OW2 Doom just isn't fun

Sounds like some of you just want him to be a damage and are not open to him being a tank

they are working on him, its an early test for a redesigned hero

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weird how roof camping doesn’t even work well in masters + whilst punch botting does…
epic knowledge on the hero!

I guess.

Generally I’d say if you want changes, you’re gonna need to figure out what design goals the devs have then figure a more fun version that fits with that.

But basically just spamming “Revert” is not going to do you much good.

I.e. Mass Rez Mercy mains

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His damage feels too low and his cooldowns are too long. He’s a snorefest because he never feels like he’s actually doing anything.

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Every other tank in this game has a faster burst than Tank Doom unless Doom calls for the aim of the Gods and Hand Cannon to death.

Also it’s not as much as you think and if you play Doom you will see that. Getting high ground quickly, comboing abilities together on short cooldowns is where the majority of his fun is located.

Also Ball does the exact same thing but does more damage but people don’t consider him assassin.

Devs don’t really have goals and what ideas they set in motion we are never known of, they base goals on what players say and act accordingly. That’s how we got Pillowfist.

Also the mass rez group have been very vocal on why they want it reverted even gave ways of how to make it work and it made experimental and alot of mercy players had a blast. My wife’s friend even came back.

But that’s the thing.

That aspect sounds like a solvable problem.

I.e. Not lethal enough.

With perhaps the most direct approach being more damage/accuracy on the shotgun.

thats the thing with a role rework i guess. would probably be the same if symmetra or echo becomes a support someday. just wouldnt feel the same

i wonder how people feel about orisa’s re-work?

… I already listed the changes that could work instead of what we have rn in the beta.
doesn’t look like a “revert” to me :man_shrugging:t2:

Handcannon fist is one of the main reasons why current Doom is boring.

You keep putting more power into hand cannon and you get a mediocre brawler and better off just playing Zarya.

Majority of players want power directed away from cannons and back into gauntlet.


As far as I’m concerned, if you’re not making posts that look like well formatted patch notes, written so that they hook with short attention spans before they get into the details, with a problem/solution/result focus. You’re kinda wasting your time.

Unless you’re just workshopping ideas before those steps.

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Doomfist on OW2 is basically a simpler version of is former self and is pretty much a Winston with a very short cooldown knock back.


I want more damage yes. Because currently you feel as if you are doing nothing until you land three head shots with hand cannon. Everything else he does is so weak and useless.


So given the current OW2 design, how would you remix it, to better suit your preferences?

as far as I’m concerned you have 20 minutes on the hero, have notoriously bad takes on the forums and you’re silver. get out the thread, stop wasting everyone’s time.

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Tbh, salty temper tantrums aren’t gonna get you anywhere.

Also I mean what I said above.

Just spamming rage into the comments might be therapeutic, but you’re never going to sway dev opinions with that.

But hey, just giving you some constructive feedback. If you wanna choose impotent rage over getting things fixed. That’s up to you.

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Made this back in Dec 21. My idea still stands

This thread is a disgusting hotbed of toxicity. It’s “I’m right, and no one else’s experiences matter because they don’t love OW1 doom as much as me.”

I adore OW2 Doom. I do think his lethality needs to be buffed on his empowered punch, it feels not rewarding enough when it’s landed. As I’ve played him more, I’m learning that he can be quite lethal if you land everything.

Please, feel free to look at my abysmal playtime on OW1 Doom and say I’m stupid and wrong.

But I could never get into OW1 Doom. He felt too feast-or-famine. You either go in and murder someone and MAYBE get out, or you get absolutely blown up. Now that he’s got staying power, I find him much more enjoyable, and will likely play him a lot going into OW2 where I would never play him in OW1.

His power block feels very strategic. It’s a lot of his survivability, and a 90% damage reduction has uses that spear spin / DM don’t–it also works on beams, flails, melee weapons, and all the rest. Being vulnerable to CC feels fair for the trade off that NO damage will get through it.

I don’t like old Doom. I find new doom extremely fun and rewarding and he will likely become a mainstay in my tank rotation.

Now please, feel free to tell me that my preferences are totally invalid.

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K, well then make an upgraded repost of that.

Devs aren’t gonna be digging up posts from 6 months ago.

He probably could use more, i also think they should look at power block for some changes too

I can see him being a good fun tank overall with some tuning, this was an initial test

Ive seen worse threads than this lately but yeah your post could describe the ow2 feedback on this forum in general lol

People over value their own opinions, if they dont like something then its clearly 1000% wrong and blizzard is a bunch of incompetent bums for not sharing their specific view