OW2, Gollum, Redfall, Forspoken, Darktide, etc

No difference between people who vote 0s and paid shills.


is, is that a joke? look at the ow community. people are leaving in record number and player counts are crashing. everyone has lost faith in this game. The General Populous seems to agree the game is garbage, bro.


Thats why they are getting paid to do so, its their work to develop good games and not just lazy cashgrabs

If you think a 1.5 is accurate then why do you guys still play the game every day and post about it 24/7? You either secretly like it and this is all an act, or you suffer from mental disorders.

My suspicion is that for the singleplayer games, the studios are essentially “soft cancelling” the games, rushing out whatever they already had done to cash in. Why would you want to waste your developers on a singleplayer game when they could instead rush out the 5 millionth live service game

All of those reviews were written under the impression that the game would be receiving a PvE mode that got cancelled


I only was here in hope it get better.
But now I am only here to see the excuses of some fanboys/shils and laugh about it.

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It’s because people are mentally challenged and are pre-ordering trash, and spending their salary on microtransactions. Devs are basically allowed to released unfinished garbage.


It’s the 11th most played game on Xbox and currently has more Twitch viewers than Zelda TOTK.

The general populous seems to like it. This forum is a minority opinion from stockholm syndrome sufferers and people who treat Overwatch like an ex that dumped them.



Why dont you compare it with LOL or CSGO? Why are you comparing a single player game against an online PVP game?


Overwatch isn’t as popular as LoL or CSGO. Those are literally the 2 biggest games in the world. That doesn’t mean it’s a failure like you want it to be.

You even made a name with a new hero from OW2 in it, so don’t pretend you aren’t playing it every day. The jokes write themselves with you guys.

OW2 does NOT deserve to be on the same tier list. It is not a complete garbagefire

Overwatch viewers dropped from 600k 6 months ago to 31k right now.

CS:GO on the other hand is like what, 8 years old and still breaks records…

OW2 is not a financial failure since there are still tons of whales throwing money at Bobby, but when you compare its numbers from half a year ago and now… it kinda is a failure.


An OW fan’s take on a game the Warhammer community is quite fond of.

People were interested in watching the new gameplay changes. Of course now that the game is actually out most people would rather play it than watch it.

Your name is Nick3extreme2. You’re either 12 years old or too broke to pay for a name change.

wow run out of arguments kid? having to result to insults bro?


And? Doesnt change the fact that OW 2 is a flop compared to OW 1, i didnt wanted OW 2 to fail otherwise i wouldnt make another account dedicated to Kiriko, however that was when we were promised to have a higly replayable PVE content and not whatever watered down Archives we are gonna get, but yeah keep simpinh for the multibillion dollar company, maybe they’ll share the stolen milk with you

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eh, only thing we got after half a year were a few more weapon variants. The big content update they’ve been teasing is one map w/ recycled assets and a recycled enemy from Vermintide. The crafting system is still the most egregious time sinks I’ve ever seen, pure rng stacked atop rng.

It’s a shame because the combat is pretty solid. Played a lot of damnation on my oggie, but I’m running out of copium.

The fun thing is that people now can get all 3 of the Batman arkham series games and DLC altogether for just $5 with the arkham collection. Still some of the best games ever made. You can also find Jedi Fallen Order for $5 on steam sale.


It’s making more money than OW1 ever did. It has more players than OW1 did at the end.

I know you’re fuming over PVE getting axed, but the majority of players only care about PVP. You’re just going to have to accept that you are the minority.