[OW2] How should Widow be nerfed?

One big elephant in the room with OW2 is how they deal with Widow.
(And Ashe and Hanzo)

When there’s going to be a lot less barriers in the game.

Any ideas what they should do?

  • Less attack
  • Less defence
  • Less mobility
  • Stronger counters

Headshot multiplier needs to go for a start. She shouldn’t be pumping out 300 dmg headshots when there’s only 1 tank. Tone it down to 2.0x

Increased charge up time also could help.


For every successful headshot, you also headshot yourself


Lower rate of fire.

I think good players should still be able to do tremendous things.

But we don’t need one shot kill heroes to be casting a wide net.


Wow… ok… that’s rude :frowning:


maybe making her reload after every shot or/ and lower hp

looks at name

Wait how is this possible…


Missing will cause you to explode and be removed from the match

  • Increased recoil when firing charged shots. Let players recenter, not the game.
  • Increased flinch when taking damage while scoped. Reticle only moves one head-length when taking damage
  • Increase headshot Multiplier, drop weapon damage. Headshots should be rewarded but non fatal hits should only do 70 damage, with full charge, unassisted. Only 200 HP characters or less should be 1 tap when shot in the head.
  • Charge time to max damage increased, you can relocate if you are worried about being dove on.
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It depends on how the general balance will be.
What should not be ignored are the new maps, yes they are very open, but also have a lot of flanking options, which helps Widows Counter a lot.

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They can up strong counters to force some players to switch if widow is too overbearing.

Also, all hero’s will likely get a damage nerf because of the 5v5 format.

I doubt they’ll get rid of her headshot thingy entirely in the end she is a sniper

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As this game will become more skill-based 5v5 shooter, you should accept reality of difference maker instead of rock-paper-scissors mode. Dps would be game changers now, and who have better aim will decide match outcome, that how it was at earlier ow seasons, that how it should stay, but tanks became op and ruined this game.


So aim drift, aim punch, and a reload after every sniper shot?

But will she need to be nerfed if the map design changes? Every map in the game right now favors her in some way if there aren’t barriers in the way

With one tank I don’t see why Widow headshots should do more than 250 damage. She should probably go back to a 2x headshot multiplier and if she really needs it, 125 damage shots.

remove headshot one shots

Kinda like how ashe is, 2 shots would even up the playing field

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No, fast motion dynamic shooter with a-d crouch spam evasion, flying narutas over your head, dashing around, doing backflips, hanzo’s with non existent critbox,tracers with increased movement speed and tiny model. All these you have to hit and use to not get hit, natural covers and corect peeking corners are included. Afk scoping as ana, peeking corner with wrong timing, not aware - dead by a reason. Cant aim, using braindead heroes - here u go again.

Could be used if bodyshot kills, not just tickles giving up your positioning with huge telegraphed line.


Oor they just nerf Widow to the point that she’d just another DPS, and doesn’t entirely define the game.

Which largely means balancing her around her GM/OWL potential.

how about geeeeeee, idk BUFF FLANKERS TO HAVE MORE OF A CHANCE, genji and doom are still trash with 90 counters