[OW2] How should Widow be nerfed?

If I remember correctly, I thought I heard Blizzard is including movement acceleration in OW2, so that wouldn’t be nearly as much of a problem in OW2, BUT please don’t quote me, as I may be talking out my butt.

Was counering hanzo and widow as Ashe in gm during double sniper meta. Playing hamster into it was free farm. Widow is very limited and easy to ouplay, have all weaknesses in the world, becides oneshot cappability which requires tons of practice. If widow can define match outcome, that is player’s achievement, not a hero.


I personally am in favor of the increased charge time sniper shot, but I Imagine they’re going to go with how well she gets flanked as their Plan A for the OW2 maps.
Maybe a lens flare when she pops her ult would be useful too, give away her position then get outta there. Less camp-y.

As a Mercy player, if our Widow is getting dove, I know to jump to her immediately. Sometimes I’ll even take shots for her if she is taking a bit more than I can heal to keep her alive.

It isn’t hard to keep Widow up if the supports actually pay attention to her, which, let’s be real, doesn’t happen all that often, even in GM. LOL


Ah yes, counter snipers with other “basically snipers”, or forfeit all of your tank lineup to go chase 1 of potentially 2 snipers.

I agree with it, but you can also pocket many other heroes who can kill both you and widow, the only counterplay for that would be retreat out of advanced positioning which is the general point of counterplay here (pressing)
One annoying hamster could be farming this widow making this 1v2 at his favour just because widow can’t do anything with this freaking ball. One Ashe pocketed by mercy can onetap widow up to 40m which is pretty long distance. Pocketed hanzo or genji can do the same, soldier or tracer with right movement is very hard to hit and they both can outdamage your pocket, also there could be a lot of dive combinations of heroes who will just kill pocket and widow right after. If you’d say that it is not hard to keep your widow up, that doesn’t mean pressing will stop and enemy team would let her play. ANd that way, not even killing widow will win the game for this annoying hamster or solo dive attemts so widow will just switch.

Read this above, 45 thousands of messages and you still didn’t learn basics of this game, imagine how stubborn you are.

My idea is that they decrease bodyshot damage significantly but increase the headshot multiplier. There’s no reason for a hero that can already oneshot most heroes in the game to also be able to twoshot bodyshot those same heroes.

Example: bodyshot damage is 50, maximum (we’ll get to that) scoped headshot multiplier is 5x. That way it’s still possible to oneshot heroes up to 250HP with headshots, but punishes bad Widows who can’t consistently hit headshots.

Second step is to slightly rework the charging system. Instead of having charge directly ramp up the damage, it’ll now ramp up the headshot damage, into 3 levels. Level 1 is 2x multiplier (100 damage headshots), Level 2 is 3x (150 damage headshots), and level 3 is 5x (250 damage headshots). This way you can choose if you want to go for quickscopes to chunk down enemies, or wait for the instant kills.

With what we’ve heard/seen about the amount of cover in the new maps, I’m not sure she should be nerfed.

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I’m thinking they probably go the other direction.

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I mean, all your comment is that Overwatch is a strict tactical shooter, which is dumb.

Go play CS:GO if you think that.


Remove her arms so she has to use her feet to aim

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I think having high bodyshot damage isn’t such a good idea. If you’ve already got a higher than normal headshot multiplier the idea would be to make the Widow player work for their kills instead of just being able to spam bodyshots to still do a respectable amount of damage.

I have an idea, how about they don’t nerf characters not even in need of nerfs? If anything, it would be better if they reverted several of her nerfs with the new characters coming in. I would at least lower her grapple cooldown and give her back a reasonable 200 health pool.

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With your suggestion there is zero reason to pick Widow over any other dps.

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Who said that wasn’t the plan? :smirk:

Yeah clearly. Y’all could admit you wanna delete Widow instead of trying to pass off awful balance changes lol.

The devs just need to look at hitscans as whole. The only reason Widow isn’t played a lot right now is because McCree is just more overtuned than her. Nerfing McCree would probably just lead to Ashe being played, nerfing Ashe would just lead to Widow being played. Every balance patch has just devolved into “which hitscan is going to be OP this month”.

You can’t win with hitscans, you’re going to be forced to endure one either way.

Honestly that is my biggest fear of OW2. I just don’t believe the devs have it in them to nerf DPS properly for 5v5

Not my problem if you read between the lines only and speak out of context right after. Tactical shooter’s state is way further in depth than owerwatch can bring out. There are so many movement mechanics to abuse to mock the widow, but I bet nor you or widow knows about it at


Please, stop talking bro, and go practice it will solve your issue with widow and game perception overall.

Unless your suggestion is to delete hitscan thats not gonna change.

There is always going to be a top dps. Hitscans are valuable. But if they trash the hitscans and projectiles become the best then everyone is just gonna complain about projectile.

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