OW2 has over 50 million active users

And yet MM can’t fill the lobby without putting Bronze and Diamond, Masters and Gold together in competitive?

Source: https://gamingbolt.com/overwatch-2-reportedly-has-over-50-million-active-users


Quick play? That’s gonna happen with no group restrictions. I just assume any time anyone talks about matchmaking, we’re talking about QP.

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Forgot to mention, but I’m talking about comp and this indeed happens on comp. This situation would get more reports if private profiles weren’t a thing, but I saw this happening many times.


Yea I would like more transparency on nonsense like you’re talking about from the devs. They’re aware of what you’re seeing. I dunno how a bronze is ever in a game with a masters unless they’re both smurfs and/or off-role-ing


I am seeing absolutely wild match rankings swings, from low golds to masters regardless of w/l. Way more than normal imo. Basically for the last 2 weeks.

Low sample size though because I don’t play much…

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Saw Greyfalcon post this on Reddit (guess we’re not good enough for him anymore :sweat_smile:)

Just a reminder that despite everyone’s complaints about matchmaking, and balance, and poor additions to the game, and deteriorating game quality……etc etc

As long as people are spending in the shop blizz wont care….they have ZERO reason to actually change anything


Yep. This.

Fix the matchmaking? Sure, right after they get the next 10 season’s worth of cosmetics ready :unamused:

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press X Doubt.

OW2 cannot have 50 mio active players if Blizzard as a whole had only 26 mio Monthly active Users in Q2 of 2023, and that before/during the PVE cancelation.
Linked In is also not a trustworthy source for such Informations.

50 mio unique Users since Launch sounds more realistic, but then again Overwatch had over 60 SOLD copies.


System deliberately broken to deadlock “engagement.”

I don’t know who’s the worse scumbags , activision blizzard, ubisoft, or Konami?

I was tired and playing Palworld.


How is it?

Guess I’ll have to play Valheim, and botw to get the full picture. Thanks though.

You just making stuff up too? lol

“For the quarter ended June 30, 2023, overall Activision Blizzard Monthly Active Users (MAUs)D were 356 million.”

it’s also generated 225 million according to their LinkedIn. Which isn’t shocking considering

:billed_cap: :billed_cap: :billed_cap: it’s just a ploy to get you to think that the game is thriving and doing well. considering the fact that no matter where you go for feedback and reviews on this game, it is overwhelmingly negative.



Maybe that was the issue at launch, but from what I’ve seen that “issue” is few and far between and/or relegated to QP (as it has been since OW1).

However, 50mil active seems like a pretty wild stretch.

Overwatch most definitely does not have 50 million active users.

It probably has less than 200,000 active users and that is split between many regions and platforms. It doesn’t surprise me that it can barely find people at a particular MMR for a particular platform for a particular region for a particular game mode.

Active users isn’t even how many are on at any given time so it is pulling from a much smaller pool.

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well since free there could be a substantial amount of alt accounts. i kind of suspect a lot of “users” have way more than one account

overwatch tho is a big game and it wont die till they shut the servers down, also i forsee sequels or upgraded type games in the future. maybe?

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The reason OW2’s 50 million users cannot play with everyone else in game is because of their internet connection / ISP. Many subsets of those users can only be in the same game if they fall within the allowed latency range or each other – anything higher means increased rubber-banding and horrible lag. So yes, latency directly affects available match making options. If you are actually in the top 25% of the world’s players but can only match up with other top 25% players, then you might only get a gold ranking even though it should be dramatically higher when benched against the whole global player base. But there is no way to know until global network lag is completely eliminated, and that may never happen.

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