying a post there and tweaking/adding. It’s already got 12,400 upvotes so a lot of people feel this way.

OW2 is very unrewarding to the player

No medals to see if you are playing well compared to team mates at a glance

No longer able to be on fire to see if you are playing well

No leveling to see if you have played a long time/show off your knowledgebase and experience

No lootboxes as a gift for playing well (you would get more exp for winning: more loot)

No end cards to show yourself having played well

No player borders to work for or be proud of

No displayable rank in competitive to show your achievement and skill

New sound effects and soundscape doesn’t match with 6 years of the old sounds, so when you land the new shots, it sounds different and your brain thinks it’s not landing/something is wrong, leads to guns feeling “off”

Tab screen is a MESS. Left to Right setup with ults along bottom was so much better. Top to bottom team layouts should never be a thing.

Even the recent players menu (o key) is needlessly changed and convoluted to show 15 players total across 1 and a half matches, leading to confusion

You can’t even discuss wins or things with your team mates/enemies as long as before, the match chat closes midway thru the after-match stuff

OW2 is a prime example of fixing something that isn’t broken.

Like others have said below, things like the UI are far worse in every way. I feel like they changed stuff just because it was a sequel and they felt they “had” to, to justify it being a sequel.
#IfItAintBroke :face_with_head_bandage:


A demonstration that the original OW dev team is no more, IDK who are the current “devs” but maybe they need to return to Farmville or the others Facebook game they original developed. Pure amateurism.


every aspect of the ui was made worse. it’s incredible. nothing feels as satisfying as its ow1 counterpart


At some point in the development process,

they HAD to have just started changing and remaking parts of the game simply because it was a “sequel” and they felt they had to change everything

…which made a lot of things worse


I agree with a lot of these, but a couple are off the mark.

Medals led to players thinking they were doing well when they weren’t because they are only in comparison to your team.
Genji has ‘gold damage’ but doesn’t realise that it’s actually low compared to the enemy team. Someone says “Genji isn’t working here, can you switch please” and the Genji feels irritated because “I HAVE GOLD DAMAGE”

Now you can see that you’ve done 600 damage on Genji, while your opponent has done 2000 on Ashe. You’re lagging behind and it’s reasonable to be asked to switch.

I had to create this account because my first account got too high levelled and I was being abused for it every. Single. Game.
If we won the enemy would flame me for ‘smurfing’ because I was a diamond border in plat.
If I lost my teammates would flame me for being a hardstuck plat with a diamond border. Like they thought they had a secret OWL player on their team or something.

Not to mention that all bronze border accounts were accused of being smurfs because “there’s no such thing as a new player”

Fine if they bring borders back, but there needs to be an on/off button for those that don’t want to display it.


I like the new scoreboard system but I’d like to see some medals or stats at the end of the match.

Besides potg show me a Top 3 MVP podium type thing, with the best players.

Interrupted a couple ults?
Saved your team?
High kill streak?

Show something.


Man, they don’t care.
Do you know what they care about? Look at this comment
“The companies are greedy indeed, but there are plenty of rational ways to reap more from players. I’m even happy to buy some ultimate battle pass with 30$ (of course with triple contents) every season than this.”
They don’t need your fun, they’re need this man


Can we also mention how f broken the potgs are? They initiate when half the play is over already. No cards. No one gives a s anymore.

And the matchmaking…

I begrudgingly played with a long time friend tonight. In several instances at point blank range my projectiles were not registering. I don’t know what sorcery bs they changed but i can’t even aim properly anymore it seems. (Yes i turned off aim smoothing and turned on high precision… little to no difference…)


Well at least give medals at the end of the game to reward those with outstanding performance. The top dps, the top tank, the top support. The end of the match feels so incomplete now. It’s just potg and that’s it. You can’t compliment your teammates for jobs well done because you can’t even see the scoreboard after the match. You may not know how anyone did so you can endorse them, unless of course I navigate to my replays and start mucking around in their clunky UI and such just to find stuff. It feels so unfinished and unsatisfying and boring. No excitement to see your card come up. It’s all gone.

They even could’ve made unique card designs as a background for our medals that we could buy or get in battlepasses. A monitization opportunity wasted.


Made a thread about promoting sportsmanship and how blizzard fails to do so with OW2.
Feel like it touches on a lot of the same things.
OW2 is just another shooter by a company that befell greed where all the people who makes games are slaves to people who loves to make money, but hates good games.


This might be a hot take but I could care less about everything OP mentions, all I want is fun and somewhat balanced games, victory is just the cherry on top.


I just want the stat tracking to work again, that was always my reward.

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I take it you’re a DPS main then…


This is pretty much useless. It’s the flow of the game that matters.
I won matches where the enemy team had 2x our whole score.

They have a reason to exist only if customizable.
People often get toxic and insult you for being high level on low ranks or quickplay.

This is actually an issue. There’s nothing to collect for f2p players.

You can’t even group up with your team for the next match. Even “Find a group” is pretty much dead.

Considering soloq is quite a terrible experience, they should incentivize grouping up.


Absolutely not, I have thousands of hours on support and tank while I barely have a few hundred hours as dps.

Yeah I agree with what you’re saying. Having a medal system during play is the only problem for me.

End of a match feels totally incomplete now yeah, and I can only endorse someone if something they did in the match is memorable - a mercy that took care of me all match, or a tank that steamrolled the enemy tank. Otherwise most matches I totally forget to endorse.


Yeah thats the thing, its a “fake” reward.
It doesnt equal outstanding performance. Getting gold on a losing team doesnt mean you performed well or that you were even above average comparing to those on your rank playing your role.

Medals were absolutely awful and needed to go. Scoreboard is 10x better.
No participation trophies, your stats are there, thats what should matter. And the Victory of course.

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This. Entirely this. I don’t come out of matches or games where I win even feeling good about having done a bit better than usual like I did in OW1.

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All they care about is if they make the lack of rewards so grueling that you pay them money just to instantly unlock the things you should be able to earn.


I think you’re talking about in game medals.
I think trilly is talking about the end of match medal cards post POTG, like 32% of teams damage done that you can vote on, etc.